This is so frustrating. I was forced to become a NEET due to a genetic medical problem so I can't fight for Western civilization like the how I wish to or how the rest of you can. Because I'm a NEET I have no money and no weapons. I'm trying to get back to a position physically so that I'm not such a burden or that I can work again but I'm not sure how long that'll take. What can I do?
This is so frustrating...
Are you stuck in a chair or something?
Isolate yourself from the gene pool
Dude, its not genetic. Just stop eating 15000 calories a day and youll lose weight.
>genetic medicinal problem
So that just means you are fatass?
>muh thyroid gland
Interesting, I was forced to become a NEET also for a genetic problem. You see, I'm a white male with an engineering degree. Hiring me is absolutely permitting oppression because any success of mine is absolutely oppressive.
So I post on Sup Forums hoping that any persuasive argument I make can be recycled by someone with a stronger platform. I have always existed to benefit humanity, but when humanity refuses my true skill, I'm left shitposting.
Git gud at computers or something
There's plenty of other ways to make yourself useful
What do you have?
Don't worry OP, when we get rid of whatever is holding everything back, we'll find a cure.
gene editing
pre implantation genetic diagnosis
Google and read.
Get on the TV, internet. Etc and spread the news that designer babies are necessary. Because designer babies means more white babies.
>Muh disability!
Actually I was diagnosed with Spinocerabellar Ataxia- 8 and Cervical Dystonia a year ago. I'm slowly losing motor skills over time and my head slightly shakes from side to side which is very painful. I haven't gained much weight since I had to stop going to the gym but I'm working on it with body weight exercises. I can't handle too much unfortunately.
Because you have a genetic medical problem you are the perfect advocate.
>What can I do?
Kill yourself.
I don't plan on having kids unless genetic engineering gets good enough to eradicate my harmful genes. I'm only 23 so I wouldn't even think of having children for many years.
Make memes, troll lib faggots, even a crippled neet can be useful.
What are you good at?
Your life is forfeit. Might as well go out with style. Come to Sweden and kill as many politicians and journalists as you can. Go out in a blaze of glory!
Also white male engineer here, without a job. The only differences are I don't receive NEETbux and live in a thirdworld hellhole.
If cannot make cash
Make propoganda
I was hoping to start learning about programming or building computers soon. I hate feeling so useless.
I wonder just how much shit you have to have for brains that not buying weapons is a huge life problem.
Almost similar position. I'll be there soon, in a period of 4 months I've lost almost all mobility but I've managed to maintain a job after moving from full to part time mostly remote.
Fuck genetics.
Honestly depending of the country I would join the military...But in some cases like in US I would have to fight for kike interests. In my case in this shithole, I would be the only white there
>Be interested in something
>Can't partake in it because your health is shit
user. You do not understand his pain.
>Have been severely ill for most of my life
>Everything, every accomplishment has been done on nothing but pure willpower
I would rather be a positive force for my fellow white man and I can only do that while I'm alive.
Keep meming and contribute to the internet pop culture. We can influence the mind and will of a generation so keep up the good work. Through the modern social networking our place in history will be known.
Australia is not a welfare nation. It's not possible for me to receive welfare either without doing something ridiculous like pissing off recruitment agencies or applying for minimum wage jobs that I already know (from applying first year uni) won't hire me.
And I believe you, because Brazil is as much a left wing shit hole as urban Australia. Wherever you actually take left wing extremists seriously, the least powerful of the most significant demographic will be unfairly targeted. This is Marxism at its most pathetic, creating white male youth unemployment.
I'm an avid learner. I also have a degree in marketing but I don't like the idea of working that kind of job. I would rather use my sales experience in different avenues.
That's horrible, i will pray you can make the best of your life.
How does the genetic mutation cause the problem? I'm reading wiki and nih and all I can see it says is it's hereditary. What goes bad? Your neurons die? How?
>white male youth unemployment
You sound like an SJW
Try CBD oil if you're able to get some
>le weed man
I know, I know. Just try it.
You're a degenerate and you weren't meant to survive in nature. Do not reproduce.
