Why is everyone on the planet a Rick and Morty fan now? It's frustrating.
Why is everyone on the planet a Rick and Morty fan now? It's frustrating
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Because it's one of the most entertaining and well written shows to come out in a long time.
>inb4 40 reddits
>well written
It's a good-a show
>Show gets a new episode after more than a year
>Surprised because there is a surge in discussion about it
>I can't enjoy shows when other people love it
Why aren't you?
I bet you like Million Dollar Extreme.
Because it's epic bro
narwhal bacon for the win!
It's honestly entertaining how much this show triggers people on this board, I've never seen anything like it.
yeah im really considering dropping the show because of all the fans
I like it but you know, too mainstream
Mulan McNugget sauce, user. You don't like nugget mcmulan sauce user. Well you will user. Burp. Let's get some sauce user. Wubba dubba wub wub.
Sup Forums has always hated Rick and Morty as a meme. It's a meme. We love it but shhh.
It's a hilarious and epic show only hated by contrarians.
>on the bus home late the other night
>girl ahead of me turns around and just randomly shouts at me 'Hey neighbor, RICK AND MORT SEASON 3 IS OUT!'
>realize it's my next-door neighbor I've only spoken to once before
How the fuck did she even know I watch the show. I know almost everyone does now, but still a weird fucking thing to announce to me across the bus when she knows jack shit bout me
Don't worry, I also was a 16 years old edgelord who loved edgy things, you'll grow and learn how mid-tier to shit-tier this show is.
This is tangential I know, but every time I click on a Seth Myers clip I have to watch the same commercial for the Always Infinity menstruation pad. I have watched this video hundreds of times now. I am a 62 year old man. I am sure Google knows this about me. WTF. I've seen it so many times that I've started analyzing and critiquing the effectiveness of this pad. I am impressed that this product can absorb something like 8 times its weight in blood. The more the better, right? But they also brag about how light it is which suggests that they have taken this superior absorbency property and used it only for their own advantage. I am guessing that the weight of a pad is the least important quality that a user is concerned about. Total volumetric absorbency is surely the most important. So if the absorbance per unit weight is increased while the total weight is decreased, isn't the user in the same condition with regard to the product's most important quality?
>lots of people like something thats popular
why indeed
Sup Forums is down the hall and to the left
claiming to like R&M is basically just a callsign that means 'DAE like reddit??'
It's just getting shilled hard by kikes, cucks and fast food restaurants. The show itself is very 6/10ish
You don't know me.
remember when Sup Forums liked this show
but then they found out that the BAD website also likes it so now they have to pretend they don't
LE szechuan sauce HAHAHAHAHAHA
OMG I NEED szechuan sauce LMAOOOOO
szechuan sauce!!!!!!!!!! IN MCDONALDS
ebin meme man makes me kek
i read this with ricks voice, nice one user! :-)
>remember when Sup Forums liked this show
Speak for yourself. This generic shit wreaked of reddit from its conception.
it's a pleb show for plebs
of course reddit likes it
Season 1 was ok
Season 2 had some major problems and got too far up it's own ass with 2deep4 plot lines that went nowhere.
Season 3 added cunts/hacks to their writing staff that sent the show into development hell just so they didn't look sexist. The show is ok. Not good or bad just ok.
roiland knows it's stupid
that's why all the improv stuff is so funny
because it's just so fucking stupid
And then Dan "muh story arcs" Harmon comes in and wraps it in a neat little bow
>i pretend to not like things because other people who also pretend to not like things tell me
form your own opinions rather than blindly following memes
>rick and morty hate threads every day
>constant redditposters
>Why is everyone on the planet a Rick and Morty fan now?
dumb nigger
if people did that you would never have been born
It's a call back to the first episode, ya dip.
>he doesn't like MDE
what does this even mean
I bet you like BBC porn
Probably something to do with tribal shit and how the human race wouldn't have survived if they did what you suggested.
Which is true, but no longer applicable at this stage.
Are you surprised? This is the generation which grew up on Spongeboob SquarePants and other retarded childrens "cartoons".
