How did they fuck up the city so bad?

How did they fuck up the city so bad?
Are they aware the city in the anime looked nothing like this?

one of the things that made me not want to watch it

Yeah, I mean it's "visually striking" and all, but also way too futuristic.

Because the live action's city is a fictional futuristic one while the animated film's city is basically Hong Kong.

Those giant holograms seem like something that could only exist for the benefit of the audience.

Actually I thought they did a good job with the city. You couldn't really tell where you were, it felt futuristic but not TOO unrealistic. There were a lot of practical effects which I found surprising.

great fucking city

Looks like something closer to akira

>hurr durr giant holograms suck - Sup Forumseddit plebian after seeing GiTS trailer
>AMAZING! STUNNING! EPIC! - Sup Forumseddit plebian after seeing the same exact thing in Bladerunner 30 years ago

>thinks billboards and blimps are holograms