>They gave a "list of demands" to the police
>They gave a "list of demands" to the police
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is he trying to shut it down
This protest looks like it's failing, heaps of #AllLivesMatter chanters are making their voices heard over the niggers.
all lives matter guy :-o
They want to shut down a really busy intersection in a pretty nice neighborhood. And there's pro police people there too so I'm just waiting
did the niggers just get outspeeched
Update: They aren't going home despite the reverend's orders
Oh shieeeeet.
Counter terrorists win!
Of course not. They're there to cause trouble. This is why blacks will never get ahead in this world.
They were told to go home by their protest leader but I'm pretty sure a lot of them are looking for a confrontation to have satisfaction that their protest was noticed so they may hang around.
Looks pretty uneventful to be honest you can give this whole thing a miss.
It's only 9PM in phoenix. They have all night
she wuz holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup holup
shieeeet mang i didn' kno police officers lived for 200 years n shieeeeeeeeeet.
From what I understand, everyone is mad that Jared cant bring subway.
I live in Phoenix, ask me anything
Before I posted the link some of them were getting antsy and saying can we go in the street now?
isnt he in prson
Looks like some fat NEET found his way to the protest.
Whats up with police lives mattering muh nigguh
Wow watching this absolute degeneracy.
What the fuck am I even watching?
This shit is stupid. Someone break a window or something.
Who comfy in north area?
Oh boy.
Phoenix resident here. Didnt hear about this. What should I do?
Right wing death squad?????
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
I would give anything to be in your shoes with my camera.
Go get a nice view.
You're fine buddy. Just stay inside.
Mayne das just a rebuttal. Dat don mean nuffin.
The fucking audio only being right channel is making me more angry than this damn autistic protest. Bring back the neet. He was fucking hilarious.
All 10 niggers in AZ are present. Police have it locked down no happening here boys
It's not late nigger hours.
Phoenix is not a ChimpOut Zone.
I'll believe it when the Africans go back.
It can be, thanks in part to white liberals on their side. They just need enough encouragement
Stop being a peasant and move to northern Arizona
No, AZ isn't culturally enriched enough to have Ferguson/Baltimore-tier chimpouts. There's just not enough nignogs there.
How is Prescott? Seems nice
You going to the gun show tomorrow?
Hell yeah! Wanna dock penises in the restrooms?!?!?!
In case anyone is wondering why nothing is happening. Pro-Police people got there early and were set up and waiting for the BLM people so the protest was contained before it even started. That combined with the Turkroach situation taking all the media attention means nothing is happening in our little desert city tonight.
Besides, AZ cops don't fuck around. People learned their lesson from the protest the other night when they got gassed for trying to block the freeway.
link not working for me is it over?
I guess it's just too calm to stream. They'll probably monkey around a bit before they go home though
phoenix is one of the least black metro areas in america. this shit is going no where. also phoenix cops are generally pretty good
AZ fag here
are the niggers still doing anything?
He's raising his hand.
I live in Phoenix as well. Want to hang out?
99th Ave and McDowell. Pretty comfy desu.