1984 will air in many cinemas across the country in a protest against Donald Drumpf
are you going to watch it with your friends to stand up against his authoritarian nazi rule?
1984 will air in many cinemas across the country in a protest against Donald Drumpf
are you going to watch it with your friends to stand up against his authoritarian nazi rule?
Isn't that uh, ironic
Isn't the Ministry of Truth supposed to work for the government?
>Democrats spy on you for a whole decade
>It's Trump's fault
h e h
>you're a fag dealing with shady russians all day evey day
>why are they surveilling me?
I love how irony is completely lost on these people.
>book about far leftist authoritarianism
>tv is mean of surveillance in the society of 1974
>leftist tv personalities actually use it to slander politics they disagree with
The self awareness of these people is zero.
Why 1984? Network would be more appropriate.
Sucks being too intelligent to fall for this a realise that it's the dems with their buddies in the MSM peddling this to misdirect away from DNC leaks + wire tapping Trump. Also, proofs?
>Bush and Obama spying on people for years
>left wing uses intimidation and violence to censor debate
>certain ideas will not be given a platform because they're 'dangerous'
>your life can be ruined for having improper thoughts
>students unironically doublethink
>common-core literally makes 2+2=5
>suddenly Drumpf gets in charge
>only now is there an issue
Do you think anyone will realise that Trump is basically the Goldstein of the left?
>drumpf is an evil fascist dictator
>we need to support the deep state that is spying on millions of Americans because they protect our freedoms
what did leftist shills mean by this?
>>book about far leftist authoritarianism
>confirmed for not having read the book
The Left is at war with Russia, the Left has always been at war with Russia
Men are women. Islam is peaceful. Discrimination is equality.
The truth is a thought crime.
nazis are socialists.
Well much of this stuff was enabled through the Patriot Acts but I agree surveillance is shit and the US should get rid of spying on their own citizens.
I can't wait for Trumps EO to stop that shit and declassify all the programs the intelligence agencies used.
Everything is done for the all-encompassing government. How is that not far left?
It's weird to me that people think this is just a story about any bad government, and also that Trump is somehow some mass oppressor of opinions and expression, here at a time of massive, tolerated public protest and discourse.
>still falling for the left and right meme
Trump is not opposed to the NSA domestic spying
He has said Edward Snowden should be executed for treason
What's your "he is playing 34DDD chess" rationalisation for this?
if you knew anything about orwel, you would know that 1984 and Animal Farm are a criticism of far right facism and nationalism
>the GOP cares about privacy
>Trump is fighting for the little man and is against Jewish controlled big business
>it's not his fault even though he is in charge
Not even American but the cognitive dissonance here is so fucking thick I can almost fuck a whole in it.
What's a film about the dangers of English Socialism got to do with Trump?
The book is about authoritarianism in general and big government isn't what far left means.
He is wrong about the NSA. I still think it's hilarious how the lefty scum are in bed with the unelected deep state though.
I like the film but I know people cant handle it and I cant believe this is going to happen
>Thousands of [insert stereotype here] will line up to watch this film mostly who probably haven't seen it but just know its references and think its call to meme it
>Will be stuck in a dark crowded room for an hour and a half in order to watch it
>most if not all would either be bored out of their minds or not like it
>if they dont walk out half way though the film then they would have felt like they wasted 2 hours of their time
>all in all gaining absolutely nothing out of all of this apart from wasting money and time
not to mention for protest they will literally be sitting blankly in the theater recreating something looking straight out of the film
It's against Totalitarianism. it's pretty fucking obvious after discussing the book in, you know, like 7th grade.
or that idiocracy or whatever its called
Anderson Cooper was CIA, so yeah CNN is the ministry of truth.
>falling for the deep state meme
He said he despised the CIA and no he is surprises people in the CIA are trying to fuck him. Maybe he should have read those security reports :-^^
The 1984 movie sucks and playing it in protest that the physical manifestation of establishment isn't in power is nauseatingly ironic
>says the faggy comic book RPG virgin
Define left and right then.
Orwell wrote the book after he became disillusioned with leftist scum while fighting for Marxists aka Republicans during the Spanish civil war.
>In his view of things, totalitarianism was not merely a theoretical threat from a fictional future. The urgency of Nineteen Eighty-Four, and of much of Orwell's wartime and post-war writing, springs clearly from his sense that totalitarianism was already proving dangerously attractive to many on the left, not least intellectuals..
