Good night sweet prince

Good night sweet prince.

Never forget

post every single don roach meme pls.

ive been looking for some of them.

You can't play with my emotions like that OP


Can someone post the gif/webm of the manlet beating the fuck out of some tall faggot??

would appreciate

he's all over Vine

Wait, is Köksal Baba actually dead?

Who is this meme master?


Yes. Shot on bosphorus bridge last night

literally in the images


No for real

No he's not dead.

Bye bye big guy. Gonna miss you, I hope u R injoying heaven. Good night my sweet Turk prince.

Good night mighty Koksal



Erdogan called him a cunt on TV and Koksal responded by storming the presidential palace. He managed to kill over 23 soldiers before they finally just carpet bombed his location.

He went out trying to overthrow the turkish government

#RIP big guy


/r/ing the pic where hes running with a knife



This thread is the funniest shit I've seen in a while and I know exactly why.

avenge Baba

holy shit. i didnt realize he was so fucking small. lmao

rip baba

here he is celebrating turkey's victory in the ant war

you guys do realize that midget is actually dead right?

Then who's the one in the new videos and pictures ?

body double

He looks like a mix between Adam Sandler and my 10th grade Literature teacher in this pic


What the fuck is he? Whats wrong with him