
So, what's the consensus on this show, Sup Forums?

For me it felt like it started as a metamodernist statement by Hawley, then mid-story suddenly got too afraid of it's own message and remembered that it was based on a comic book and made a turn into a campy-fun Peter David-style story.

Overall I liked how it started and ended, but for very different reasons and I think that episode 5 is an absolute low.

Mind if I ask what the message was?

Got bored after that episode where they get surrounded and almost captured, body double girl got shot, etc.

Suspension of disbelief only lasts so long, I hate when when shows have "operators" getting trounced by a gaggle of skinnyfat mary sues.

Totality of subjectivity and how it shapes reality not only for us, but for everyone around. See speculative realism.

The show starts with a protagonist who accepts that he's insane and cannot trust himself
Then other characters convince him that he's really not insane and it's just that he has superpowers.
Then they realise that they made a big mistake hwne turns out that he's both.
The show should've sticked with that story, imo

Istead they just went with "oh, nevermind, he's really ok, he's just a victim of an evil demon who's totally a separate entity"

Best Marvel thing to date, does a lot with a little.

One question, what was Walters power?

I don't think they totally abandoned that

i think he could mimic people? iunno, the power of being a huge faggot

Maybe, but they downplayed that greatly as the show went on

The Eye? He seemed to have several, he could make you unconscious with a touch, shapeshift, see people in the astral plane, maybe hyper reflexes seeing as how he didn't seem very bothered by a hail of bullets thrown in his direction

I guess we find out next season. But it'll be a blunder if they make him totally sane now that shadow king is gone

It felt like he had a multitude of powers, the shapeshifting seemed pretty apparent with the old black man turning out to be a ruse, but he also did that bit where he grabbed Ptonomys head faith healer style and incapacitated him and also seem unaffected by walking through a hail of bullets. Also when Syd was in his body she either got incredibly lucky throwing the wrench to knock the knife out the hand of Syd/Walter or there is something else at work?

Also why did it focus on that dog in the cage in episode one?

folding himself up

I thought he was using telepathy to make them see David's doctor

only watched 2 episodes so i'm not going to read this thread but if it's ok with you guys will give my impressions of those 2.

Firstly I still don't really understand what is going which isn't necessarily a bad thing but, for instance, episode 1 was really well shot and was pleasureable from a pure aesthetic perspective whereas I found episode 2 a lot more banal, meandering and barren. I was pretty excited for this show after the pilot and then 2 just killed the momentum for me, i DO intend to go back to it THOUGH

>So, what's the consensus on this show, Sup Forums?
Who gives a shit? I think it's great.

>only watched 2 episodes so i'm not going to read this thread but if it's ok with you guys will give my impressions of those 2.

only read this sentence so I'm going to tell you to fuck off.

I love the show and I felt the same way - they are actually going somewhere with it

>episode 5 is an absolute low
>with the brand new use of silence, and thrills and tension
>all that overpower legion has presented without becoming capeshity pew-pew-pew
you don't know what you're talking about

(not him who you replied to)
it could be anything, it could turn out yet, that whole summerland is in his mind, and everyone in it is one of his personality. But then, if SK was only sent to his Oliver personality, then that means he is still possessed by him/her/it...

astral illusions/manipulation
(seeing davids telepathic astral body, knocking out Ptonomy, etc)

Don't get me wrong, if it was a standalone, all that would've been great, but my problems with it strictly story and structure-wise in relation to the rest of the series, see >they just went with "oh, nevermind, he's really ok, he's just a victim of an evil demon who's totally a separate entity"

well .. okay i kinda get what's your problem is. Making a supervillain out of nowhere, "enemy of the season". But even so, they could continue the him being a skizo story later.

>lenny will never be your GF

aesthetically ambitious and beautiful, except when CGI scenes happen. rather slow moving and uninteresting overall though.

Maybe if you could separate yourself from your pretensions you could see that this poorly rendered show took a brilliant premise and did nothing with it because Noah Hawley is a fucking hack that likes the smell of his own farts.

B-but I need an internal excuse for myself why I enjoyed it!

You enjoy watching stupid shows where psychic reality warpers run at each other full speed in the climax of eight episodes? There's nothing wrong with that, the problems start when people start saying there's depth behind it.

more depths than in your "criticism"

Id say its about the same level of depth

what fucking depth you expect from show which is adapted from a comic book and want only entertain? Hawkins science or Sophokles philosophy? It is entertaining end has depths in audio-visual presentation, not in philosophy, and so yeah, much deeper then most movies, and far more depths than other comicbook adaptations. And i guess that's the only thing why you are here being all contrarian, because you're jus a butthurt DCfag who still claims BvS is the most deepest thing there is.

revolutionary attempt at making every episode filler

shame it didn't work


I love how violated she looks, she might as well have been naked.

>>expecting depth

It's pretty fun. Although "trappedinamentalhospitalofthemind" stories always bring the pace of a story to a halt. They should never do this shit.

I only saw the first episode. I'm not a fan of "is he crazy" mindfuck kind of stuff to start, and on top of that I found too much of the stylization pretty rote, like stuff you've already seen in countless trippy music videos.

There is a decent story there somewhere but it didn't compel me to watch more