Lads, I just started drinking at noon and I'm looking for more depression-kino like pic related. Gonna make a short list of things I enjoyed that fit the category
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Requiem For A Dream
Stand By Me
The Green Mile
The Road
The Wrestler
Synecdoche, New York
The Knick
The Leftovers
Mad Men
The Sopranos
That's all I can remember at the moment, any suggestions
Lads, I just started drinking at noon and I'm looking for more depression-kino like pic related...
Other urls found in this thread:
A River Runs Through It
Thanks senpai, I'll check it out
If you want to feel depressed just watch 18 hours of TSCC but skip the tranny episode and some of the shitter episodes in the latter half of season 2.
You'll definitely feel depressed after that
How are you doing today, Sup Forums?
Hell Or High Water fits the "i started drinking at noon" theme very well
>The Man Who Sleeps
>The Conversation
>Oslo, August 31st
>The Pawnbroker
>The Hunt
>Werckmeister Harmonies
>Taxi Driver
>Manchester by the Sea
>The Elephant Man
The Plague Dogs
Requiem for a meme
Stand by Meme
The Meme Mile
The Road by Cormac Memecarthy
The Memester
Mad Memes
etc, etc.
The Wind That Shakes the Barley
Melancholia and Antichrist
Fuck off
Killing Them Softly
Once Upon a Time in America
Mother (2009)
Hard to be a God
Mysterious Skin
Horace and Pete
The Shield (gets more depressing near the end)
seconding the elephant man. fucked me right up.
Why was everyone such an asshole to Mr. Ford. Jesse James was a psycho killer who murdered innocent people, yet people were upset with Mr. Ford. Also what pissed me off the most in this movie is Mr. Fords wife when she says "You mean the only reason you killed him was because you were scared?" . Like Mr. Ford was wrong or something. Yea killing a murdered because you are scared he is going to kill you is a pretty fucking good reason IMHO.
"There would be no eulogies for Bob."
fucked my shit up desu
Bob Ford was a weaselly little fucker with a puberty-ass voice who smiled at nothing and approached people uninvited. Everything about Affleck's performance was meant to make him as unpleasant company as possible.
Because much of America used to be and still are infatuated and intrigued by the outlaw life Jesse lived, most people want to (or they think they want to) know what it was like to live his life, being "free" to ride across the country, taking shit form no one and stealing from everyone, having no responsibility except that which you make for yourself. But the film brings Jesse down to Earth as a deeply flawed, depressed man capable of extreme cruelty and kindness. It elicits sympathy for Bob and Jesse, Bob being a starstruck kid realizing he's in way over his head when he realizes his childhood idol is just an old man past his glory days.
Well it looks like this is gonna 404 soon lads, thanks for the suggestions
any movie of paul thomas anderson
i reccomend the master
Probably not what youre looking for but Evangelion was pretty depressing.
horace and Pete, and if you believe the memes on here about Louis CK you need to neck yourself, he's a god-tier nihilist
Why do people love Don Draper and hate Pete Campbell, despite Don harming far more people than Pete with his irreverent selfishness
Only pleb millennials seem to, at least in my group of friends (but I'm also 21, so what the fuck do I know?) The show, at least in the beginning, paints Don as an older, more wise, jaded advertising-everyman who most people think they can, and want to, relate to. But as the show goes on, Don gets worse and worse while Pete seems to learn and get better. But I haven't seen the whole thing yet, I'm on my first watch, season 5, that's just how I perceive that imbalance you were talking about.
Anything by Lars Von Trier. Dancer In The Dark is by far the most depressing film i have ever seen.
Pete doesn't get better my dude
After his attempted blackmail it seems like he does. I mean, he still cheats on qt Trudy but at least up to where I've seen (late season 4) it seems like he starts to put the firm's needs ahead of his own, which is a huge improvement on his character so far. Will report back once I've seen it all.
Bump because there's some surprisingly good discourse going on in my thread
I too was suprised about this thread turning to something else than superhero-movies or trumpkins getting their feelings hurt.
I guess Sup Forums has some hope after all.
This actually happens a lot, in those threads that aren't about whatever is making the Facebook trending headlines that day. It's why I come to Sup Forums. Just don't click on the clickbait, "reddit" threads and you'll be alright
>trumpkins getting their feelings hurt
this is never the case, it's one great big giant meme meant to get people like you upset that he's the president. they didn't even shit up this thread but here you being upset about it
>Mo Moral Orel.
Ultimate depression Kino
The first and most of the second season are silly, but really help when it gets serious hit even harder.
Idk, seems to me that almost half of the threads in Sup Forums lately are Sup Forumstards bashing celebrities because they stood up against racism or bashing movies because they feature black and/or female leads. Seems pretty childish to me.
However let's not turn this thread into a political one as well, we're doing pretty good so far!
I'm doing alright, just checking Sup Forums out in between studying for my exams. How are you? :]
white heat
deer hunter
Drinking cheap rum at 2:41 P.M., watching Manchester by the Sea. Feels actually bretty gud, man
justified sounds fitting but it isn't depressing
go to an AA meeting or a psychiatrist
I laid it bed until 8 am, promising I would kill myself and trying to cry, but finding out I'm incapable of crying anymore. I cursed myself for all my mistakes and inability to understand myself and others, until exhausting myself and passing out, like I do every night or when I don't distract myself for too long.
I aced my job interview today at 2 pm though, that's a plus.
you should call your mom
>Hello Bob
I wish I could, but my mother doesn't understand, and I've tried. She's just the perfect mix of heavily medicated and a brain disorder that she can't relate to anything not workplace smalltalk.
The only person I can talk to I moved away from, because I view her like the sister I never had, but because I can't understand my own fucked up feelings I'm not sure If I'm in love with her. It's a complicated situation involving I'm her only true friend, and I don't think I could admit my feelings to her. It would be too big of a betrayal.
Sorry for blogposting, but I don't know what to do anymore.
Donnie darko
damn sorry to hear that user
do not falter, things will be better, just endure it and become stronger
you are not alone user
Honest to god user, only #2 and #4 are me. I'm OP, unfortunately
Lee's house just burned down in Manchester
Holy shit
That's what I hope. She's finally doing better, has a good boyfriend and an apartment. I don't want to throw my shit on her. Also, maybe I'm just unused to feeling attached to people. I'm an autistic mess.
Forgive me anons, I'm slightly drunk (not fucked up yet) so if at this point I'm shitposting I'm sorry. But this thread turned out way better than I thought it would. I love you, Sup Forums
I love you too, fellow daydrunk
please watch moral orel.
Check out Another Earth OP
It's a shame it came out the same year as Melancholia because it often gets overlooked by the latter, but it's by far the superior film. Also Brit Marling is 11/10 waifu material.
Days of Wine and Roses
Leaving Las Vegas
Tokyo Story
Love Story
Open Water
Thanks anons, will check out
Gran Torino
No Country for Old Men
Inside Llewyn Davis
Million Dollar Baby
The Fountain
Heres a few which haven't been suggested yet
>pol/tards bashing celebrities because they stood up against racism
it's literally to b8 people like you and make you upset and want to leave the board
trump posting is the new cunny posting
so how did you like a river runs through it OP
Haven't seen it, started watching Manchester by the Sea right after this thread started
>It's a shame it came out the same year as Melancholia because it often gets overlooked by the latter, but it's by far the superior film
lel no
>Also Brit Marling is 11/10
Now it makes sense, just another dumb waifuist
This is literally what the entire movie is about