How does it feel knowing the greatest sportsman who ever lived was an Australian?

How does it feel knowing the greatest sportsman who ever lived was an Australian?

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cricket is a pastime not a sport

bradman was amazing. the greatest? who knows? if he is to you, thats fine. but everyone knows its Ali. regards.


That isn't Tom Brady though... ?

if indians and pakis can play it well, it isn't a sport

Guess baseball isn't a sport then.

But that's not Steve Renouf

The operative phrase in his post is “play well.”

Which Indians and Pakis do not.

do you crackers play cricket?

>le professional playing against part time butchers man

Absolutely pathetic. Only a country that would celebrate something like the underarm bowl could consider a sad fuck like Bradman a hero.

>Pakistan baseball

Dubs picks my team

i dont believe bradman had anything to do with that. he was a gentleman unlike the scum that play cricket for them these days

Bradman was a huge dickhead and everyone hated him actually

That isnt babe ruth nor is he australian

Do they even have a league? Do pajeets?

How does it feel knowing the greatest person who never lived was the cumshot i left on your mums chin last night?

Australians are never truly alive.

You can't be the greatest sportsman ever by being a batter in a bat-and-ball game. That's just not how it works. It's too specific a skill, and it requires comparatively less athleticism than most other sports. Compare Bradman to Ali. Ludicrous.

t. racist

Wrong. You wouldn't know greatness even if you wiped it off your nans chin.

you know who's not racist, is your mother

yeah she's lovely woman

jim thorpe wasn't australian

i'm glad to hear that, man

id sling my sausage up her alleyway if you catch my drift mate

The GOAT of ALL sports, ever...

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>Wayne Gretzky still holds or shares 61 NHL records: 40 for the regular season, 15 for the Stanley Cup playoffs and six for the NHL All-Star Game. Here's a summary of what is almost certainly the most amazing career record in the history of sports. -- Mar 18, 2017
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That isn't Derek Jeter.





>not laver
ya blew it

when will australia learn that america isn't their enemy, but our neighbor to the north.


ooooooo..... ooooooo oooooooo

Idk. Strong debate could be had for a couple other players. A team of Lemieuxs or Howes would destroy a team of Gretzkys

Ruth is supposed to have told Bradman: "I'll try this cricket business. Maybe it's my game." Ruth did, eventually. He came to England in the winter of 1935, and played a little cricket when he was in London. He struggled while he was taking an orthodox guard, so he switched back to his baseball stance and started walloping some net-bowlers to all parts. "Sure I could smack the ball alright," he told the press afterwards. "How could I help it when you have a great wide board to swing?" All the same the game, Ruth decided, wasn't for him, just because "they tell me $40 a week is top pay for cricket".