Yeah the CIA that armed, funded and trained Islamist head cutters in Syria. CIA under the Obama administration. CIA that shilled for Hillary non stop during the election
Right wing = capitalists and supporters of the established order. Left wing = Marxists and revolutionaries who want self-organized proletariat. Both of those can also be split into left libertarian and right libertarian.
>sitting blankly in a theater watching a screen
That is pretty funny. I should run in and throw a hammer right at that part.
sorry I triggered you chad thundercock
It's amazing how liberals are all fans of the CIA all of a sudden. JFK was the last good dem president and the CIA killed him.
Don't you realize the best endorsement Trump could get is the CIA hating him?
>Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949, but Orwell was first set on the road to it at least 12 years earlier when he was fighting Franco's insurgents in Spain as a member of a left-wing, but non-Stalinist militia, the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM).
>Orwell had gone to Spain to fight Francoist fascism, but found himself face-to-face with another form of totalitarianism. The pro-Stalin communist forces in Spain turned on the POUM, branding them Trotskyist traitors.
>literally "English Socialism"
>Not a film about the left wing being bad.
Ingsoc is the fucking British Labour party.
Bernie is Goldstein
>we were always a multiracial society!
some more
>Back home no one wanted to know about his experiences. Even non-communist left-wingers, including the publisher Victor Gollancz and the New Statesman editor Kingsley Martin, were reluctant to publish his accounts of what had happened, for fear of harming the overall cause of anti-fascism
Lefty wanted to censor Orwell after he came back because he wanted to do some serious real talk about marxist subhumans top kekeke
>Surveillance increases under Obama
>Trump's fault
If you had followed any reports other than Fox News you would have realized by now that there are several factions inside the CIA. Remember when the FBI fucked up Hillary like 10 before election? Same dudes are now investigating Trumps team. Despite what you have """"learned"""" on Sup Forums the world is not a cartoon. The fact that you immediately assume I am a liberal - when I am neither American not liberal in your or my sense of the world - cause me to conclude that you are trapped in a dichotomous understanding of the world. You don't seem very redpilled to me desu senpaitachi.
Those are ad hominems. Of course 1948 is a pamphlet against Stalinism. It is clear those that IN THE FUCKING book the ideology is arbitrary and replaceable with Nazism. If he wanted to write a book he could have just worship people Lenin and Marx in his story.
>not be in charge
>"Snowden should hang!"
>be in charge
>do nothing against surveillance
>hurr it's Obamas fault, nvm I am off playing golf and watching Morning Joe
>Those are ad hominems
Nope. They are facts. Orwell actually finally got first hand experience dealing with Marxists. It was his first "red pill, pardon the pun.
>ideology is arbitrary and replaceable with Nazism
Irrelevant. We are talking about the inspiration and source work of the book. Trying to deflect by mentioning Nazis (a socialist leftist German party) is weak and thoroughly disingenuous. The book can be about any totalitarian government but it is mainly lifted from Orwell dealing with Maxist scum.
Is common sense a superpower now in amurica?
CIA is completely separate from FBI. Your opinion is in the trash.
The left wing of the Nazis were all killed on the Night of the Long Knives. Only Otto Strasser escaped to Canada.
>If you had followed any reports other than Fox News you would have realized by now that there are several factions inside the CIA
Not really. The CIA has become so politicized under Obama's 8 years that both former CIA directors Brennan and Brennan unabashedly shilled for Hillary non-stop. I do think you are a shill and yes I do believe you are liberal trying very hard to weasel his way out of defending how your lefty scum friends who are now in bed with the deep state.
In spite what you read in shareblue and what your bosses at CTR HQ tells you, the world is dichotomous because you lefty scum has made it that way. Look how hard you try to parrot "right side of history" to anyone that questions your garbage liberal narrative. You are just an angry little faggot that is shocked that the right is punching back but yeah you are totally not liberal nor american how convenient for you.
>protesting trump because of a surveillance state created by Bush and Obama
>not protesting actual brutal authoritarian surveillance states like Russia and China
far to easy of a coincidence though right the true story must be your alt right fairy tail involving a pizza store
Brennan and Morell*
I just saw they were playing it and decided I'd go, I had no idea it was related to Trump in any way I don't even live in America
Both James Clapper head of Obama's NDI, John Brannon head of Obama's CIA and Micheal Morell (Brennan predecessor) said that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia
But keep titling at those windmills CTR shill.
its almost like the 2 former heads of the cia knew trump was a retard and would have mishandled classified documents in his first month on the job
They're just going to need to come forth with evidence or this doesn't mean anything.
Two former heads that armed, supplied and trained Islamist head cutters. Two former heads that got BTFO by Putin and had their little Islamic terrorists vaporized from the sky. They are just mad that Trump thinks Putin was right to do it. That's all.
