Let's face it. Cyberpunk was a product of its time that just doesn't work anymore. The idea of a cuck nation like Japan being all powerful is laughable today. The scifi in it was just window dressing for leftists to push a world dominated by a non-white people which they relish, but it never came to pass even decades later.
Let's face it. Cyberpunk was a product of its time that just doesn't work anymore...
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was it rape?
Can't rape a toaster.
Ghost in the Shell brought based cyberpunk back
But it didn't...
>Budget $110 million
>Box office $58.8 million
So what will the world of Blade Runner 2049 be like? Apparently they are going to change it a bit and make it more dirty however that works
>The idea of a cuck nation like Japan being all powerful is laughable today.
It was laughable in the 80s too.
That looks fucking awful lmao
>implying that box office figures are relevant in 2017
With the emergence and success of Japanese electronics back then it was half believable.
No it doesn't. It looks beautiful
If they can't at least make double the budget then they can't make a sequel or similar film.
Japan was one of the fastest growing companies and single handedly put america and britains automotive industry out of business. I don't know how America can take itself seriously when a country a fraction of the size can compete economically.
Blade Runner looked beautiful. That's just garbage.
They did make a sequel, though.
Class of Nuke 'Em High has like 5 sequels and not one drew a dime.
>The scifi in it was just window dressing for leftists to push a world dominated by a non-white people
You retard, it was a REACTION against the rising dominance of Japan and its industry overtaking America
Yeah. The idea of a world where giant corporations run things, genetic engineering and AI are common, privacy is non-existent, and the world's richest nation is East Asian is just silly fantasy. Has no relevance to today's world.
Found the 13 year old
It was born out of American industry being beaten to death and taken over by the Japanese
Auto industry being treated like a geisha
It competes because of the Yoshida Doctrine, though. The US deliberately gave Japanese businesses unfettered access to its domestic market in exchange for Japan tolerating the presence of US troops. It's still in place, which is why US-Japan trade deals so heavily favor Japanese companies.
But that never really happened. It was China who achieved that.
Balabans Law holds that a film has to make back three times its negative budget to break even
>The idea of a cuck nation like Japan being all powerful is laughable today.
That's not what cyberpunk is. Why are you so retarded all the time? Jesus fuck, it's like you're trying to annoy people with your stupidity.
Even at Japan's peak its economy wasn't even 1/3 the size of the US's, seems like people were just overreacting.
In the timeline with approved Trans-Pacific partnership Cyber Punk is reality already.
>for leftists to push a world dominated by a non-white people which they relish, but it never came to pass even decades later.
You don't really get what cyberpunk is about.
That's today
Not 34 years ago
What was their population proportion to the US?
no, but it was greater than US electronics and automotive industries and put a lot of firms out of business.
China will continue to thrive into a cyberpunk future so the futurescape of films like Blade Runner still work on a metaphysical level
Honestly, the post-war US-Japan love story is one of the weirdest redemption arcs in history. I know it was because the US needed a bulwark in East Asia against the gommies, but still.
Also 1/3. So basically exactly what you'd expect.
Yeah, okay Trump, all the trade deals disfavour poor little Murryca.
In the 1980s Japan had about 120 million people to US's 230ish. So about half.
About the same. Japan has a massive population, around 130 million. It's not some plucky little island punching above its weight, it has more people than France and Britain combined.
Looks like a city street in the US with a bunch of cgi layered over the shops, I think you're probably baiting but I can't be sure. It just looks like awful bland trash
Wasn't Bladerunner just a gook/spic infusion? I don't think it was just a Japanese thing.
>The idea of a cuck nation like Japan being all powerful is laughable today.
They will be saying the same thing of USA in 30 years after trump is finished with it :(
Not all trade deals. Just in this case, Japanese companies get favorable treatment because of other arrangements between the US and Japan (US ships in Japanese ports). Works out pretty well for both countries.
China isn't thriving now so how can it thrive into the future.
it was pretty much every race mushed together
>China isn't thriving now
Have you been in a coma since the 1970s?
>le drumpfy will ruin usa
>trumpkins pls no bully
Go shill reddit or whatever. You won't make any headway here.
What about the proportion of natural resources like coal and oil needed to build industry?
Exactly. Not sure why people are positing in this thread that it was a Jap takeover of the Western world of anything.
I see you bought into the pro-China propaganda. The reality is China is hurting. Maybe you should do a little research before you shoot off your mouth.
>But that never really happened.
And how exactly would they know that decades ago?
China is comfortably the world's second-richest country, it's doing pretty well.
Japanese domination was a common element in cyberpunk.
That they did not have, true enough. US oil embargoes along with support to the Chinese were one of the main reasons why Japan was forced to start the pacific campaign.
>responds to a shitposter to tell him he won't get any responses
Yeah but OP posted a Bladerunner pic. We are not talking about all cyberpunk.
