So I was at work and missed the day of rage thing, did anything happen? and if so how bad did it get?

So I was at work and missed the day of rage thing, did anything happen? and if so how bad did it get?

Turkey coup.

Also nice get


Get a mother fucking radio at work man.

A fucking radio.

The same shit we've had since the 1930's.

failed coup attempt in turkey

We're not sure if it's failed yet.

Last we heard the navy was in on it too.

I was asking about the BLM thing, did it just get overshadowed by the coup?

But I heard they military took one city, idk if im correct or not though

BLM thing was just rumours and Sup Forumslacks are content ignoring they were wrong for the actual happening.

The night is still young, my white friend.

h-how do you know im white?

Nothing happened, hence why Sup Forumstards are being silent about being wrong for the millionth time about their dumb race war meme.