>Capitalism will collapse any day now
Capitalism will collapse any day now
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Imagine if 90.5% of the world's population was Jewish?
It's a shame the niggers will still continue to breed like rabbits.
Well, that refers to "absolute poverty", what about all other types of poverty?
When Africa is projected to have 4 billion people in 2100, you KNOW somebody fucked up. Big time.
All we can do is hope they stay in their containment board, for the most part. Christian Nigerians aren't so bad though
We should make africa first world so they have nowhere to migrate
too bad the average american is no better off now than they were in the 70s
>inb4 muh iphones and muh pokemon go
16 trillion in debt.
can someone explain what is going on here?
Why would I care about those below me? I only set my sights for the top of the scale, no need to focus on mediocrity.
We tried that but they threw all the colonizers out
2nd wave feminism and opening the floodgates on third-world immigration
>BUT TO WHOM?!!!!!!!!!
retard detected
Basic economic theory predicts that as workers become more productive (produce more goods, more output etc.) they get paid more.
For whatever reason in the 70s/80s, after 2 milleniums this trend ended. Workers in the USA right now are more competitive than ever, but they there average wage hasn't changed in 30 years
Wtf? The Average American is richer by every metric. You really wanna live how they lived in the 70s? None of your precious cellphones or videogames? Get real.
>debt isn't a result of Keynesianism
Globalists let our manufacturing base move to third world shit holes so despite productivity going up there was no increase in wages since the jobs that produce left the country.
>wu-tang financial
>Wu Tang Financial
hearty kek
i thought wegmans was also really good to work for
Wu Tang Financial Ain't nuttin 2 fuck wit
>takes into account price differences between countries
>as it costs 19 quintillion zimbabwean dollars for a postage stamp that is still not absolute poverty so the $20 for a pound of beef in the West is fucken a-ok
>ignores productivity
>ignores distributions
Best diversify yo bonds mah niggah
>Wu-Tang financial
To be fair, that's largely the result of the industrial revolution.
Because colonialism also involved brutal repression, exploitation, and humiliating entire nations.
Actually, some African countries are slowly becoming more and more Christian.
If the niggers in Africa start becoming Christian and abandon their immoral tribal bullshit, we might see them actually develop their society a bit more.
There are people in Africa who are trying to improve their own countries.
Vid related.
>to be fair that was largely because of capitalism
They reportedly "ain't nuthin ta fuck wit."
better put all my life savings in my bitcoin wallet
Marx knew that capitalism would raise living standards as it phased out previous systems. He just predicted that it would eventually face internal contradictions.
Capitalism existed way before America existed, famalam. Poverty has been eliminated over the years, in large, thanks to machinery, automation, and computation. That's not to say capitalism hasn't helped, it has, but it's not the only factor nor is it the largest.
thats what i thought. it is confusing that they would use data that is manipulated by outside variables (taking advantage of slave labor in third world countries) and then use usa wages.
>doesnt say how they calculated who was impoverished in the 1800's
Marx was a retarded faggot who couldn't predict six o'clock at five-thirty.
He said inb4. And I would trade every electronic for a good woman and job security.
I have employers calling me for 2month contract jobs. I have a fucking MSEE.
Also women are shit
You're right, they were way better off fighting lions and eating their dead
exactly this. read das kapital goys.
I never said that.
Automation made it easier to produce more shit but hire fewer people, no one has caught on enough to bitch about it.
which is why we need a vastly shorter working week
a few years ago i saw a study which recommended a 21 hour week. Perfectly achievable if we automate, share the work more evenly and drop stupid consumerism and materialism