How does it feel to know that not only will he serve the rest of his presidency term

How does it feel to know that not only will he serve the rest of his presidency term.
But he will be your President for the next 4 years again.

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Feels great! Especially considering we are not on Sup Forums and we don't live in the US

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Benis orange man good

Ho riso per anni a questa

Feels good and bad. Good for country, bad for environment, also wish he wasnt picking out supreme court justices

Pretty indifferent really. I care more about congress.

Feels about the same since the last time you posted the same thing.

Great, day without laughable caricature of a president would be wasted, keep this faggot even longer than 2 terms!

You are a stupid motherfucker.

Sounds great the guy is an entertainer and it's not like he does anything but tweet, hold rallies, and I know America will be safe can still server while in prison?

Who knew....

I heard trump was gong to showcase all of his relatives that served their country in the military this Veteran's day.

It's a parade of 0.


Orange on orange is a difficult look to pull off for anyone.

Are they mad?
Check out the babies

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keep dreaming OP. Republicans had THIS as their guy. LMAO imagine dying on the hill. pfft

Hope he likes prison food

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People are still so brain washed by CNN that they believe this. Just amazing

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As a betting man you are right he will be here for 4 more years and how I feel doesn't matter because I don't live in The USA.

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But shit for brains will be in prison soon! I wonder if the secret service will protect him from ass rape

I'm thinking more along the lines of Trump simply ignoring the entire voting process and make an attempt to declare himself as a lifetime appointment as supreme orange semi-evolved ape thing.

Takes a supreme orange lard beast to be brave enough to play that much golf with bone spurs. So brave

There is only one real way capitalism can end. USA deserves Trump

makes zero difference

My vote counts