At least 11 are dead so far - including 6 cops - during violent protests in Ethiopia's northern city of Gondar. Gondar is a critical supply depot for Ethiopia's military deployment along the Eritrean border. North Ethiopia uprising incoming?
IT'S HAPPENING!!! (Africa edition)
>Implying it's not ALWAYS happening somewhere in Africa
>Implying this is relevant
it looked a lot better in the movie
Literally nobody cares, it's fucking Ethiopia.
Nice try, faggot.
Saying there's violence in Africa is like saying Pajeet pooped on the street. It's not a happening.
It's always happening in Africa.
We should have daily/hourly Africa happening general threads when and if things are slow.
its fucking ethiopia who cares
top jej
You know what's not happening in Africa?
Anything that's worth noting.
this!!! ahhh fuck I support this very much
>(Africa edition)
9 skinnies trying to pick up a garbage can to throw at something....yawn
>throwing rocks
Way to excel
>11 dead
Isn't that a daily occurrence in African countries? no one cares
Time to wipe this meme from the earth. May Ethiopea regain its coastline
Gondar is fucking op, snipe the courier
Fun facts
>Ethiopians are caucasoids from Yemen tribes thousands of years ago
>there are ruins of ancient civilizations deep in their forests
>the climate is relatively cool and wooded because Ethiopia is mostly mountainous
>the Ethiopian church is is one of the oldest forms of Christianity
>People are being murdered en masse in Africa
Wow no way. In other breaking news, black male / white female couples are on the rise.
Ethiopia is Israel's and ally against Eritrea and USA'a ally against Somalia.
Make a new thread when civilized people are getting rekt.
Africa is such a shithole that it'd take at least 2 nuclear bombs to make us call it a happening.
Everything below that is literally nothing.
Another interesting fact. Now it's run by niggers
>protesters didn't bring any sentries
Set fire to the entire continent and only George Cloony and Oprah would shed a tear.
Maybe Paul Ryan.
Post when it is a civilized country someone gives a shit about.
No one cares about niggers niggering in niggerland
wouldn't that city fall apart during an earthquake?
like actually just collapse?
Amen, brother. Humanity will kill to get back to Eden when SHTF.
Czech em