>spends the entire primary campaign setting a nationalist agenda and BTFOing neocon cuckservative candidates who oppose everything he stands for
>picks a neocon cuckservative candidate as his running mate
Wtf I hate Trump now!
>spends the entire primary campaign setting a nationalist agenda and BTFOing neocon cuckservative candidates who oppose everything he stands for
>picks a neocon cuckservative candidate as his running mate
Wtf I hate Trump now!
>Pence is a shit American politician
>still leagues better than the leaders of any other country on Earth
wew lad
Let me explain why this happened.
This election will be all about Voter turn out.
NOT about getting independents to like you.
People who are politically undecided are less likely to actually go out and vote. There are a lot of "Trump is not a True conservative" fags out there that we need to get out and vote.
Basically Trump took a gamble on
Unite and energize the base or Get those wishy-washy independents.
The bonus points is that if Trump wins with Pence it pushes the country more towards the right than if we went with a purple ticket or moderate ticket. If Trump's gamble pays off expect EXTREME butthurt. Trump would cause them butthurt but Trump + ChristfagVP will be buttdevastation
>1 shitpost by this ID
That might be true but i was still hoping for Webb
I don't know about the man's fiscal policies and I don't care. As an Indiana native the amount of butthurt he causes local baby-killers and gays is almost Trump-esque. I wasn't going to vote at all, but I want to see a sane moral head in the White House.
I was hoping for Newt/Flynn/Mattis. I was in absolute despair over the VP pick. But Ultimately it is what needed to happen. Not what we wanted to have happen.
Remember the primary where Trump destroyed 16 high ranking, establishment, GOP people?
Well you can't destroy all of your potential allies and leave them bloodied and humiliated.
If Trump picked Webb/Flynn/Non-establishment basically Trump would have the same level of support that a Third party candidate would have.
This gives Trump the GOP's backing. In a perfect world I don't think Trump would pick Pence, but the reality of the situation is that Trump couldn't take on two Major US parties at once. This got him the GOP as allies.
Trump picked Pence to translate his positions into pc cuckanese for them to feel good.
It's a brilliant move.
watch the Hannity interview.
You sound relatively well informed. Who do you expect to be Clinton's running mate?
You're right
But the thought of trump with a former military(general? Can't remember) gets my Dick hard
Sorry for shitty spelling and slow repones, i'm fairly drunk
Have a goodnight :^)
I don't know the dems political nuance at all.
But I would say that since Hillary was crowned by the establishment from the get go she doesn't need to sacrifice her VP pick to gain allies. So she really is less constrained in who she can choose.
Warren would get those Bernie voters but I think it is unlikely because Trump has already made her a joke.
I would say that either her VP pick will be boring moderate dem. Or it will be a younger Latino to push the "You don't want me in your country *cries*" angle to contrast Trump.
Flynn might not be veep but he will be in the administration.
Bill Clinton if she wants to win the election tomorrow
>Trump spends the entire primary at about 40% of the voter base winning the highest percent of voters in the states that he won
>#nevertrump cucks are perfectly willing to hand 2-3 SCOTUS judges to Clinton because the people didn't choose the candidate they wanted
>the Democrats instantly rally behind Clinton, defending her blatant crimes and only having good things to say about here despite what they may have said when she ran against Obama
>the Republicans are being petty children hoping that either they can sway public opinion enough to gloss over any shady shit at the convention or hurt Trump's campaign enough for a Clinton victory and at least 4 more years of growing resentment on the right resulting in a sweep for whatever asshat they run next time
>Trump does the smart thing and appeased the cucks by nominating boring interchangeable cuckservative #36 as his VP thus squashing the #nevertrump fag got some and hopefully unifying his base
>in return the small lercentage stranded bern-victims with enough backbone to not instantly fall in line with the Democrats are left to continue wandering the political desert in search of their magical free shit and weed condidate
Yes truly Trump should have picked a controversial VP thus ensuring that he only has a strong 40% of the Republican voting block on election day, surely he could topple Clinton with her unified Democratic party.
Warren might hurt her since Clinton isn't popular with male voters as is.
