I just finished having sex, guys

I just finished having sex, guys.

We can see that.


>lights up an after-sex death stick

Sup Anakin you emo faggot. I already shagged that hoe Padme. She's a roight good fuck. I bet she thinks of me when she orgasms. Look into your feelings, you know it's true.

Shouldn't you still be cuddling Jar Jar?

Guise, tell me the how many possible passwords here are if the size is 18 with exactly 3 numbers and 2 vowels and lower case letters and number only


her braps probably sound like a little motorcycle starting up

No, haha. No it's because I'm so in love with you.

But I'm not that great as this sort of stuff. Whose email you trying to break into senpai?

I hope she brapped in your mouth OP

Wait my bad, it should be

How'd you get that?

Because if you have exactly 2 vowels the remaining letters must be consonants, of which there are 21 (assuming that we're not counting Y as a vowel).

But that's what op wanted.

I gathered that much but then everything else lost me.

Pretty sure that's wrong because that is the same equation for if the vowels had to be in the first and second position and if the numbers had to be in the 3rd 4th and 5th. There is definitely more possible passwords if you take off these restrictions.

So you have 13 characters that are consonants, so you have 21 possible options. You have 3 characters that are numbers, so you have 10 options (0 to 9) and you have 2 characters that are vowels, so you have 5 options.

I think I figured it out, I gotta find all the possible subsets and just multiply it by Thanks for your help

No, location doesn't matter. It could be vowels first, numbers first, it isn't important because it isn't specified in the details what order they come in, and when we multiply them together order disapears. 2 of them HAVE to be vowels, so there are only 5 possible outcomes for them. The calculation isn't changed dependent on where they are.

Giving them an order will only decrease the number of possibilities. I think you're being confused by me using the power of. Imagine instead that it's just 21x21x21.......x10x10......x5x5

Let me specify a bit more

1x2 = 2x1 right? And
1x2x3 = 2x1x3 = 3x2x1 =1x3x2 etc
So where we put the vowels, where we put the consonants and where we put the numbers in the equations doesn't matter because they final total will be the same. If the question mentioned that the first 5 characters were a mixture of vowels and numbers then you would have to do some more steps, but it doesn't.

>No, location doesn't matter
it's a password. How am I suppose to get my sister's nudes now?!

>implying your sisters password is a random string
nigga it's probably onichanhasbestcock69 or some shit.

Why didn't Princess Amidala starve to death when she was trapped in Anakin's butt crack for a month?

She ate the sand which is there.

I'm sure that's the same thing as 69onichanhasbestcock so at least I can get two birds with one stone with that guess

See, now we're getting somewhere.
You can probably just answer her secret question anyway