Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder

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how hurt was your ego when you saw the replies?

Currently living in one of the most liberal cities in one of the most liberal countries in Europe and I see people from all sorts of walks of life getting along just fine. Rich poor, white or not, so why is it so hard for the US? Too divided for too long, demons from several generations ago? Genuinely curious.

Honestly, it's the intentional dumbing-down and brainwashing of Americans, especially lower-income folks.

They're constantly fed the lie that they alone will "make it" and get rich if they work hard enough. So they vote for the most vile and corrupt right-wing billionaires to ever walk the planet. And surprise surprise, they get shafted. But they view politics not as choosing policies, but choosing "a team" to root for. So, regardless of how badly they get fucked, they are happy because their team won.

And it's all supported by a blatant but entrenched system of government lobbyists who literally buy legislation for their cronies. So, those with money make the rules and have zero hesitation to rob everyone else.

It's insane.

The only way to correct it would be to eliminate lobbying completely

Correction Leftists have a mental disorder.
Being “liberal” in a true sense of the word is the epitome of free market and free speech.

This. Well said user

If im not free from tyranny if i decide to call someone a nigger and they arnt free to call me a cunt back then there is no freedom .

Thank you for your insight!

>currently living in another country with an absolutely different political system, aren't Australians exactly the sames as Russians the same as America

You. Are. Genuinely. A fag.

I love the biden smile when bornie talks about the death rates. He deserves to win.

Are they free to make your nose touch your skull?

The reason I live in another country is why I asked. Even if I would visit the states for a couple of weeks I would never get the same insights as someone who lived there his whole life. The country is simply too big for that.

So is grouping people you don't know in boxes of ideological extremes

Time also is a factor. In time your multi-cultural utopia will begin to crack. The races are not meant to live in close proximity. Competition will always create strain until it reaches the breaking point

You're welcome. Think of America not as a country but as a farm. We are given things not to help us but to maintain control. All of our "services" are predatory. A great example is healthcare. Why is it so fucked? Several factors. First, it's broken in such a way that people become bankrupt from medical bills each day! So the insurance companies make enormous legal profits there. Second, it's prohibitively expensive to pay for this on your own, so we are economically tied to our jobs and legitimately afraid. Fear creates a compliant and obedient workforce. Pretty much every other industry is like this. They are owned by the elite and exist only to control and only provide enough service to maintain that control

This to me is the very definition of Late Stage Capitalism

That's why there's so much talk and reaction to things like Medicare for all. It will at (least partially) free people from corporate control and private insurance is scrambling to do "hit jobs" on these ideas through misinformation and FUD.

The dumbing down is why the younger generation are falling for all the communist/socialist bullshit. Most voters choose based on a handful of issues that fit their beliefs. They pick the candidates who most closely aline with their beliefs. As an example: I don't really like Trump but voted for him because I am anti-homosexual, anti-abortion, pro-gun and strictly anti-union and all other communist organizations. The point is most don't give a shit about getting rich as long as they have a good life.

This white nations have never faced trouble at all. The Roman empire NEVER fell and Nero was a good boy who dindu nuffin

>violence in response to fucking words
and you wonder why people call you a chimp. people get called stupid shit all their lives, you're not special, and it doesn't give you the right to bash someone's head in just because you're offended. Grow up.

Trump is litterally pro-Lgbt

So no. Everything should be your enlightened opinion.

Go walk down south Detroit with a sign that says fuck niggers and tell them how childish it is of them to rape your corpse.

Freedom!=elimination of consequences

>I didn't imply that it was and exactly the same and wonder why it was so hard in an absolutely different society I wasn't aware of
>I just asked user

Hyah jews, ride!

Yes, Medicare for all will free the the people from the big bad boss at their job and make them slaves to the government. When the people pay to build the company, then they can control it. Until then they should be happy to have a job and save to start their own company. Corporations are not the problem, all the gibmes are the problem.

The Roman empire fell because they expanded into territories and tried to assimilate the people. A multi-cultural society will always fail.

>Don't look at the right hand, look at the left hand!

Heaven forbid it's both. For those of you who want the none jew answer, THIS is why everything is fucked in America. Elites take all the problems of the society, split them down the middle, then make them war with eachother for who is "right"

But not the LGBT agenda. That is why he keeps pushing religious freedom laws.

He's literally not

playing politics that's all

Some guy who wrote a book said this same thing. That multicultures will never form a bond or common goal.

Kinda makes sense. Different people, living in different parts of the world, making life in different ways. Spread out with different policies that apply to their own lifestyles


Stacked together in efficiencies with a loose universal ruleset that disrespects individuality, tradition, and pride in ones culture origins upbringing.

