Hey fags, what is this?

Hey fags, what is this?


Early jumping to conclusions much?

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Fight for a free and secular Turkey!

All this proves is that the coup has someone on their side that knows how to do some hacking.

This. If you're watching CNN you've been seeing American army top brass and other government shills parroting the Erdogan "all is well" propaganda line. The American government desperately wants Erdogan to come out on top. Don't trust the mainstream media on this issue (or ever, duh).

coup pls happen

(user was executed by Erdogan for this post)

How chaotic is it where you live?

Wait, is the coup not a bunch of Muslims as well?

As an american generally unaware of the motivations of the various factions in this conflict, what will happen if the coup does succeed?

How much more do you think will the region be destabilized by this event, regardless of if i succeeds or fails?


its kurds from what I understand

>what will happen if the coup does succeed?
Separation of Church and State. Horrible, right?

yes goy please move into a white country like goymoney

Maybe the CNN blackout should have lasted longer

Military are secular freedom lovers defending the Turkish constitution from Islam.

Government are Islamic fascists who want to turn Turkey into a Caliphate.

If Erdogan wins this war, he will expand his power even further and became a full blown theocratic dictator.

no monies
if they are as secularist as they said curfew for a few months then democratic re elections without islamism
well i had a bomb dropped 5km to me
enjoy having tyrone repossess your pc cuz of black opreshun

This this this. Commie News Network has been masturbating to that tune all night.
Why would anyone believe what the STATE RUN roach news network is saying? Of course fox is one of the only outlets not calling this yet. MSM in general is a crap shoot, this isn't over yet (even if it is propped up by President Roach) I don't care what anyone says. Those pro-coup in the capital are going to go down kicking and screaming.

It will stabilize, Erdogan is the one that supports ISIS, makes a path for muslims to invade Europe, is anti-Syrian, anti-Russian, anti-NATO and anti-Christian. He's basically in this position, cause he helps the west with their Syrian circus and he has a border with Iran and is the first fightning force with Russia, I mean neither Romania, nor Bulgaria, nor Greece will fight Russia in Europe, only Turkey. Turkey also controls Black sea traffic from the outside.

tl;dr; He's a strategic partner to NATO and the USA, but he's a millitant Islamist supporting IS.

>what is this
It's a confirmation that the coup has failed and the civil war has begun

rip in peace roachistan

you misunderstand. I also don't even understand why there's a coup in the first place.

The media is going on about how much the people of Turkey are supporting Erdogan, to what extent does that appear to be true?

And if it is true to a wide extent across the country, wouldn't a democratic goverment just wind up electing people that are in a similar vein to Erdogan?

Actually the opposite, this is the coup faction saying it's not over.

Cause the coup faction is secular and they hate Erdogan's islamist agenda. He basically wants to establish sharia law, he wants to bring back arabic alphabet and so on and so forth.


I posted translations 15 mins ago before anyone else on the internet did.

how come I wasn't aware of this?

false flag to consolidate power to Erdogan, or a US sponsored coup to remove Erdogan and put someone more controllable in power after Erdogan pivoted toward normalizing relations with Russia.

>Cause the coup faction is secular and they hate Erdogan's islamist agenda. He basically wants to establish sharia law, he wants to bring back arabic alphabet and so on and so forth.
There is a reason why Obama and Clinton support Erdogan.

I think anyone who doesn't support erdogan is inside letting the military do the work.

>civil war has begun
Let's bet and see how long it takes MSM to start calling it what it is.
Yes, are ANY of the citizens pro-coup? Istanbul is cucked, but what about Ankara? I heard on either fox or sky news that the rural parts of the country are pro-roach president so what gives?

at least where I live everyone is supporting AKP and they're very islamistic, it was like an overnight values change, people who talked about how much they enjoy not wearing veils and being able to drink now are koran thumping and shouting snackbars, snakes and hypocrites everywhere. they're very fanatical and violent, that's why prob the coup was a good idea, they would force secularism on everyone and make it better for the less retarded

Seems to me that no matter who wins, the region is going to experience massive destabilization, which will likely lead to further involvement of the west and Russia.

Guess we're in for yet another war in the region :L


Places like ankara and izmir are generally occupied by intellectuals and western oriented people so they might have a chance. I personally am ashamed of living in this city right now with all these primitive fundamentalist monkeys

Cause American citizens never wage war on facts, but on feelings. I'd be suprised if even 3% of American citizens understood global polilitics.
If American citizens understood what was happening, you wouldn't support Saudi Arabia and you wouldn't have bombed Serbs and you wouldn't be against Russia.


Civil war when?

For real though, it sounds like things are a mess, do you think the military has any real chance of seizing and holding the entire nation, or just parts of it, like what's happening in Syria?



well I don't support saudia Arabia or bombing serbs (God was a serb after all) but Russia is kind of up in the air for me. I've heard their government is very corrupt.