They knew it because it hadn't happened. It was a bit of nonsensical futurism. Most prognostications like cyberpunk fall woefully short.
Obviously the US has far more of both, but how is that really relevant in a service-based economy?
Both countries have more or less the GDPs you would expect from two developed countries with their populations.
Did you bother reading OP. It isn't a bladerunner thread. It is a cyberpunk thread.
why are the streets so empty
It will look less convincing than the original because "muh CGI."
I think he is talking about the quality of life which doesn't correspond to how rich it is. See, Kuwait or the Arab Emirates
Because extras whether real or digital cost money.
we are literally living it now.
you guys are just living in the wrong areas
>be living in the middle of the city in wellington
>small apartment, but got a window where I can sit and look out the alleyway and have a beer and feel the cold air of the nightlife
>fucking everywhere are chinese/japan street food stalls and asian markets
>asians have taken soo much over that there are talks of building a japanese guardian where one of our parks are
>we even have those autistic teenagers everywhere with colorful hair and retarded clothing walking around everywhere
>implying it's responses they want
Do you not know how astroturfing works, or are you just pretending to be retarded? False consensus shilling is only addressed by showing dissent. Derail shilling is the one that specifically looks to get responses, but it's only common in topics actually related to whatever the shill is trying to push/stop.
You are wrong about almost everything, except cyberpunk being dated. But that was true twenty years ago, so not exactly a revelation.
>The idea of a cuck nation like Japan being all powerful is laughable today.
It's about the cultural influence.
Everyone watches anime now, there are sushi restaurants everywhere, so it has already become true
Electronics, robots, and car manufacturing isn't a service economy.
The point is they were able to do more per capita with fewer resources.
Blade Runner was made with 28 million and the streets felt choke-full of people, i'd say it's more lazy filmmaking
By this logic Italy rules the world because of pizza and fashion.
Fewer resources but hundreds of billions of dollars in aid, subsidized national defense, and trade agreementd designed to help grow their economy.
That isn't cyberpunk. That's just letting the shit world infest your country and culture.
>Everyone watches anime now
By that you mean like 2% of people?
>subsidized national defense
They aren't allowed to have their own.
>implying the eternal latin ever left the game
>Electronics, robots, and car manufacturing isn't a service economy
The vast majority of Japan's econony is service-based. Actual industry only makes up about 27% of its GDP.
I can't tell which of you are pretending to be retarded and which ones actually are. Japan was seen as a threat in the 80s because they were literally taking over traditionally US manufacturing dominated markets in the US and buying up property like madmen. It wasn't until their economy hit a bad recession that they've never really recovered from that they faded and China rose to take their place as the Asian economic threat.
Actually few watch anime. Cartoons are basically dead in the US. Sushi/Hibachi places are more ubiquitous but only frequented by weeaboos.
>the shit world infest your country and culture.
as appose to our superior country and culture?
>they aren't allowed to have their own
You should call up the Japanese Defense Forces and tell them that they don't exist. I'm sure they'll be very disappointed.
>This is what autism finds beautiful
2% is too few. I would say that out of 20 people there will be one watching anime, so like 5%.
Here at least, I don't know if there is anyone who hasn't ever watched anime (counting Pokemon animated series in), but those who watch regularly must be around 5% of the people.
We were talking about their economy at the time blade runner was being made which would be more obvious to you if you were not on a mobile.
It hasn't even been out a week yet.
>I would say that out of 20 people there will be one watching anime
You would probably be wrong. Maybe 1 out of 20 middle class people under the age of 25, but not 1 out of 20 in the whole population.
It doesn't matter. Opening weekend makes or breaks a picture.
Quit bitching faggot
why do people find this jew beautiful is beyond me
Not even. More like "1 out of 20 middle class white or asian people between the ages of 12 and 25".
You make over 50% in the first week
Unless you pull a Titanic which happens 0.01% of the time
Yeah, I guess you are right.
Those are the people generally interact with. You got a point..
I so hope it goes well next weekend. Truly a 9/10 film that doesn't deserve the stupid whitewashing meme
hey we should hang out at Te Papa sometime and visit the giant squid.
Who the fuck goes to see an original movie the weekend it comes out, especially if they are unfamiliar with the source material?
I barely ever see people going to see sequels they've been looking forward to for months on opening weekends.
I am not kidding. Pic related is a new hospital that's been built.
>mfw in 20 years time we get more buildings made like this
>cuck nation
but user, japan is literally the most homogeneous nation in the world, they're 98.5% japanese.
compare that to western countries
What is the point of this architecture anyway?
I asked that many times to various people.
My girlfriend told me that "she wants him, it's obvious".
I don't know, it didn't seem so obvious to me, it looked like forced relationship.
Maybe he made her fall in love with him, without even her consenting, she is just letting him control her emotions and memories.
The age of cyberpunk is now
>original movie
>based heavily on source material
Pick one.