Anyone with enough braincells to rub together for a spark can tell which one is going to work better

Competition is the law of nature. Someone has to be right and the winner. You can't have it both ways.
You can't expect a man to put up his own money and effort to build a business and then give it away to people who did nothing but want s piece of the pie after it was already made.

Bingo. And they especially target lower income, poorly educated people with this message since they are most likely to buy into "sports team politics".

I think "slaves to the government" is especially hilarious, it practically screams brainwashing. It's all about outcome and cost and the American healthcare system is more expensive and less effective than nationalized plans.

Examine your assumptions, you're being fed a lie.

user they were not multicultural they tried to wipe away any culture that was not Roman. Even the Pope's did it with Christianity

You sound like the exact type of person that's being targeted. Realize that the billionaires literally don't care about ANY of the shit you've mentioned. They simply want to get into power on the backs of the ignorant so they can lower their taxes and foist the bill onto all of us.

That is their ONLY agenda.

Really? Because I'm pretty fucking sure centrifugal force and gravity are perfectly balanced?

Oh look at that, offering the extreme translation of only one out of two problems, so you can be "right".

Watch as you magically continue to think this way, like most other people, while wondering why things are getting worse and worse.

You can't put different people together and call them the same. When the people are of more than one culture, it is a multi-cultural society.

>they didn't try to assimilate other cultures, they tried to assimilate other cultures

Some of you are just on argue autopilot I swear. If you're king shit of turd you really have anything to be proud of?

Ya'll are fahgot whiny gov. cucks

Get real, vote this way, or that; you never win

Proof? The nationalized health Care system are actually bankrupting those countries. The communist/socialist systems deincentivize the people to strive harder. When all the millionaires are gone, who is going to pay for all your gibmes?

Cucking you from reality and sovereignty

First lie is the queen of england; lol, who the fuck trusts a woman

>I came to this thread to let everyone know how dumb they are by not believing in my ability to weigh in on the discussion

Wow kiddo. Real good stuff.

Like anybody else, they want the least government theft of their money. I don't begrudge them that. I have worked for enough to live my life in contentment. I don't need to try and steal theirs.


Try opening your eyes kike. Hilarious you repeatedly use this tactic in every "discussion" thread when more than one person who makes sense begins talking.

Go ahead, keep asking for "proof" like one person on Sup Forums has a google link to a physical inarguability that NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is aware of yet

>The millionaires are currently paying

It's definitely not

Actually they are not perfectly balanced or you would have no weight. Gravity is the stronger force which in turn holds you to the planet. One will always be the stronger.

Godammit people are making sense and not following the confuse people agenda!

Someone go shit all over a loli thread while posting wwyd

You don't have weight, you have mass. For every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. Learn to not be a fag.

If they weren't balanced you would be squished or fly off into the sky.

If you are going to make a claim, you should be prepared to back it up.


Like anyone should still be stupid enough to go collect valid sources of reporting and research just so your like asses can go, lol no.

My proof is that it makes you launch into dissent tactics, ergo it must be sensical. Reverse engineering the jew is simple stuff.

If they were balanced you would just float away. Perfectly balanced means they would cancel each other. You must have slightly more gravity to hold you to the earth. The more excess gravity you have the more you would weigh. That is why you weigh less on the moon. Less excess gravity over the centrifical force. I know they don't teach real science in school now, but try to keep up.

Medieval lesbians or modern fags?
I dunno.

>nature isn't perfectly balance reeeeee
>competition = war/assimilation reee
>If they were balanced you would submit to one force, because that's balance

Last time I checked you could stand on the ground AND fly. Which one wins?
Who wins, the wolf or the deer? Why do both wolves and deer still exist?

Who wins, icebergs or the ocean?

Don't everyone in the thread slowly argue me with autistic facts once every ten minutes.

You wouldn't want to prove my point

What’s with the “reeee” shit? There’s like a million of you political junkies out that deserve another auschweitz because you’re all the fucking same. How are you political fags not dead yet

Decent health care isn't a gibme, moron. If people get sick, I'm assuming that you'd advise them to just go die in a ditch?

My proof is the world Bank report to the EU parliament in 2014 concerning the bailout of Greece, Spain and Ireland. Basically it comes down to pay for all their social programs including universal health Care, those countries put such a heavy tax burden on corporations and the wealthy that they either folded or left the country. With no more rich people to steal from, the countries were forced to borrow money which it could never pay back and are now bankrupt. The more natural resources a country has the longer it can keep up the juggling game, but reality will bite them all in the ass eventually.

You're not wrong. I've been saying this for man years now.

Because you're being stupid as shit. You ignored mass and the attraction of mass having bodies compared to centrifugal force generated by the mass of the attracting body. A constant calculable variation throughout the universe.'s PROVEN.

fuck fuck shit piss stormfag get bentcuck cuck seething

Yes, but you don't have the power to lobby for your interests and they do. That's the difference. They are nothing more than crony capitalists, rigging the game.

