Why do fags get so offended by the word fag?

Why do fags get so offended by the word fag?

I'm white, straight, male etc. I wouldn't take offense if somebody called me one of those so why are fags so sensitive about it? Bullies go for easy targets and with faggots being so delicate they're easy prey

Just my 2c

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I remember middle school

Fag is short for faggot, a bundle of sticks. The euphemism is bundles of sticks are burned to ashes.

Probably cause they grew up being called faggots so now as adults they can stand up to it
It's not difficult to understand even if you disagree with it. But I guess you never went through that being straight and white

I don't get offended by it, and refuse to have ties to the community because they get so triggered when its a word

Shut up, wop.

You’re a shit-eating cum goblin but you’re fine with being called that right?

Fuckoff faggot

I dont mind being called awesome either.

the one gay guy i know finds the word faggot humorous and used to say it around uptight people to make them uncomfortable

Also checked

You fuck off ass clown

Op is a faggot

I’ll fuck off all over your ass bitch

Are we supposed to be offended by faggot again? Did I miss a memo? GODDAMNIT Matilda you're supposed to keep me abreast! Where's my Outrage Scarf? Damn it, you str8 bois need to learn hanky code already. My Fag Flag says call me faggot. Here's my number.
Oh. And OP's full of shit, honey.

You can't afford it

It hurts because it's true. They can't handle the truth that they're hellspawn here to do satan's work.

Oh I wouldn’t be paying fag

the more you know, now stop being a faggot and go have gay sex.

Honey, we leave that to the Temple of Set... It's a union thing.
Our agenda is a Chicken in every pot, and Two Hotdogs in every Bun!

What a surprise, a white straight male who isn't part of a certain group deciding for that group what he thinks should or shouldn't be offensive. You don't get to determine for others how they should feel asshole.

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Don't be too rough on them, hon. I bet they don't even know how to match their belt to their shoes.

Maybe you should try getting uncucked. Why anyone would defend this tranny culture is beyond me.

Shut up nigger

The gays are disgusting who cares what people call them

Honey, "Cucking" is a 'straight' thing, apparently. We watch our boy fuck another boy, it's only because we're busy fucking his best friends, and there aren't enough holes left at the moment.

faggots who get offended by being called fags are bitches t. Faganon

This, I openly mock the LGBT community and get away with it because I'm gay. It's like having the nigger word pass but for colossal faggots.

-Or Fronting Butch to impress a bitchboi.

Professionalism is win. First principles Clarice.

aww come on sweetie you’d love a big fat hairy dick up your ass making you squeal

If you can't mock your own, what fun is there in mocking others? Though mocking myself is like picking on a low-hung fruit.


But I'm not

different guy

in short:
I work with a gay guy. I also work with a faggot. The gay guy agrees he is a faggot. also you don't have to be gay to be a faggot. ffs...

lets hook up then faggot

Okay, show of hands! Who on Sup Forums hasn't been called a faggot at least once?

I have cancer and everyone laughs when I make jokes about other dumb fucks with cancer. But if someone else had made that same joke hey would be fucken lynched Kek,
Life is good.... fo the next 6 months anyway.

It's derogatory. Yes you would.


Sure thing m8

Beat the cancer with your fists

>beat cancer with your fists
Unless you're Chuck Norris. That could be fatal if you don't rip out the cancer first.

Kill yourself you faggot bitch

You're wrong. It's because carrying faggots away from logging camps was women's work.

-The Original Fag Hags!


I'm 90% on this being sincere, because it reads like a man that uses that learned faggot voice.

Guys shut it down he's 90% sure. Thanks man really good post. You saved us so much work.

If your idea of fun is wiping your boyfriend’s shit off your dick after you’ve fucked his boipussy then I reckon being called names isn’t the worst thing that’s going to happen to you today.

Man up, buttercup.

Brother I could go as far as 93%, no higher, I can't afford the hit to my reputation as an honest rapier stab spammer if I'm wrong

Only self-hating closet cases seriously call it "Boi Pussy." It's ass. Love it or don't love it; It's not mandatory. Dicks fit just fine in throats, too.
But you're entirely right otherwise.

Fags love having their own version of nigger. If they didnt then they wouldn't have called out south park as homophobic when they tried to recontexualize it to mean an inconsiderate, self-absorbed, asshole. Same as the word nigger back in the 90s, there briefly it was used to refer to lower class thugs by many black comedians before it got nixed by people complaining. In both cases people from the group the word originally targeted claimed it was merely an attempt to obfuscate bigotry, not end it.

2 genders


because people are extremely sensitive faggots these days

why are incels so concerned with dumb strawmen?