In a time when grown men are still playing with Pink Plastic Ponies or still playing LE EPIC ZELDA!!, don't be surprised anymore.
Rick and Morty belongs to the man child generation
the audience for this show are the same people who were calling themselves bronies a few years ago in high school
haha its funney becaus its so stupid :P
N-nice non sequiturs you got there. Wanna back that shit up?
wow I didn't think reddit shows existed till I seen this clip, there is no god in this moment I am euphoric
All yu rick and morty fags need to go back to Gaia Online
all i know is that one of the main characters dad is a blatant cuckold
thats about all i need to know about this reddit trash show
Do you not realize that I'm making fun of you?Im not starting a debate or argument.
Watching Rick and Morty is the equivalent of My Little Ponee
Who's this me you're making fun of? Do I even watch Rick and Morty? How such lazy posts as comparing something to mlp can be even categorized as "making fun of" post?
what current animated shows are better than Rick and Morty?
>I got my big boy pants on
Why the fuck would it be frustrating that other people like something?
You can't prove it's not MLP without admitting that you watch both shows.
Watching "mature adult" cartoons like Rick and Morty, neither makes your mature nor an adult.
I bet you also fart in public and eat your boogers
That's the good bit, I don't have to as I'm not the one making the original claim. That's on you and if you can't deliver - too bad, little bitch.
Someone is really getting angry here
It's like when someone steals a child's bottle
Only this time, your precious imaginary friends, Rick and Morty, are being compared to equally attricious cartoons like MLP
Wow haha, this crudely drawn picture makes me giggle, because I have a low brow for humor
What should I watch?
The fact that you care also proves that you watch both shows, and you can't disprove it without admitting that you watch them.
Decide that for yourself. But, if it leads you back to watching cartoons made by 50 year old perverts, failed artists, creeps, and social losers (Rick and morty, South Park, MLP), then you probably need to re-examine your life
american dad
I don't watch fake news
What shows do you watch?
A cartoon frustrates you.
Aren't. You a stellar example of a touchy autismo-tard.
Maybe you should just kill yourself, spare yourself any more frustration.
Squidbillies will always reign supreme.
Don't pretend to be retarded
Chicken shit
>loved Spongebob growing up
>dislike Rick & Morty
I watch shows that don't pretend to be retarded.
Rick and Morty is how people with Down syndrome see the world desu
This tbqh senpai
big bang theory and dance moms
She felt the reddit oozing out from you.
Name one
you fags sound like the most boring cunts in the world
Rick and Morty
My 600 pound life
It's on par with Rick and Morty actually. They're both neither funny nor clever and the fans take themselves too seriously and moan whenever someone mocks their stupid show.
at least we have a personality
Then why do you pretend to be retarded to get reactions out of faggots online?
If not eating boogers nor farting in public makes me boring, then yeah
Literally Shallow Observation: The Shitpost
Because it's funny to watch Redditors and other booger eaters squirm around once they're imaginary friends are being brought down a peg
She wanted the dick you moron
autistic enough to yell at anons on Sup Forums about a tv show? sure
Real high brow ya dumb lesbo
m'askusum Rick
What are the least reddity episodes of this show? Are they all equally reddit?
don't lie. i know you do
But they're not really being brought down a peg, you're just shitposting back and forth with someone. Both sides sound retarded.
this might surprise you since watching cartoon network is the closest you've been to being outside but online isn't the real world
I like "Lawnmower Dog"
I know. But im pretending. The booger eaters and public poopers are actually retarded
You know how retarded kids like bright lights and sounds?
Rick and Morty fans equally enjoy lights and burping noises
it is to you
>his "personality" is lazily shitting on things that people like
it's pretty popular with your mom
all the faggots itt being crontrarian, so sad.
Rick and morty is good and if you're so enranged that everyone likes it you are obviously just one of those weird children who hate what 'normies' like
Nuh uh
>Watching Rick and Morty is the equivalent of My Little Ponee
those shows have pretty much nothing in common.
kill yourself