Keep shilling for the CIA and sucking that deep state dick loser. Yeah I totally trust the department that lied to millions of Americans about the Iraq war. A department whose fucking JOB is lying and deceit.
trumps stupidity to not vet his cabinet picks doesnt just absolve him of colluding with russia the issues now are the dumb fucks he appointed to cabinet positions lied under oath about their involvements with the russians and the more investigating they do the more links they find with flynn and manafort
if this were reagans time anyone seen having a conversation with a russia would immediately be disqualified from a government position
>Libcucks still can't stop talking about Trump for 6+ hours
Not even stormfags talked about Obama every single day
>Yeah I totally trust the department that lied to millions of Americans about the Iraq war. A department whose fucking JOB is lying and deceit.
lied to you when you were office dipshit the shitshow that the intelligence agencies are now is because of bush lieing about WMD and purging anyone who wouldnt toe the party line that was in power
>fucks he appointed to cabinet positions lied under oath
Flynn was appointed and was never forced to take an oath idiot. You have no idea what you are talking about shill. Lying to Pence isn't lying under oath either. Flynn lost his job because deep state actors went rogue but yeah thats totally ok because drumpf and all
Orwell was a socialist
Good thing Trump took a huge shit on Bush and his family and called him a liar during the GOP debates.
>lied to you when you were office dipshit
what the fuck does this even mean?
To think there are libcucks defending Bush because he doesn't agree with Trump
It's not Raegan's time and we are not at war with Russia
can pixels be executed?
>Implying Snowden is real
>Implying he isn't someting made up by the US goverment as a falseflag
>Implying they didn't want Trump to win
We're way past 3D chess at this point
>Less than 5 countries
>Less than 200 theatres
>Obama expanded government surveillance more than any other president but watch him spin this basketball
Russia is not the Soviet Union, user. There is no threat of a global communist revolution anymore.
Him BTFOing Jeb and his gay "my mom is my hero" comment has to be the best Trump moment.
>There is no threat of a global communist revolution anymore.
Except from China
this a million fucking times over.
the left's hypocrisy has been so in sufferable, it's actually raised the bar of how much trump will fuck up before it actually bothers me--which isn't healthy.
China is a capitalist country ruled by a communist party. What's more important, it doesn't support communist revolutions in capitalist states.
Have faith user
Yankee immigration destroyed Virginia
Can't be worse than what happened to Detroit or Chicago
>it's actually raised the bar of how much trump will fuck up before it actually bothers me--which isn't healthy.
Same. I'm forced to dig my heels in and remain steadfast because the other option is insane manchildern that use harry potter for political metaphors running the show
especially because 1984 is literally about the evils of INGSOC or ENGLISH SOCIALISM
goddamn these fellas are dumb
>interrupting the story to copypaste a political essay
how did Orwell get away with this? other authors who indulged in this are roundly mocked (Rand, Heinlein, etc)
The greatest trick the modern-day Democrats ever pulled was getting millions of people to believe, in the face of a mountain of evidence to the contrary, that they actually give a shit about the social issues for which they claim to carry torches. The Dems were in power over all of the inner cities that have gone tits up. They helped to push our jobs overseas. They perpetrate at least as much propaganda as the Right. They are just as hawkish. They want control over people to the point of actual fascism.
And then there's the Right, which pretends to be all family values and religious righteousness when they're just as corrupt, except they sell us out to different corporate masters. They want to deregulate to the point of polluting just about every square inch they can as long as it saves them a few million bucks. They play their own little games to keep their in-groups divided just enough to not wake up and create their own party.
And then we have two outsiders. One had questionable economic plans, but he seemed to actually give a shit about people and wake very likeable, but was branded a pinko by his own party and shut out of the primary. The other actually became president, but he's such an obvious pushover in over his head that he's just toeing the Republican party line, because--as anyone with half a brain could've guessed--when he stated he'd get the "best people", that just meant whoever kissed his ass the most on the Right.
>Those are ad hominems
Dostoevsky did it all the time especially in the brother karamazov
It's about totalitarianism in general, but yes, Hitler was already defeated so Stalin was the main threat at the time.
Is there anything more pathetic than the millennial generation?
They think going to a movie is a big protest movement. They think this is going to change the nation.
guess I'm a pleb, haven't read it
They kinda did.
>>your life can be ruined for having improper thoughts
>>students unironically doublethink
>>common-core literally makes 2+2=5
What did he mean by this?
Obsessed as fuck. It's all so tiresome.
Lying won't change the truth