Can we get one of these threads going?

Can we get one of these threads going?

Other urls found in this thread:


>he doesn't know when to use the meme

How much motion blur do you use? I'm trying to get in on that.

It depends on the image. It doesn't really make too much sense for the picture you're using as an example though...

















Oh look, it's this faggot again saving his own shit millhouse versions

You even numbered them and everything. What a faggot.




>ban mudslimes
>tiny portion

The problem here is that WASPs used to do the same kinds of things Jews do, but because WASPs aren't a religious minority the Jews actively sought to get into Congress to make it illegal for WASPs to congregate as a jew-like group while ensuring that they- as a minority- could continue ingroup preferences and nepotism

So basically the Jews are smart, yeah, but they've deliberately rigged the system so whites can't legally act like Jews do since that's the only way they can win is by forcing us to fight with a handicap.

Best one.

hello, shlomo

God you're so fucking bad.

Way too much text, completely lacks any punchline, illustrations have no character, smacks of someone who can draw well but legitimately tried to draw badly, shit image/text ratio

This is the most blatant reddit teir appropriation I've ever seen on a meme

>JIDF: the poster


>JIDF: the poster
all of his are TL;DR shitposts about le Jews XD

Every time it's an Oceanic Australian always pointing out that the shitty memes aren't made the right shitty way.

What a fucking backwards ass argument.

When Aussies shitpost they are cheeky and fun. When you shitpost God cries.

The Jews aren't hated for being smart and wealthy. They're hated for conspiring against their host populations and using their influence to undermine and destroy them.

Sorry for upsetting you. I didn't realize bad memes got you so upset. Maybe Tumblr might be a better bet for you.

There's a specific Amendment that allows you to own guns. Is there a specific Amendment that allows you to be Muslim, dumbass?



abandon thread

reddit in full anti fun mode
well try again another day


Holy fuck, I bet he has a folder saved just for his shit millhouses

You actually think people want to see your shit

Now this is a goody

You smack of reddit. Your images are completely retarded because anyone with actual thought knows the context for yours is total shit and fallible.

Literally tl;dr memes

>peepshowman reaction image

I bet you literally are david mitchell IRL


>m-m-muh sharia law

Which many do not practice, but please get your cherry picked, biased charts out and begin pointing your overly confident smug fingers at it.

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

However there's no amendment that says we have to let in the muslims

what is this? avant-garde shitposting?

What happened to that guys' arms?

Do you feel better now?

>That stale pepe
>capitalising tumblr

Holy fuck

>all this assmad

I'm literally giddy with delight. I absolutely love these threads. Please keep 'em coming Aussie bros, make my night.

Nearly half of Muslims worldwide think suicide bombings are sometimes justified, and about a quarter of American Muslims.

>t. Le Truth

>conan reaction face this time

Holy fuck just how reddit can a poster get?

Let me take a stab real quick

>Lives in sanfran
>19 or 29
>active poster on neogaf
>played WoW for a number of years
>has mexican/black friends
>listens to hip hop
>has a dropbox folder with loads of self made shit memes in them
>avid hillary supporter

>another stale pep
>caps on aussie

Please kill yourself your lack of bantz skill is corroding my brain pedro muhamadeen

Literally got every single green text wrong. Impressive Aussie bro. I know you people are known for your ((((bantz)))) and your """"rhetoric"""" but c'mon man, surel you can do better than half-assed speculation and name calling.

Have another stale image I suppose. ;)

One question, why do all your illustrations have peanut shaped heads? Massive forhead with pinched nose area and a wide massive chin, every single one of them

Usually people drawn similarly based on their own facial structure

You're this cocksucker aren't you?

Nothing wrong here

The met addict has Tomane his own decisions

You can't run his life for him forever


This one seems pretty normal. Sorry for making you mad.

>whites get manipulated and BTFO'd by someone smarter than them and have chimp outs on Laotian telegraph forums

Sounds like another less powerful race, hmmm.

these posts are good, Wd3HtaYH. the (((ironic))) support of far right ideology is real troubling and unfortunate shit. years ago it was something to scoff at, but it feels too real today, with the rise of the right in europe and an increasingly charged america

>if you have a penis you're a man

LMAO at all these stormcucks getting BTFO by shitty ms paint comics

>alt right

That doesn't exist. The right is doing as it does.

Keep posting here though, I can keep you shills sliding other threads a bit less

>Australian bro has done literally nothing this entire thread but call people out for making bad memes not the right way and claiming shit doesn't exist


>one of these
>of these

shitposting is against teh rulez

How about you JIDFuck Yourself kike

dont worry, they'll probably mass suicide when trump loses in a landslide in november

>stormcucks get BTFO by shitty meme comics
>go into a temperamental chimp out rage just like the blackies

Fucking called it.