If the coup fails, I'd love to hear stories of torture and mass execution

The West is too cucked to do anything if that happens. For how much they all praise freedom, they do nothing but disagree about the arrests of thousands for insulting Erdogan

this made me lol a lot

Just imagined a tank leaving a base seeing a barricade and shooting a shell at it, driving right through


Godspeed bratanek

Russia tho

And with what's happened between Russia and Turkey lately, I wonder if Putin will take this chance to ah, move in move forces in the region.

It will stabilize, Turkey is under direct control from the US, if some destabilization incident happens, so that the controlling government does not reply directly to the US, US troops will be in Turkey. Generally, there are currently two alternatives, a secular government, or a kurdish party. The kurds are islamists, but are contained in their own shit politics, while seculars are pro-western and pro-Russia at the same time, this would be the best alternative. The worst one will be if Erdogan gets killed and another worse, more millitant, islamist Erdogan comes in his place, then shit will hit the fan, cause Turkey will certainly try to do some shit at our and the Greek border and shit will hit the fan. Both us and the Greeks are trigger happy. There is not one soldier in our millitary that isn't trigger happy at the thought of killing turks, we're just not genocidal like the Serbs or stupid, we always play on both sides like the jews.

>There is a reason why Obama and Clinton support Erdogan.

USA coup when?

>Is this why Kerry and Putin had a meeting?

Yeah if you're the same college user from earlier you should get the hell outta dodge when you get the opportunity.
I think they've successfully made the transition from coup to civil war. If not not it's in the works over the next few days if not hours.


>be an autistic semi-normal fag
>hear about the truck multikill in france
>doh well
>wake up and hear about a coup in turkey
>another multikill
This is europa, can we get some fucking peace and quiet?

US troops are already in Turkey though, we have some bases there.

I think if the situation destabilizes bad enough though, the US might just pull out,

Well, how did your opinion reflect on real life events? Did you vote? Maybe, but a ton of Americans voted for Obama, a ton of Americans voted for whoever was your president during the Kosovo wars, and they did not protest the bombings of Serbia, did someone protest your involvement in Ukraine? What about Lybia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan?
Nope, nope, nope and nope.
I said most American citizens, not all, but still most Americans don't understand what their country is fighting for abroad. In reality America's foreign "interventions" have brought so much misery to the world, the world views you as demonic warmongers.

pls stay safe turk-bro

Look at the heroes of the coup. They may fail but they did what was best for their nation.


>based soldier

Because RT is, always has been, and forever will be permanently and irreparably cucked

probably because our government IS a demonic warmonger and also because most Americans are Idiots. I'm too busy trying to change the way things are done here to really worry too much about what's going on in the rest of the world.

I am well aware that Military Intervention abroad is treacherous.

You can't, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_sharing .
That's not all, Turkey is in NATO and all escalations towards other NATO members will be met aggressively by the US. If us or Greeks cannot rely on the US to enforce NATO relations, we might as well construct Russian bases here, what's the point of NATO then?

I find it odd that there seems to be very little footage of actual firefights between each side of this conflict. I've seen a couple of gunships firing and a few tanks idly rolling on, and a few scuffles with civvies and such, but little in the way of straight up urban combat. Am I simply mistaken or am I on to something here? If I'm right, what's the explanation for these things?

Coup is now transitioning into a Civil War. The fact that Erdogen wasn't deposed and or killed in the first few hours, and that total control of the country wasn't sealed by morning means that the Coup has by and large failed.

>implying American votes matter when it comes to elections

Holy shiiiiiit

Don't take me wrong, I'm not blaming you or your people, your government is at fault, but still, a government's fault is infact its people's fault, cause they elected it and let it operate. That's why we're a shithole, our people are too lazy/stupid to force our government to do its job properly.

oh shit....


republicans generally support these wars
democrats generally don't care enough for it to be a voting issue. If dem then it's okay.
however over the years Repubs have backed off of war after seeing what happened in afghanistan and iraq.
democrats continue to wage war as if nothing happened because they're the progressive party. it's a non issue to them seeing as they're voting for hillary

Also, are there any "based" types in this conflict, or are all sides just t*rkroaches?

Whoever wins this on either side of this coup will still be part of NATO

Putin is not retarded

I'll say you are half right. Our government hasnt repersented the people close to 100 years.
There is just too much propaganda and distraction for the normal citizen to realize it.

A bunch of civs got either gunned down or run over in Ankara. Other than that it's mostly been

>army takes over place
>hordes of angry islamists surround said place
>military does not want to shoot and kill turkish civilians
>get arrested

At least that's Istanbul

Since apparently islamists have no problem murdering captured soldiers I hope that, if the coup still has life, the rest of the military wises up.