The only reason I'm applying for social security is so that I can also be enrolled in Medicaid. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to partake in my many neurology and rehab visits. I am also not able to work anymore so I can't pay off my student loans. I really wish I could work even if it's a little bit.
Good point
Die in a fire, faggot.
How so? Has the mere mention of "white male" caused you to knee jerk about SJWs being around? Or do you need me to post the 101 articles saying hire more women in STEM and hire more minorities in STEM, as if not everyone can see the gap.
You could use your difficulties as something to bring atention to what you write or do.
You could learn languages online and start getting to know what people think all over the world (as weel as giving your opinion) in foruns
But first of all you should take care with this board, which is full of negativity. It sucks energy.
Hi kevin
>only 23
You think biology gets better with age?
Niggers and jihads and chinks are literal genetic faces and they don't stop themselves from procreating. Just do it.
If you can post on here you can work you pathetic piece of shit.
Maybe they can 3D print us some new body parts lol
Thank you
>not trying to take out the soros family with you
think big or don't think at all
I have a similar problem, i'm under 6ft. what do Sup Forums?
You should kill yourself and cleanse the genepool.. just in case.
Also...maybe there are black, brown and yellow people with the same condition out there. Don't you feel empathy?
Don't have the same health problems as you, but I understand. It's fucking hard watching people bitch and complain about how fucking hard their lives are when they don't even have to think twice about doing something. When basic fucking functions aren't a huge painful hassle.
I've had migraines since the age of 5. It took 18 years to find the fucking cause. People who never got headaches would tell me "It's just a headache, no big deal!".
They can't understand.
Good ideas. I was planning on doing most if not all of that already. I just can't allow myself to become an invalid in both body or mind.
I try to keep a barrier between myself and this board.
Depends, fellow monkey, many whites in Caxias's Army.
>tfw avoided the ENG meme
Just teach yourself programming and join us. The water's just fine.
learn to code.
I write SQL, I work with a wheelchair guy with one arm.
I wonder how the fuck (literally) that worked out
Did she just go on top, and he went on the bottom? Did she just lift him up by the body and somehow manage to use him like a living dildo?
I don't get it
Why dont you try to kill the powers that be? I am sorry to say that but you are probably going to be fucked in the future. If I were you I would probably try to kill them and die trying, better than dying slowly from disease.
I imagine a lot of 69, as well.
If there's one way to go without moving to the grove, it would be to work off the computer at home, either through stocks, programming (without having to go to an office, if at all possible), etc
im sure you get the idea
If people won't hire me with several programming projects, an extremely well written blog and a degree, who will hire me with all that and no degree?
The anti education meme is literally nonsensical.
I'm sorry user. I'm tyywebb on steam if you feel like talking.
That doesn't explain the kid.
By calling out affirmative action, he's an SJW? I smell bullshit
I probably should have cleared that up. My bad. It was passed on to me by my biological father's side of the family. Him and my grandmother have it as well. It affects your cerebellum which shrinks over time. I have a slower version of ataxia which I'm very thankful for. It takes away your ability to walk, vision, speech, swallowing and hand-eye coordination. Basically all motor functions. Luckily mine is not that sever so I might not end up in a chair. If it did get so bad that I was a vegetable then I would probably off myself.
Only 200,000 and 300,000 people in the US have this condition.
Thank you.
>a degree
>an extremely well written blog
lol no one cares
>several programming projects
Like what? Do they relate at all to the positions you applied for? Are they school assignments? Don't try to bullshit me, user.
I already do. It's called Charlotte's Web and was made for people with seizures. It helps.
Yes, they do, now shut the fuck up and stop trying to nit pick my problems. It's obvious you're coming up with ulterior reasoning rather than accepting the conclusion with fewest assumptions: HR don't want to hire white men to program.
That's not very nice.
Nope. Try again.
Nice trips, kek is here for you
Sorry to hear that, man. However though, with the way brain chips are improving, you could probably somehow become bionic or something on those lines
It sounds incredibly rediculous, but yet at the same time, they say that AI's will have technically become 'sentient' by 2039, so...