Sup Forumstards, when will they ever learn?

You did nothing to see your thread appear so you can derail it with your image folder of shit uploads one after the other

Muslims are evil scum, they deserve death
Gay people are immoral disgusting fucks that should be ridiculed at every angle
Women should never have governing rules of power unless it pertains to things like medical/educational organisation
Mexican's are awful human's who shouldn't exist, their culture is borrowed watered down pissed on Spanish culture with no tact or quality
Japs are the only good asians
Canadian's all have Cuckholm Syndrome are like american's but even more obnoxious and self fellating
Guns should be available for every citizen to protect themselves and kill those they choose to

Pure white people are the only lives that matter, are the rarest human genome and responsible for the most good in this world.

Please keep posting here please


Sounds exactly like Sharia Law. You literally just BTFO'd yourself with your own logic.

Get fucked cocksucking Sup Forumscuck ;)

Shariah is wrong because Muslims are shit people, dirty arabs with pubes on their face

Yes, people who aren't white should die or take a second rung to whites

>implying I am some sort of shit-teir nazi larper skinhead that goes to stromfront instead of Traditional NatSoc
>implying all NatSocs go to Stormfront
>implying pointing out a JIDF makes me an equal to a nigger who harms innocent civilians and blocks roadways because "muh dindunuffin"
>implying pointing out JIDF makes you a nazi
>litteral tumblr logic
>stale pepe

Just stop, even the aussie hates your shitposts. Leave MilohousePoster

>people do thing
>i don't like thing
>people should die

Every time. Like a broken record.

Australian fag BTFO.

Stormcuck, pol cuck, Trump fag, all just buzzword names for some ideology with their head so far up their asses they cant see the backwards ass logic they employ on a day to day basis. Call it what you want friend ;)


yes, everyone who disagrees with us is part of le global (((jewish))) conspiracy .32 cents deposit in ur account HUHUHUHU

>hates buzzwords
>uses them
>complains about "backwards ass" logic
>uses nothing but ad homniem ans shit tier oc memes


>obvious samefagging
>there is a website that basically proves that it isn't just some tinfoil conspricy

Did you lose your way while on your trip to the "Anti-facist" convention?

Muslims should not be allowed to exist.

Anyone who identifies as Muslim, if I had my way, would be put to merciful death. It's an ideology poisonous and treasonous to humanity.

If you "ignore the bad parts" then there's no reason to even be Muslim. Just be a buddhist. You can better ideals, for free. But no. They want to follow the word of a maniac, because they love to be maniacs.

Anyone who is a "nice muslim" is simply a nice person that also happens to have shit smeared all over their face, in a sense. They're untrustworthy and could be practicing taqiya at any moment.

No mosques should be allowed to be built anywhere outside of Saudi Arabia. The entire religion needs to be halted. If people do not wish to give it up, they get death. If their literal ratshit life is worth less than the word of a moronic psycopath from 700AD, their life was never worth having to begin with.


>>obvious samefagging

is that even possible with thread id's?

I never read these threads, but occasionally I throw my contributions in

>that headshape

>the eyes drawn with a line and then dot

>reverse search gives nothing

This looks like it was drawn by the same faggot in this thread who made the millhouse versions

Seems fishy

That one actually made me giggle.

man, can you draw more than one face? could you try?

I don't even get what this one is supposed to be making fun of. your american also looks like more like an FSA member


...they actively advocate socialism though. it's not like it's a dirty word, it's just an economic theory. it's pretty objective what is or is not socialism, the difference is merely in how one feels about the model.

Wat the fuk is this sorcery


It's an old fucking Sup Forums bug

KEK magic. You better praise him, Lego

This one is spot on.

Half of the party voted for an open socialist.

So you just admitted that the only thing muslims have for culture is killing people.

Thats wrong though and murder is not the only thing that constitutes culture.

>arguing about temporary foreign workers and minimum wage increase (they're trying to bump it up to 15 here as well)
>she tells me that McDonald's has no choice but to import people because dey do der jerbs we wont durrr
>I say that those low pay McJobs exist as transitional first jobs for teenagers who are being deprived of experience by foreigners
>without a hint of self-awareness, she tells me about the adults and older people who depend on these jobs to live and need a living wage

>mfw we need to import people for jobs that nobody wants, yet simultaneously are depended on by so many and need a wage increase

just how much kool aid can one person drink


>posting shitty memes
>shitposting isn't witty

>gets defensive when people get pissed off because you're meme-ing badly on a meme site


>actual comics demonstrate actual contradictions in funny ways
>this one's just a simple logical fallacy
at least they got the form right for once

how'd i go, lads?