Then again mowing down a bunch of civilians, even if they're violent islamists, is a good way to get everyone in the country to hate you. So far there's no reason to think the military side has enough *passionate* support to start some sort of mini civil war

Since JFK I would say we have not been represented

People have been saying "it's over" all fucking night, even like a half hour after combat started.


If the Turkish nation collapses though, is it still truly a NATO member?

Regardless, I rather do think that troops and materials will start to be pulled out as the situation progresses, not all of them obviously, the US does need to protect its assets, but things will be getting pulled out. Might have a bit of an economic impact in the short-term.

Moving forces into the region != invading Turkey though, Putin often acts aggressive when the west has moments like this, most likely he will be moving in more forces under the guise of combating IS, which makes me wonder at his reasoning for already having done so recently, and then these events happening.

Should be interesting to say the least.

>this is what leftists actually believe

This desu. I been hearing it's over since 9 pm

Ahh the hold hands and sing kumbaya strat because people are just people m8

>The media is going on about how much the people of Turkey are supporting Erdogan, to what extent does that appear to be true?
Erdogan enjoys a very wide support, he's been reelected several times.
Don't be fooled by the relative liberal stances in places such as Constantinople, Turkey is inherently a conservative country.

And a lot of people who aren't supporting him are against the coup, because Turkey has a history of military coups and people don't want it anymore, they want to uphold democracy.

There's no difference between republicans and democrats government wise, both will wage war, you need to elect a person, not a party, that's why Trump should be elected.

>If the Turkish nation collapses though, is it still truly a NATO member?
Not sure, but what I'm sure about is that the European economy would take a mild hit from destabilization of Turkey, like 1-2% drop, which is nothing really. If you see export tables and such, Turkey is reliant on Europe, not the opposite. What Europe relies on Turkey is to keep those monkeys out of Europe(immigrants), which they are unable to do, be it on purpose or not, so we need turkey's help no more.

those poor innocent civilians on top of the tank trying to kill the soldiers

such a sad day

He is popular but extremely polarizing. I'd say it is about a 55/45 split at this point in his favor.

>and when that doesn't work, we'll pop badthinkers in the back of the head and kick them into a mass grave!
leftist plan B

>they want to uphold democracy.

Islamofascism is not democracy. This is why you keep getting raped by Muslims you dumb frog.

Yes, he is democratically elected. A failed coup today is a win for democracy.
I'd love for the coup to succeed, though, every dead roach is a holiday for my ears.

So true, and something people aren't mentioning

>communism not even once

He was democratically elected, whether you like it or not, fucking retard.
As much as I wanted the coup to succeed and have him hanged, it's still a victory for democracy.

>Erdogan enjoys a very wide support, he's been reelected several times.
The media are fucking shills, if you change Erdogan to Putin they'd say the total opposite, about how the election is rigged or some shit.

True that, I wonder if Brussels will still be pushing for Turkey to be accepted into the EU after this though.

Knowing them, probably.

Democracy is a sham and a failed form of goverment however, the will of the people is often easily misguided. Remember that Iran willingly became what it is today, by the will of its people.


Yes, because imprisoning anyone who criticizes you and ethnically cleansing non-Muslims is what true democracy looks like.

Dumb frog.

>all pro-Erdogan media unaffected
>social media taken down
>Erdogan supporters organized before he even calls them out
>senior military officials didn't know shit about the operation

Who here seriously believes this wasn't a false flag be Erdogan?

Is there a forum slide in effect?

Absolutely- they made sure to say "THE DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED Erdogan is now speaking..."

Uh oh

a false flag to flush out potentional dissesdents and charge anti-erdogan politicans,journalists,normal people

this is fucking 4D chess indeed

Elections weren't rigged, people are just retarded and gullible, and living in countries without a deeply rooted democratic culture.

When these things are made possible by laws from freely elected representatives, yes, it's a democracy.
Stop posting, you're being retarded.

Democracy doesn't work anymore. They've learned that all they need to do is to make babies, and then we can't say anything.

>Democracy is a sham
I don't think so, everybody can for themselves see the truth, if I can, they can, if they are too lazy or stupid to be able to do it themselves, so be it, that's the way of humanity.
I'm saying this, but at the same time I'm for a totalitarian government build around socialistic? capitalism. Soviet countries were sort of on the right path, Nazi Germany was almost there. Too much democracy and freedom like in the US and the worst possible kinds of individualism, consumerism and corporatism step right in.

Pure majoritarian democracy has never worked well. The US certainly isn't one, and that was quite intentional.

Ahh yes, the "he was elected democratically so his anti-democracy policies are democratic" argument.

that man is a hero