I dunno, man
That's rough, man. Just dye your hair black and over use a lot of spray on tan I guess.
I don't want to take the chance of passing on what I have to my children. I would never live it down being such a horrible person to my own kin. Besides, the world doesn't need more degenerates.
I have to lay down most of the time due to the immense pain that never working on it though.
So sorry
Make a business yourself with videogames, or whatever
Work on shit through the internet via either project per project contracts, or by a wage
Create an alternative to youtube, create an alternative to Microsoft, etc
There's a fuckton of things you could do through the internet alone, or even by yourself
What do you mean?
It's very difficult.
Migraines are a bitch.
Think fast
It's cute how easy you think that is. Don't be the guy who thinks he has answers, especially not when they're bad answers, in the end it's just another way to blame the guy with the problem.
This is easy for you. It's easy for you to say this is my problem.
That's what I'm planning.
I'd get every single symptom except the "auras". Including the hallucinations.
That first migraine, to this very day, remains the most painful thing I've ever experienced.
This isn't something I will die from. I'm still optimistic for my future.
That's the plan. I've actually been very interested in learning more about the stock market and bit coin but I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone help me or should I just ask /biz/?
I'm not sad but I would like an answer about how I can help with saving western civilization. I am so sick and tired of third worlders invading us and I have nothing but contempt for them.
Thanks for the offer to talk though.
I'm NEET too because of illnesses and had to lose my career which i had being making 40K after only 1 year, everything was going fuckikng great
now im on NEETbux (from charity not gov) and since the insurance i had when working is gone i have to try and get medicaid,
>bipolar type 2, add, anxiety
>GERD, Ulcers, IBS (because the stupid fuckiong doctors dont know why my insides implode everytime i eat so they call it IBS)
>pinched nerve on my back
I just want to help the world not be so fucking stupid and make them music as well
>cant function
>in pain when i eat
>i gotta eat
>cant have any auto nurtirion systems since my disorder wouldnt qualify for insurance coverage and now i dont have insurance
>fuck this world
How can I become a neet,I have no hereditary disease but I'm obese @ 350 lbs and 27 yrs old
First time I got trips.
Maybe I can pull off a Deus Ex
bro if you can fucking fucntion but its just hard because youre obese than fucking lose weight
>even tho i hate modern wage slavery, I want to do so much but i cant becaues of my fyucking illnesses
If i could solve them by losing a food addiction and weight i would do it
if you genuinely have health issues well go to doctor tell them wahts going on and that life is getting hard to deal with because of it, it isnt "easy".
go to social services office, say youre scared because you cant work/ wont be a ble to work because youre sick and you need to figure out what to do
I did that then i got hooked up by them but i had to provide "evidence" my doctors filled out forms and i had 2 evaluations by the social services psychologists.
it should be similar to that
Sounds rough. Sorry about that.
learn to code.
learn to hack.
there is more than one way to fight.
Find your self a non-white girl, OP.
Spread your defective genes to the enemy.
I understand that thought process all too well. I wish the best for you, user.
You're a lazy shit.
How can you not get a job? You could be a telemarketer, debt collector, or some other job involving a phone.
Just sit in a fuckin' chair and call people.
Shut the fuck up, you dumb kike. """""Western""""" Civilization is nothing more than jewish """""civilization""""" now. It's financial systems, governments, religions, military policies. All of it. All fucking kike.
youd be surprised how hard it is for anyone witha disability to get a job that they can live on. Sure some places hire part time and pay them minimum wage but often the illness is not worth having even more responsibility on top of it
There is nothing that can be done for what I have. You, on the other hand, have the ability to change your situation. I would recommend you start reading plenty of books. Specifically about personal growth, how to be a better person, how to have a positive influence on others around you, health, fitness, meditation and other topics that interest you. Knowledge is power. At least it's helping me.
Improve yourself and the situation of your life without having to rely on others unless you absolutely need it. Don't become a leech on society.
I could but after becoming red pilled I would rather just stick to my own kind.