Probably a good indicator that a big happening is to come.
oy vey oy gevalt what did jews do to anyone?
Jew senses tingling
Yea, they fucked the country, now they leave.
Will be the same for you america, it just will take longer, perhaps centuries.
Why don't they go back home - to the US?
Pretty big. So are Jews not behind the influx of Muslims then? Or did they just get the heads up to leave before Europe is turned in to a mixed race population of slaves?
top kek
Lol by that time you cuckolds better get back on your fucking feet
They might be getting the fuck out before Muslims become the official majority.
>they promoted globalism and multicultural bullshit
>invite swarms of muslims to cuck over France
>then get out before the muslims start killing jews
Leafboy telling it like it is
>So are Jews not behind the influx of Muslims then?
My senses are also tingling.
France doesn't have many of the smart ashkenazi jews by the way.
like mass immigration perhaps?
google Barbara Spectre
>europe importing millions of muslims
>jews leaving
This documentary is kind of funny.
>>Certificate of Jewishness please
This is a thing.
This Vice News documentary actually covers a lot of this.
The migrants are becoming increasingly antisemitic. Thus Jews are leaving Europe in increasingly huge numbers as Muslims replace them in similarly huge numbers.
It's a mess.
They're leaving because France has failed to do anything about its Muslim problem.
Some who remain are even supporting National Front, which used to be openly anti-semitic, because of their anti-muslim anti-immigration stance.
Wtf, I hate jews now.
We need to build a great wall and then keep them in France to integrate with their new native population.
>kike flight
I trust the jews on this one.
This is a good thing. The fewer subversive elements the better. Ultimately we want a binary scenario: native white Europeans on one side, and shitskins on the other.
Jews know that Muslims hate them with a passion and wouldn't hesitate to behead them upon first sight. It's only sane to flee a country that is mass importing them and allowing them to breed like rats.
"If we want to remain a democratic state, we have to have a majority of Jews"
Whites of course are not allowed to have majority states...
Yes, but don't Jews advocate for bringing in refugees?
>>tfw girl from Israel is coming back to fuck me
you know your country's going to shits when the jews are leaving
Hope this is better than the other documentary.
>Jews are leaving
That was it and I don't think they mentioned that it's Muslims even once.
I'm not sure whether to side with the Muslims for scaring away the Jews, or just blame the Jews for getting us to bring the Muslims in the first place
I think the definition of white is changing where that won't be much of a concern in the coming years.
A century ago redheaded Irish weren't considered white while such an idea today is laughable.
I'm willing to bet hard cash that Asians will be considered whites by the 22nd century.
yea jews>white people far less cuckable
Marcel Proust is Franz Kafka and Stanley Kubrick tier secular Jew.
Better than muslims.
Reminder that Charlie hebdo was another falseflag
Fuck off.We dont want em either.
This. Some things might echo but this does not.
France's problem is Islam.
alhamdulillah france will be muslim soon inshallah
video related
>seems familiar
>It's a mess.
Just goes to show that when Jews run something it lasts.
You hand it over to the Goyim and they are guaranteed to fuck it up.
>the new population of Europe
They don't want to say Muslims. Reporter had to push it.
Jews are communautarist as fuck
they literally hold meetings to tell their youth which stance they should have on a particular subject
they have created big and powerful anti racist associations who advocate for muslim rights
i know a jewish french girl, who only has the french nationality, that posts only about how great israel is on her twitter
if they had to choose, they'd choose israel anyday
not my comrades
>WTC wasn't sold
.t ranginui papatuanuku
>kikes wreck nation
>kikes leave
yep france is fucked.
>be french
>be cuck
>repeat throughout history
wasn't sold, but who took over management :^)
literally too many Muslims
choose one
Jewish organizations definitely pushed for refugees. And now they are the first to leave....
This vas mein plan all along!
I mean, it's not like Jews didn't already know that Muslims hate them.
Same with the Persian(Iran's) Jews, You can read up how they choose a shitty settler state over their own homeland.
Hitler was right when he said that these parasites are not loyal to any land, only their own.
Israel is like playing a game of tag with "base." You know, they can go play in other nations and then if things get rough, back to Israel. "Can't tag me! I'm on base!"
>right-wing jews
>left-wing jews
>right-wing goys
>left-wing goys
oy vey could it be?
the nose knows
Strayan on holiday here
Oi ya shitcunt frogs why does this entire fuckin city fuckin reek of piss
Cunt its fucked
Most Jews, like anybody else, are likely plebs who are manipulated by their leaders. When those plebs have more media influence, it makes a bigger impact tho.
But it seems the Balfour Declaration and the creation of Israel was a bargaining chip used to manipulate Jews of various nation states.
"Two of Wilson's closest advisors, Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, were avid Zionists. How better to shore up an uncertain ally than by endorsing Zionist aims? The British adopted similar thinking when it came to the Russians, who were in the midst of their revolution. Several of the most prominent revolutionaries, including Leon Trotsky, were of Jewish descent. Why not see if they could be persuaded to keep Russia in the war by appealing to their latent Jewishness and giving them another reason to continue the fight? ... These include not only those already mentioned but also Britain's desire to attract Jewish financial resources."
THIS. This is probably the best analogy I've heard.
Which is why we need to establish a white nation state.
Literally the plan to keep the Israeli building industry going!
>is to come
where the fuck have you been the last 16 months?
We're already happening.
Jews by name aren't real Jews and most likely not real Zionists either.
These Globalist Kikes you claim are behind immigration are as poisonous as your Globalist Christians.
You can group them all together if you want, but then I can just group all your degenerates with the rest of you Goys too.
Evil is Evil
Doesn't matter what you call it
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum.
Hopefully none of them leans to the left.
>Trading Jews for Muslims
Literally the worst trade of all time
Jews will supercharge your economy
Going to have to squeeze out that last of those pesky Palestinians eh?
It's only going to get worse.
I'm all out of ass.
Part of the goal of flooding Europe with Muslims is to compel the diaspora Jews to move to the Holy Land and stop racemixing with whites
Yes, they must return to Jordan.
The philo-semitism and hebreophilia in this thread is disgusting.
I doubt they're behind it. There's no one Jews are more against than Muslims. They are the classic enemies or rivals. Now that France has become a Muslim nation the Jews are slowly leaving. Everyone including jews are against this turn the world is taking except politically correct types and liberals. Somehow political correctness lead to Muslims taking control and gaining a lot of ground.
When the Jews leave, you know shit is getting bad.
It's time to chew ass and kick bubble gum
The globalist christians are not natively globalist, save for a very small fraction of them. Most of it is the result of Jews poisoning the culture and spreading lies, while suppressing any opposing argument, oftentimes violently. What's more, they've been doing this shit for thousands of years. It's why everyone has always hated them.
If you see jews fleeing your country en-mass, the smart thing would be to follow them, because that country is gonna have a bad time soon.
>Probably a good indicator that a big happening is to come.
Yeah, its almost like they know things in advance.
>Have high IQ
>Can see when things are about to get real
It's not magic you fucking cuck.
>plan event
>know when it happens
It's not magic you fucking cuck.
Well, no one is holding a gun to the goyim's head.
If you're falling for peoples tricks then you are weak.
Or dumb.