How do you fuck that up?
It's officially over
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If they had fired on just a few of the civilians zerging them the rest would have ran off instead of literally pulling the rebels out of their tanks.
It's just one group of soldiers surrendering. There's still troops all over
By not cutting internet/electricity?
This sucks. Now Erdogan will go totally Saudi-Arabia on Turkey.
Still... this coup was badly planned, if they can't capture every TV station, cut the power and internet, get things under control, then restart the power(but not internet).
Also... while understandable that they did not want to kill civilians, they would only have killed Erdogan supporters, and even then, they would not have required, a tank firing is a lot more scary than a few bursts into the air. Just fire a few burst, keep the people away, then shoot a tank shell at an empty location. That would have given the correct message.
www facebook com/hamdi.kesgin
The military are the good guys. They aren't gonna shoot on them since they're not assholes.
They're doing what's good for the country, yet the people don't understand.
Its strange to see the military surrender and lay down their firearms just to have the civilians pick them up.
A lot of military equipment is going to go missing and end up somewhere where they should not be.
Good to the country, bad to the muslins, that are the people who opose to the coup.
Those arms end where they should be... in the hands of pro-Erdogan/Isis fighters. Everyone knew it would happen. It's where they would have ended up eventually anyway.
it was a fucking ruse to begin with
Well, all of them are going to be executed.I was hoping this would've been the Happening of all happenings.
It's not over, they lost control of Istanbul because they have barely anyone there. Ankara is well in control of military
The only good Turk is a dead one
Well that's hopeful... but we have heard reports of government jets shooting down military helicopters... what were the original military jets for? Making sounds?
That was last night.
In Ankara they've been bombing government buildings with F-16s.
Apparently the navy is now on their side and mobilizing, but who knows how much that will help.
It's apparently one sect of the Air Force.
Not over, police taking cover from the military in Ankara
>How do you fuck that up?
By revolting when the president isn't in the country
choose one
wait, the MILITARY surrendered and dropped there weapons to civies?
>haha whoops I got arrested I bet they'll just give me a slap on the wrist haha :)
What's going to happen to them?
They committed treason, which is punishable by death in the US
Oh dog rip turkish intrusion
Erdogan will torture and execute anyone suspected of betraying him. He said himself this was a "gift from allah" and plans to use it as an excuse to purge.
Even the generals who weren't part of it are going to end up completely fucked.
Nice guys really can't do revolutions. So, say hello to Sharia Turkey.
>I...I was just avin' a giggle lads
If they start making Erdoroach look like a hero tomorrow then it will confirm that this was all false flag.
By being a roach