>Early in the morning of July 16 (local time) Turkish Military forces launched a coup in the cities of Ankara and Istanbul claiming to have taken control of the government. >US Embassy in Ankara reports "low flying military jets" in the city >In Istanbul Turkish President Erdogan claims the coup was put down >In Ankara gunfire continues outside the Central Intelligence office >Reportedly a Coup-controlled helicopter was shot down in Ankara by a Loyalist F-16 >Turkish State Media (TRT) seized by military factions loyal to the coup >In Istanbul local police continue to attempt to disperse crowds in the city square using tear gas >Fighting opens in Matalya region >3rd Army General Arrest >Military advises citizens to stay in doors >Istanbul mob brutally murders surrendering Coup forces >over 140 Coup forces arrested >Aknara fighting continues >In Istanbul, Police forces launch raid on Military Academy >Navy Commander announces Loyalty to Erdogan
It's a weird way to say it, but it definately means that the coup is still ongoing
Evan Flores
Just do it in a way to keep NATO out of this Turkish feud. Never should have let those fucking muzzie roaches in our club to begin with.
Angel Brooks
Suck shit to all the dumb roach posters who post here praising Islamic attacks in the west.
Daniel Edwards
Serious question, there is a mosque near me that keeps repeating the prayer shit every hour. Should i take my dad's gun and storm the place? I will really do it i am seriously getting sick of this
Hunter Roberts
source nigger
Jack Bailey
Lynched and beheaded
Dominic Adams
>60% of airforce pro coup >literally arent doing shit
How fucking shitty is their air force? Fuckin 5% of the Nazis airforce would be more effective, what a shithole
Zachary Sullivan
Don't mean to be a fat American but why are the soldiers so scrawny?
Juan Parker
Hard to say. Army did want to remove Islamists though which is always good in my book.
DO IT FAGGOT All Islam must die. Kek wills your safe return.
Andrew Baker
Ausbro with top tier bants. Cant say I am surprised.
APB out for based Aussie for burning buthutt Turkroaches so severe they had to be treated for third degree burns.
Jaxon Campbell
>based Putin
Every time I am very surprised at how western people seem to admire this average idiot. He has created a good image of himself, but leadership is a dangerous leadershit.
Jordan Parker
do it faggot
Zachary Brown
not worth it you will be outnumbered and extra fucked
Daniel Diaz
Adrian Stewart
Lucas Fisher
They're both turks so neither. But the gooder guys are the military because they started this shit and want to make turkey less muslim.
Levi Myers
you aint doing shit stop teasing
Samuel Cruz
At least for the moment, yes.
Do it, faggot. Just make some explosives beforehand.
Aiden Perry
Get a group together then storm the mosque while shit is still going down
Landon Barnes
Aiden Turner
>60 Officially Confirmed Dead in Ankara
William Hill
The not islamofascists. So the coup apparently. I think Russia is going to come help them. We have a Sufi cleric in teh US who apparently is a major force behind this, but publicly were backing Erdogan. I think Kerry and Putin had a pow wow last week about this issue.
We hope the kebab will remove itself.
Daniel Nguyen
no. wait. Wait for the other seculars to come together.
Gabriel Thomas
lol fox new just showed footage of people shooting, shits going down
Sebastian Russell
I admire his resolve and complete lack of regard for outside interests. He puts the interest of Russia first above all else. I approve of nationalism.
Plus, he's white and removes kebab from time to time.
Noah Peterson
it's only because everyone on this site is a edgy contrarian
Mason Morales
Julian Scott
putin is not that great but i think he is better than your past leaders i was alive for
army is few ""white"" greek/circassian/thracian leftovers from ottoman empire who protects secularism and wants country to become first world
most turks are mindless shitskin arabs who want to be like arab countries
and you people in the west,instead of supporting """""white""""s you keep pushing for democracy
its like second rhodesia all over again. great potential wasted because west prefers a majority shitskin terror hole compared to few white man trying to tame millions of beasts. its the same shit in syria. look how white assad and his supporters are.
it is a race war
Jacob Rivera
Get some buddies and get in there, make sure to stream it for KEK.
Hunter Morgan
How could the military be so stupid as to fuck this up? Erdogan wasn't even in the country ffs.
This was clearly a false flag. There's no other explanation.
Hunter Rivera
cute gay bottoms in Istanbul hmu
Henry Kelly
You will live on in Sup Forums history through poems and memes recited for the rest of time.
Hunter Torres
If Turkey falls Turkey will be like Iraq and Europe will have more refugess
Lincoln Gutierrez
Not really. You're probably too young or too uneducated to know that coups are a very common thing in Turkey over the last several decades.
Josiah Cruz
lol wut? you better find someplace to hide, haven't you been watching the news?
there are tanks running people over in the streets and guys getting beaten to death and thrown off bridges and shit
Joshua Carter
Pic related Surrendered coup soldiers
Is over guys
Chase Brooks
So riddle me this Sup Forums, shitskins killing shitskins why should I care?