I'm ok with people making money in a legit way, but corruption like this undermines everything the US stands for.

In each instance one will win. In the overall picture the struggle continues.

No, prove that I have to back up what I say. Also nice shit, civilian approved, one year jew report on countries that aren't the US that I don't even know if it exists because you just said "well this" without linking verifiable anything.

Based on the fact that neither has won, as long as we have been conciously aware?

Uh huh. So hey pointing out the extremes of one half of an issue isn't discussion or valid debate. Neither is comparing your shit logic to something that doesn't exist

No one is denying anyone health care. If I get sick I go to the Dr, then I pay my bill. What your Medicare for all is, is I pay not only my own bill but the bill for the nigress twit who can't keep her legs closed and won't go find a job. If she won't work then she deserves nothing.

In a system of checks and balances, which one wins?

Yet you advocate for a system that steals from the productive to give to those who don't produce.

She deserves no care for anything that can be reasonably deemed her fault by an impartial third party. But no government is actually willing to put that kind of stringent work into a system while wondering why it constantly erodes.

Same as food assistance should NOT be pulled when you get a job, and jobless applicants should be limited to rice, potatoes, oatmeal, and bulk meats. But no one can be assed to put in that kind of logical effort. It saves MORE MONEY to make all the systems generic universal, run by an automated phone system, while giving people a convenient thing to fight over.

>the irony
you're the one who has been dumbed down user

>You believe in X, that means you advocate Y

So I can point out the partisan form of control you jews use, and you still can't stop doing it for five minutes. You're all one trick ponies, by gawd.

As I said originally, competition is the law, not who wins or loses. The competition will continue until one side or the other is given an overwhelming advantage, and the end result in that case is complete destruction. Usually of both sides because they both need the struggle of the other to survive.

Okay, let's go with your premise that nationalized healthcare is bankrupting their governments. Since they're on average paying less than half of the US, then wouldn't it stand to reason that our healthcare system is bankrupting us too? If not, why? If so, why not cut our expenditures in half by socializing it?

The main reason why those countries are doing badly is austerity measures, bad economies, and people not paying their taxes

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I provided the proof, I just didn't look it up and link it so you didn't have to anything.

Giving a fuck about politics is for downies take this trash to pol

Based on all the complete destructions you have witnessed?

Based on all the things you can name that are proven to only work one way?

As you said originally, you're a twat who confuses your opinions with facts, then slowly tweaks each of your posts because you are more concerned with being right then having an open, investigative mind about the topic you're not discussing.

bump, we need to end degeneracy before the degenerates end us

>Okay, let's go with your premise that nationalized healthcare is bankrupting their governments. Since they're on average paying less than half of the US, then wouldn't it stand to reason that our healthcare system is bankrupting us too? If not, why? If so, why not cut our expenditures in half by socializing it?

I tried to explain this earlier, but as they say "morons gonna mor". It's about cost and outcome, not ideology.

What if...hey what if nationali,Ed things ARE bankrupting governments but only because those governments are offering no advantages or rewards for applying to and joining the workforce.

What IF governments have a good old time having you all concentrate on symptoms vs the root cause of an issue? Sensible people KNOW healthcare should be available for all, so the jews find a way to make it suck ass so YET AGAIN people have something to argue over

The programs themselves are the problem. How do you think we survived before the programs were put in place? The programs are cause massive unemployment because there are those that think "why should I work all day when I can get all this free stuff." That is the essence of gibmes

Not at all, in fact quite the opposite.

Crony capitalism and lobbyists steal from productive citizens and I'm against that.

A) you didn't provide the proof I asked for
B) what you did provide was an anonymous post, by your own definition, proof of nothing

And somehow the so smart government that isn't supposed to be your typical virgin Sup Forums poster, never changes them.

Who could it be?

Totally disagree. I look at it on the basis of cost, not ideology. Even with the free rider problem that all social programs have, nationalized health care has been show to STILL cost less than our current system, which is blatantly predatory.

My country has free healthcare and my city is the most livable in the world. My country has wealthier citizens (per capita) than USA with higher life expectancy and quality of life

All of this started when we started taking care of our citizens with free health-care and social security.

You invest in things to make them better. You invest in your people and they become better.

America shits on their people and guess what? Your people are shit.


Exactly. It's all Late Stage Capitalism. We're not a country, we're a farm. We could easily have a better system, but people are dumbed-down and vote against their own interests. It's sad.

>The main reason why those countries are doing badly is austerity measures, bad economies, and people not paying their taxes

To be clear, those countries are doing badly as a result of decades of government overspending - generous entitlements and pensions, expansive social programs, combined with poor economic productivity and people not paying their taxes.

