1. T:SCC
2. Farscape
3. Rome
4. Gomorrah, Justified, Black Sails, The Leftovers, LOST
5. Bloodline, Ray Donovan, The Knick
1. T:SCC
Other urls found in this thread:
Summer a cute
Isn't she a mommy now? That's really cute
meant for
why can't bait threads just stop?
She is all comfy now with her chad husband who scares off all the stalkers who just want to profess her love to her, she is going to come back r-right?
>forgetting Rick and Morty
is this satire
>all the stalkers who just want to profess her love to her
I don't think you have quit the right idea about stalkers.
>She is all comfy now with her chad husband who scares off
Good for her :) She was always so insecure. Glad she's happy now
Basically the only Terminator thing I didn't watch. Is it worth it? I like Lena and Summer desu.
Well guess I'll watch.
>Baldchad gets the azn christian girl
Absolutely not, I assure you good sir.
He is a no name cunt
>baldchads are so masculine they can get celeb actresses without being rich or famous
Only the first season, second is a mess in general but have some comfy episodes (in my totally subjetive opinion). Also, last episode go full Waifuism in some scenes.
Tell me how this is reddit in any way aside from LOST and The leftovers
Lost threads were the best thing about Sup Forums when it was airing.
this doesn't make you better
A lot of the episodes in the first half of season 2 were good though, self made man especially
You didn't answer my question
lowtest haircuck detected
don't listen to , second season is as good, though it has point where it goes south, when Connor is a bitch, but then he man up, and then its good. and some plot is better then the T movies. (middle and last episode)
oh and s1ep1 should not scare you, it gets far better than that
read it again and again
What is this a list of?
I've been NEET for 2 years and before that I've watched no end of shows bust these are the ones I personally am most sentimental about
Well you have a wide mix of taste then
i miss i
Why am I such a nostalgic faggot that I feel shivers across my body and an aching in my chest whenever I hear a soundtrack to any one of these shows?
Reading her posts has convinced me to watch Buffy and Angel
She seriously likes those farmer's markets, huh?
thanks for this
Whats the best photo you have of her neck?
Anything with her head tilted back with her clavicle exposed?
delete this
here you go
mmmm yesss yessssssss
Seeing a Summer thread really brings back memories of Sup Forums from years past. Thanks user
>Why are you so obsessed with my neck user?
i.. umm
Yes, it brings back memories of feels, followed by self loathing at the realisation that Summer would probably despise me.
Thanks for this memory, OP.
i .. u.mm.. i think i hear my mom calling.. i need to go
>here's my top 5
>lists 20 things
oh, ok bye for now user
>no dollhouse
Shit-tier list desu
I've been saving dollhouse and the cape for some rainy days, those are the only ones I have left of her aside from a few of the remaining single episodes
Do you think she will do anything later on this year? Reckon Cameron will bring her back for another 3 seasons of TSCC or a spin off now he has the rights?
Say 2020-2023
She's retired
I'm holding out for when they build actual robot waifus so I can get one in her image to choke me to death while saying "shh it's okay you can sleep now"
>She's retired
Nah, there will be another 3 seasons of TSCC, maybe something related to Firefly and she will look like she was in her 20s again. She will play the innocent, hurt, slightly autistic girl in an entire 5 seasons of an alternate reality TSCC series where its just her and John in highschool with adventures as they have to move from state to state. She slowly learns how to talk to people and we have quirky but awkward moments of her imitating people "it'll be tight" I'm sure of it. It will happen r-right?
No need to hold out for the future robot waifu fantasies when you're old and dying because she will be back for us, it won't just be a highschool drama though just kind of like the first season except given more time 22 episodes a season but no filler at all the best writing, the best soundtrack, good production quality, they'll never run out of money all the characters that mattered John, Sarah and Cameron will all look like they did in their prime *:3
You don't understand. If it exists, it's reddit.
Just look at this smug fucker...
>interracial lesbian
Was it rape?