Bernie seems like a good possibility. Maybe Cory Booker. I can't think of any well known young latino dems.
well young known young latino dems is my new porn channel btw
Chess, in the 4th dimension.
You'll see.
sanders lol
cory booker is pretty likely
>all these Trump apologists coming out of the woodwork to defend his pick
>"h-he was not part of the establishment all along!"
>"he-he's merely doing it to repair the bridge he burned!"
It's Trump the Millionaire showing his true colors. Hillary *will* get jailed but it won't matter because President Trump will pardon her. Clintons and Trump will remain good friends and Trump will continue to pull the strings on the establishment.
You could've chosen Kasich but you failed the nation with this demagogue cuckservative-in-disguise old money faggot. End yourselves, you've irrevocably soiled the conservative movement in America.
Finally someone who's not a shill
>"hey guys just because the primaries are over doesn't mean we need to sit down and have talks with the GOP establishment... :^) come on literally everyone in the establishment is super corrupt! you're not a cuck, are you :^) Trump should only ever act as an outsider and NEVER EVER try to build relationships with the republican party :^))) we need the GOP to be as fractured as possible... :0))))"
You're exactly right. Trump basically needed a GOP establishment VP. Healing the GOP right now and building the party's trust is more important than securing the independent and undecided vote. Not everyone in the establishment is corrupt. Most are just easily-frightened herd animals. They will fall in line and cross a river once the pack leader crosses it first and doesn't get eaten by a croc, then they see it as safe to cross.
i thought the "kasich is a moderate" meme got the mercy killing it deserved?
Remember when trump asked cruz to be vp? I bet trump already knew cruz would be the last one to beat. Had cruz accepted he would have had no contest. There could be many underlying reasons.
Or maybe he's pulling a vice president santiago. You can kill me but you'll just end up with pence.
tfw i can admit that this was his very first mistake
All your GOP are belong to Trump.
First you beat them the you use them. This guy called the muslim ban offensive and unconstitutional a few months ago, and now that Trump has taken control of the GOP he was forced to say he supports it instead. You wouldn't call King Solomon a hypocrite for beating those 72 demons and then enslaving them to do the work of God for him, it's the same thing with Trump and the republicans.
Pretty certain he wanted to rally all of those people, now he's got to get that vocal part of the right that didn't want him on board, ice that happens he's just going to coast on high numbers until November. This will work out, and believe you me, Trump has the upper hand in this relationship, that is another reason he picked Pence.
Stop throwing around that phrase so frivolously without knowing what it means.
The neocons are coming out for Hillary in droves.
115 days remaining.
115 days of Republicans watching and waiting to see if their hail mary pays off.
Seriously guys, you had over 2 decades to prepare for Clinton Part Deux: Electric Bugaloo and Trump/Pence is the best you could do?
If you lose this election you have no one to blame but yourselves.
>tfw Conservicucks choosing Eevee to fight a final boss
>he was forced to say he supports it instead
that's not what he said though, he said he supports banning immigration from muslim COUNTRIES. Meaning Christians from Egypt and Syria will be banned, but Muslims from France and UK will still be allowed to immigrate, which is just stupid because those are the most radical ones.
Its the "you can just assassinate me if i get elected move"
>Healing the GOP
Most of the initial excitement towards Trump because of the potential for him to destroy the GOP while Hill/Bern tears the Dems to pieces, then maybe we could get some political parties that aren't a bad joke.
what. states that haven't gone blue in 50 fucking years are gray.
this propaganda is getting ridiculous.
has anyone seen the montage of reporters running into "technical difficulties" after criticizing hillary?
>spends the entire primary campaign setting a nationalist agenda and BTFOing neocon cuckservative candidates
Tramp went full neocon several months ago ausfam. You need to get with the program here
Newt Gingrich and Mike Pence are totally great guys
For the people 100%
Totally not New World Order
Newty and Mikey are totally not globalists. Never ever ever. They've always been on the people's side 100%
Everything is just fine
The Trump Train is not derailing
None of this is happening
Go back to sleep and vote Pence....ahem...I meant.... Vote Trump in November