

According to official statistics
>one bad muslim
1 in 4
>one bad Christian
1 in 1,000,000
>one bad white man
1 in 1,000,000
>one bad black man
1 in 4
>one bad cop
1 in 1,000,000

Wait... Did they actually make a half-coherent image this time?
This can't be real

One bad Nazi does not equal all
One bad KKK does not equal all


>Occupy Democrats
Into the trash it goes

All white people are bad though

How about 50 bad Muslims?
How about 100,000 bad Muslims?

This is how we throw the wool over our eyes to societal problems in the 21st century.

funny how the same assholes who believe this shit are the first ones to shout "ban all guns!, you dont need em!"

Hypocritical fucks

Se les perdio polaputanidodefinition?

Nice source

But white people are still evil racists and have to pay for reparations, right?

Nah, all humans are bad.


Source: common sense

One bad racist does not equal all
One bad gun owner does not equal all
One bad Nazi does not equal all

Except next week it'll post 6 dozen pics about how white privilege causes people's toast to burn or some shit.

really makes me think


One poisoned consumable item does not equall all.

Honestly, this.

If people start to develop a negative opinion about a certain race of people, look at what's happening. Black males are causing a disproportionate amount of crime, so naturally one takes slight caution when confronted by a black male shuffling his feet and grabbing his crouch.

Same thing with Muzzos and terrorism. The only time I hear people say Islam is a religion of peace is straight after one of them commits mass murder.

>one bad muslim

With that logic, bears and lions are dangerous. I once saw a bear and a lion be nice to a human therefore all have the compactly to be nice. The belief that lions and bears are naturally prone to violence toward humans is just speciesist. Bears and lions eat humans every time they attack. In reality, this is about socioeconomics. We just need to feed the bears and lions more and they will be peaceful.

I must have skipped the meeting where being black/white is a set of ideas you willingly subscribe to

This is aimed at children right? So simplistic and asinine.