Sup Forums why does Turkey get a military coup but we don't?
Sup Forums why does Turkey get a military coup but we don't?
Because US military is filled with retarded government slaves who were demoralized and believe only the government gives them meaning.
honestly, on what basis would you actually launch a coup rn
If Obama came out as muslim
Obama is communist who wants my guns. We need to limit the government (reduce debt) and follow the constitution
anything over corporal/captain has become so political you cant move up in rank without becoming a boot licker
We're under a corrupt system but not so much in a bad position. The average amerifat has A/C, a smartphone, Internet, house, access to education, etc. I bet you're comfy on your bed right now with no real worries.
got to keep those fresh donuts daily
how have your guns actually been threatened
how is obama at all communist, he didn't even try for REAL socialized medicine let alone anything else.
The lack of representation of common, not super rich people, and the complete merger of the wealthy and the politically powerful. SuperPACs, Citizens United, Hillary's existence, etc. A thing that won't change based on whoever you vote for.
I speak specifically about US, but the situation is the same all over the west. Doesn't necessarily call for a coup so much as citizen intervention.
We're too civilized.
Don't you have religious freedom? Who would give a shit if he's muslim as long as he puts the constitution first? You guys got over JFK and he didn't install papal law or some shit
The invasion of Iraq.
The invasion of Libya.
The invasion of Afghanistan.
The arming of criminals.
CIA plots all over the world.
Engineering falseflags to curtail rights of the people.
Shitting on the constitution.
Being controlled by foreigners and not the citizenry.
Giving control of the currency of the PEOPLE into private hands.
Allowing banks to have power over the production of the people.
Shaping and undermining the peoples will with massive propaganda via the educational and media system.
Being anti-european for decades.
Being a multi racialist regime.
Allowing 50 million unemployed.
Allowing millions of homeless.
Undermining all thoughts and wills of the people that goes against the democratic owners will.
Going against the interests of Americans and causing our deaths for foreigners benefit.
This regime must go.
Now this I can kind of understand
What OP brought to mind was idiot anti-gubmint types like the chodes in oregon
Yeah but JFK wasn't an America hating nigger with a tranny 'wife'. Smoke another bowl.
You are literally a conservative stereotype
So are you blaming this on an actual political party in power or against the entire established US government? Because it seems like the latter and there's no fucking way enough people support that, especially in the military. So that's why there's no coup.
How can it be that I always can tell a picture was taking in america by the sky and treelines alone?
>Burger finally realizes he's a cuck.png
What actions of Obama have actually shown any hatred of America.
What evidence do you actually have that Michelle is trans.
I haven't smoked in over a year.
Every time their is a incident involving guns obongo pushes gun control. He almost got gun control passed after sandyhook. He passed Obama care which is socialism and he has no respect for the constitution.
But it's true
Americans are lazy fucks
I'd rather be a cuck then dirty brown ape living in a third world country, Juan
You will get martial law but not in the way that will benefit any citizen of America. Very soon actually.
The entire establishment must go.
The government must be elected in a true fashion, capital can not play into the government, the production of currency belongs to the government, banks belong to the government, the constitution is to be followed 100%, media is to be sacked and destroyed, the educational system is cleansed of Marxism etc..
What would happen if Turks had a well-armed militia? Would the coup have been over before it even began?
>What actions of Obama have actually shown any hatred of America.
His entire presidency
>What evidence do you actually have that Michelle is trans
Have you not seen "her"? Look at that fucking thing then tell me it's a woman. Hussein Obama didn't get the moniker Bathhouse Barry for no reason
>I haven't smoked in over a year.
Time to start again
Because the only people who believe Obama is a tyrant are 72 year olds who listen to rush Limbaugh and mark levin
>But it's true
Not its not you fucktard. It takes only a second grade reading level to realize the second amendment would not reference something so specifically as a bunch of faggots in 2016 having assault rifles out the ass. As for the Communist thing, obviously you're exaggerating, but he honestly isn't even that much of a socialist. Medicare isn't some crazy new Marxist idea.
I'd rather have my pride intact and have lower standards of living. I'm glad you're content as long as Amazon delivers your dragon dildos though
Yeah probably because Erdogan gets all of his support form the fundamental Muslims in the rural areas. So if they had guns the coup would be already over
Military coups are a sign you're a shit backwards country.
