BR bros answer pls

Honest, no-bullshit question:
Why do North and South Brazil hate each other so fucking much?

Whenever large numbers of Brazilians gather in Sup Forums it ALWAYS devolves into a shitstorm of North vs South Brazil.

I don't get it. You really fucking hate each other don't you?

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It's hard to explain.

It's because of the retards in the middle(Paulistas).

Paulistas think South Brazil is a place filled with blonde haired people that live in 1 million dollar mansions.

Northerners are used the scapegoat for all of Brazil's problems because Paulistas consider them to be black and useless.

The country is really fucking big. The cultures can get quite different.

Isn't it because one end of the country hogs all the wealth and the other half is a neglected third world type area with almost no public services or educational opportunities?

>The name Florianópolis was meant to be a tribute to Marshal Floriano Peixoto, the second President (1891–1894)
>Desterro, the capital of the state of Santa Catarina, was renamed Florianópolis as punishment for its participation in the Federalist Revolution in 1894
>Floriano Vieira Peixoto (Portuguese pronunciation: [floriˈɐ̃nu viˈejrɐ dʒi araˈuʒu pejˈʃotu] 30 April 1839 – 29 July 1895), born in Ipioca (today a district of the city of Maceió in the State of Alagoas)


Niggers and natives up north of Brazil have it worst

south is doing pretty well...

Because the intellectuals and professors from the North convince northern Brazilians that the South is the Brazilian version of Wall Street


One is white and the other is nigger

Damn I thought this was going to be about Baton Rouge. I'll leave now.

It basically goes like this:

North is full of racemixers and niggers, south has most of the white population in the entire country.
North is poor as fuck, is filled with illiterates and commies. While some south areas can be considered 2nd world.
Northern culture is filled with degenerate trash, southern culture still tries to resist subversion with some european culture.
As far as money goes, the tax payers from the southern regions are keeping the useless northern states alive.

Now I have a question for you, argie: if the south tried to secede with a bloody conflict, who would you support?

>São Paulo
>Maioria branca
Your chart is wrong, the city São Paulo is one of the most blacked cities I've ever visited, only being second to Florianopolis.

you've done goofed monkey-user.

Anything above Registro-PR is shitland.

From what you are saying I guess South Brazil
Been to Porto Alegre and it was nice.
You guys are bro-tier.

I'd just bomb your favelas with napalm t.b.h.

All i know is that mato grosso do sul is the qt central of the americas

This is the best tl;dr you will get, north/northern people add no value to the country, only garbage comes from them

You sulcornos would do shit, you're weak pussies who can't stand up to the Haitians raping your women the Jews jewing you and the nordestinos destroying your culture. You're the Sweden of Brazil.

t. Carioca living in Santa Catarina

We still prefer being the Sweden of Brazil than being Zimbabwe of Brazil.

fuck off Camburiu and Floripa prairie nigger.

>still forcing this nonsensical haitian meme

Curitiba here.
it's not a meme.

You are overrun by Haitians tho, second to São Paulo. Every city that I visit in Santa Catarina has atleast two mobs of Haitians.


Paulistas pay more tax and get nothing, we should be a country

he culled the hues.
he must have some gas in the malvinas.
Which are OURS.

>Why do North and South Brazil hate each other so fucking much?
Noth=niggers, south=whites.

Also there is the whole economical question, and by that I mean that the rich southern states are literally supporting all the nigger states that can't support themselves.

How can you not hate it when you pay some of the highest taxes in the world and less than 20% of what you paid gets returned to your state? Specially if you consider the current amount of money these states are receiveing is not enough to pay their expenses and improve infrastructure, leading to several problems in all areas of society.

More like one end sustains the whole country while the other survives via welfare.

Nouth: actual negros
South: negros who think they're Euros.

> he considers Paraná part of the south

Anything above RS is Bahia.