Austerity measures are a long needed fiscal control designed to reduce government expenditures. While austerity is painful in the short term, it is a necessary step towards achieving long term financial stability.

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I don't think that's how dominoes work

Your bullshit that nobody baits, or ignoring shitposts like this?

False. People aren't dumbed down, theyre given "options designed to be self defeating. Americans are actually decently smart people, but we are the product of three different societies studies on controlling a population.

But lol it's the people's fault. Is not, we just happen to live here

What's sad is how much effort you put into disinformation

To be a jew and rub my dick all day posting political satire on a loli Gore forum.

>A great example is healthcare. Why is it so fucked? Several factors. First, it's broken in such a way that people become bankrupt from medical bills each day! So the insurance companies make enormous legal profits there.

In a true free market, this would lead to the immediate loss of sales because other competitors would step in to take advantage of the irresistible market opportunity. Profit incentive alone is not a free license to raise prices capriciously. The only way to maximize profit is to provide the greatest amount of goods/services to the greatest amount of people. But people must purchase voluntarily.

In our fucked up crony capitalist system, we have the government's "benevolent hand" manipulating this market, injecting subsidies, awarding licenses/permits/contracts, and acting to protect the interests of a few lucky corporations that are politically connected to your lawmakers.

Subsidies will always lead to higher prices, scarcity and reduced efficiency. This applies to any sector... health care, insurance, agriculture, real estate, education... Because there are so many dollars being injected into health care sector, prices naturally rise as a result.

So, if you're receiving assistance you don't care, because subsidies are absorbing much of these increases. But what about those who have to pay for these increases out of their pocket? Those are the ones who are hurt the most...

The more we keep voting to INCREASE well-intentioned government assistance, the more we are transitioning AWAY from a free-market capitalist society, toward one that is more centrally planned / government-run.

Any time the government steps in with a "benevolent hand" to offer subsidies, entitlements, and benefits, the more distorted that market becomes, and the harder it becomes for those who are not on the receiving end of the assistance.

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I said and yet. Which is really a question about why if you believe this are you advocating that.

This is a good post. All I can add is "okay fine you can have healthcare for all but it's coming out of YOUR pockets AND we won't regulate like that?

*rubs nipples*

The United States is drunk. Our liquor is debt. Debt is our #1 export. Soon, the rest of the world will begin to realize that we have no choice but to default on our massive national debt. Already, other countries are openly discussing plans to ditch the inflating US dollar as a reserve currency. Once this begins, it's game over.

Pouring the drunk another drink is not the solution. Massive amounts of deficit-financed spending does not "make" a strong economy. Continuous rounds of quantitative easing (money printing) by the Federal Reserve is causing massive asset inflation and does not "create" wealth. A rising stock and real estate market are the result of a large asset-inflation bubble, not any type of economic recovery as the government would have you believe.

The Federal Reserve interest rate control mechanism is effectively broken and the interest rate has been stuck at or near zero since 2009. Without printing money to do so, United States can hardly afford to pay the interest alone on the increasing national debt.

A real solution requires that we all endure a painful hangover. A recession is actually needed to allow the economy to cure itself of its inefficiencies and reallocate resources to productive sectors. The Federal Reserve must concede that it is impossible to prevent the coming recession indefinitely. Trying to to do so by continuously printing money is fatal to our economy, and our country.

Stop quantitative easing, stop asset inflation, and allow interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates will discourage borrowing and spending, and encourage personal savings. We must restart non-debt financed capital investment in this country - the true engine of a productive, sustainable economy.

“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.” -- Alan Greenspan

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I told you not to slowly argue with me once every ten minutes guys....come on...

OK, just promise you won't do a mass shooting or drive a bus through a crowed like other normal, healthy conservatives do.

Except we assassinated any president that was willing to sit in office while this occured and began to groom them instead from ogliarch families who "know the status quo"

Lefty prescribing solutions to a problem so complex not a single human has devised a solution. The idea some retard on Sup Forums spouting a talking point has figured out what ills our country is not even in the realm of possibility.

Do not listen to this retard, he is just as ideologically possessed as the people he decries. Which is exactly what intellectuals do.

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>Medicare for all. It will at (least partially) free people from corporate control

It will do nothing of the sort - you have this completely backwards. All it will do is create a massive bureaucracy and guarantee lucrative profits for the corporations who are "selected" by your corrupt politicians to as health care providers under the program, while adding tremendously to the national debt.

Open competition for profit in a free market ensures that companies maximize efficiency, keeping revenues high and costs low. This can only be achieved by maximizing the amount of products/services sold. Never in history has the government's "benevolent hand" been able to replicate the long term success of the free market.