"assault weapons" are a right that we will defend.
Eat some more shit, slave.
Its all the atmospheric freedom.
Well, I guess you didn't pass 2nd grade English
If Obama is a socialist he is the worst socialist on the entire planet.
>This regime must go.
No the system must go, no coup,
oh also u forgot corporations fucking everyone, not just banks
If you're against automatic and military weapons in the hands of the citizenry, you're an enemy of the constitution, there is no respite or discussion only destroying you or losing our rights.
Marxists are never socialists.
Why stop there? lets give people rocket launchers and c4 explosives. what could go wrong?
If Trump wins there will be an elitist coup and Obama regime will seize power to "protect the rights of the people."
The right you're defending was made at a time when people lived in isolated farming societies with nothing but muskets to protect them w/out a national guard or a police force. Also, considering the context of their own revolution against a tyranical government, it meant to keep the knowledge within the citizens that the power of the gov derived from them, so they could remove the gov if it became undemocratic. It had nothing to do with your shitty fucking hobby of shooting walls or jacking off to your arsenal.
we will in 8 weeks
I'd rather have real freedom than just talk about how free my country is when I can't even get a corrupt lady about to be my president to be judged.
People like you are the ones that talk about "never in mah US" while you literally become as cucked as germany, france and sweden.
We at least impeached our corrupt Huerkel. You are constantly cucked by the black guy you elected. How does it feel to know that my country never has and never will have a black president?
Congress stops him form passing some but not all (Obama care) communist legislation. Obama's family even has communist ties.
An infantry weapon is not equivalent to an explosive, and your state declares you an enemy of the constitution.
You don't define the right, it is a right to own arms, arms = weapons of the soldier.
But user is correct about these things. That much shouldn't be disputed.
If he is a Marxist than he is the worst Marxist on the planet.
The guy is out in a few months. What would a coup accomplish?
Because you're a bunch of brainwashed idiots.
Every single dead american soldier died for the benefit of the ilk of clinton's donors.
Its sad, but its true. Hope you guys can change it tho.
Before you jerk your knee and shit on brazil, yeah, this shithole is six gorillion times worse.
A Marxist has nothing to do with the well being of the people, only implementation of Marxist doctrines.
Explain to all of us here the definition of communism.
How is buying healthcare from private companies communist? if it was communist people would get it for free from the government.
To be honest. I'm surprised you guys haven't attempted a coup or anything. I thought if any would do it. It would be the United States.
Well every time Obama (Democrats) try to increase the state. Communism/Socialism/Marxism grows in America
Ideals of democracy in a system where democracy is corrupted stop good people from doing bad things to fix bad people destroying the system
Explain. I don't even think you know what that stuff is.
I have bad news for you, my fellow hue hue.
Our country most certainly will have a lesbian sheboon president, in marina silva.
Pretending otherwise is just wishfull thinking.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
This document is dated from the 1700s, and reflects such. Are you a part of a well regulated militia for the security of your state? No? Because we have a national guard now, such a militia is no longer necessary as we have government forces. Obviously for a militia to work, people would need arms. No needed militia means no needed weapons in the hands citizens, so then we can keep them out of the hands of criminals, the mentally ill, and serial killers.
This. Fuck off, Obama-despising liars. He's not the best president we've had, but he's certainly not the devil incarnate that so many fucktards like to claim.
>MUH MICHELLE'S A MAN (what the actual fuck on this one)
And especially
Man, you are gonna know real tyranny like the fuckin back of your hand if you and your redneck buddies try and start a revolt.
Again there is no discussion with you, all infantry weapons for the citizens, you say no I say yes.
He is forcing us to buy healthcare but it's a slippery slope. The next step is Universal Healthcare which democrats want. As we go down the slope we will eventually eventually wake up and we'll be Venezuela
Nigger, there is no us.
There USA is not a nation, it is a state who serves the state.
Lol, there is literally 0% chance of her winning. It's either gonna be Lula or whatever PSDB comes up with.
He's such a communist that both his presidential campaigns were bankrolled by Wall Street and he supports TPP. Just to mention two example. You have to have your head up your ass to think he's a communist.
Start one, you fucking pussy.
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
>shall not be infringed
He clearly showed his argument and its stronger than yours
I mean like all other western nations, we are brainwashed into thinking that our options change anything.
