Can't Mossad The Assad
I love Bashar.
Love for country and nation.
Who's next?
B-But Erdogan is back in power though...
Can't mossad the assad
well done assad, well done
You're right. Fixed.
Ive never been to the Syria General before, why does Sup Forums love Assad so much?
never have I expected to see a shaycarl gif on Sup Forums
This .
Let me reiterate.
Why do you guys support Assad knowing that he's following his father's footsteps, and is a genocidal dictator?
Because Assad hasn't isn't a crazy roach who has killed thousands civilians like ISIS has
Because he's the good guy.
Can't Mossad the Assad
>opposes israel
>opposes isis
>opposes other jihadists and islamists who behead people
>defends secularism
>defends christian minorities and religious freedom
>is a nationalist
pick your poison
Because he BTFO's terrorists funded by arabs and the west
Also, allow myself to reiterate, Assad claims to be Ba'athist, but in reality isn't necessarily trying to establish a single Arab nation based on socialistic principles like early Saddam did and Al-Bakr did. No, none of these people, including Assad, are going to be saints in regards to everything, but I feel like orthodox Ba'athism would've been the best thing for the middle east and that the west had fucked it all up because "Muh Truman Doctrine"
Can't Mossad the Assad!
He's killed more civilians than ISIS. ISIS hasn't really killed that many.
Ya cant mossad the assad
That's a complete lie made up by the kikes.
What a bunch of bullshit.
لا يمكن مسعد الأسد
Because he is muslim. We love good muslims on this board and he is one. Do not believe in those Muslim hating people here, they are a minority. Assad is so popular on /po/, it shows that the majority here are ok with muslims as long as they are good aka not goat fucking retarded.
You forgot
What planet have you been living on? Unless your definition of civilians include the terminology "Moderate Rebels" like that of the FSA, Al-Nusra, etc, then maybe I can see where you're coming from. And notice how I said that Assad doesn't advocate for orthodox Ba'athism as he does nothing to unify the Arab nation (honestly, probably because he realizes that he has too many domestic problems unlike the US, UK, etc to deal with things like unifying places like the middle east. Any killing that has been done by Assad's forces seem to generally be justified, secular forces have killed people with ties for promoting radicalism that has spread like a plague in that nation for years now. And even if you could pull a statistic out that has numbers like 200,000 people (who, might I remind you, includes everyone that has been killed for advocating Islamic State ideals), I'd say that's pretty good compared to the same number that ISIS has killed within the last two years
Because he's better and more stable than any government or leader the US would puppeteer, and the same compared to ISIS aka FSA who we've been funding and supplying weapons to which is what the whole benghazi ambassador was doing under shillary's directive
Can't Mossad the Assad
If you're just going to claim that every single person killed by the government forces was "ISIS", you're probably such a mindless assad supporters that you aren't going to change your mind, but if you'd payed attention and followed the course of this war, there haven't been anywhere near enough event sin syria for isis to attain a significant death toll. There is no single source of information you can trust at all, they all have an agenda and are all biased, but it's not as if isis or any other opposition groups have access to the types of weapons that have been killing the most civillians (mostly attacks from air and artillery). Everything I've seen, and even opposition-aligned reports indicate that the collectively, the non-isis opposition groups have killed more civillians than isis. The western media portrayal of them is very sensational and exaggerated. They've killed more people in iraq but it doesn't come anywhere close to the people killed by government and russian air force bombs in syria.