They don't.
At this point its beyond a vote, but the military is directly in the pocket of the gov. like evrerything is. Even our labor unions, the crowning achievment of our ancestors as a means to oppose the 1% (not of just the wealthy, but politically elite) are now no more than fancy intrest groups showered in money. We have nothing left to fight with, we are stuck, until we can somehow persuade normal shmucks into being willing to do something. Hard to do when we have random glamours amenities around us, but whatevs. I guess when all the fish die in about 50 yrs (look it up, it is going to happen if things don't change) we'll have to get over it on our iPhones while the rich get richer as fuck.
Why do I never hear you faggots bitch about the NSA and the violation of the 4th amendment?
The national debt is actually a good thing because it allows the country to place investments where they need to be placed. The US economy is growing so it actually makes some economical sense to run slightly towards debt. Who owns most of the debt in the US?
>not repeable
What planet are you living on? It can and probably will be repealed, and replaced with something a bit more sensible.
>God-given right
Yeah fuck off with that one mate. I implore you to quote me the bible verse where it says you have the "right" to own a, fuck it. A self-defense weapon of any kind.
That's not Marxism. Its not even communist. We have been doing that for years. Its called capitalism. Is your car insurance communist? once you start receiving rations and totally free healthcare than you can cry DAMNED COMMUNISM. Until than go open a book.
Socialism- a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
The Democrat platform is the most leftist it has ever been because of Bernie easing socialism into the minds of young people so Hillary and other Democrats are going more to the left.
This. "Muh bigger state is communism" is false and not an argument.
The Constitution says the right to bear arms is not to be infringed.
Because the US military is filled with welfare cases who would kill their own mother if it got them more PTSD gimmes. Your average US soldier thinks that getting a sunburn qualifies him for lifetime disability and a sex change operation.
It's a slippery slope as more people start to rely on the government the more socialist/communist we will become.
>Fuck off, Obama-despising liars. He's not the best president we've had, but he's certainly not the devil incarnate that so many fucktards like to claim.
To purge the jews and stop white genocide.
Bigger state is Communism, you can't build Communism in a free society.
Because we live with an absence of God, so things being bad ideologically means nothing to the populace. It's only when they become bad in /////tangible forms///// will any sort of readdress occur.
I mean its different if you think we should have them and if the Constitution says we should. Personally, I believe it doesn't and we shouldn't, but hey to each their own.
Don't isolate that phrase. It clearly is missing out half of what they say. What about the regulated militia? Look at the other Admendments, the aren't that specific of laws, more so generalized, so why would this JUST be about guns? It wouldn't. It's about opposition to the government and protection of the citizens. Where a militia is no longer needed, the citizens need not always be armed.
Tell that to the native americans.
except he's only exascerbated every problem we've ever had a hundred fold.
race relations
fast and furious
executive orders on amnesty for illegal immigrants
constantly attempting to overreach
he's easily in the top 10 worst presidents of the united states.
At least try to be somewhat coherent next time.
Because every four years there is a peaceful transition of power. We do not need a coup when our leaders are subjected to laws that deliberately limit the amount of damage they can actually do to our country.
It could be repealed but that would never happen because it's political suicide. For the sake of a argument lets say it did the 2nd American civil war would begin
It says everything to have it, arms = infantry weapon, if it's safe enough for infantry to have it's safe enough for citizens.
>that's not how it works
The U.S. exists to fuck with everyone else.
We never fuck with our own, except for sport.
Letting people have guns is a slippery slope. Letting people have freedom is a slippery slope. They'll just commit crimes!
>This. Fuck off, Obama-despising liars. He's not the best president we've had, but he's certainly not the devil incarnate that so many fucktards like to claim.
Those guys are fucking crazy.
In 2008, someone bet me 100 dollars that we wouldn't be allowed to vote in 2012.
>greatest country in the world
>not couping a nigger
american empire has fallen
Best post
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"
"the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
They deliberately separated militia from people, as two distinct, discreet things. That comma indicates two different clauses. You can argue what makes a militia a militia-- are they the police, the National Guard, or whatever-- but the fact remains that the Second Amendment specifies that the right of "the people" to own-- and carry, by the way, which is what "bear" means, if you hadn't figured that out-- firearms is absolute.
Oh look a turkposter
Hows it going buddy?