Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of The Dark Knight Rises' opening plane scene?

Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of The Dark Knight Rises' opening plane scene?

it's a big scene


Dead meme and you're all fucking faggots

it transcends time and space

this t b h

It changed my life.
I was on the verge of committing suicide, but baneposting pulled me from the abyss.
I owe my life to this scene

*KSSHH* Then show me ihtsh bod-ee


holy shit


>Now that the dust has settled

No, the dust rises

>Republicans don't fear the filibuster... they welcome it.
>Their punishment must be more severe.


>5 years

Jesus Christ, this board is literally worse than Sup Forums.


Fuck off hothead

Pure kino

quality thread OP but check out my quality dubs

I love the plane scene so fucking much. The greatest piece of cinema of all time.

BRRAAPPPPPPPP* What have they feeding you at the agency cafeteria? *BAAAARRRFFFFFPPPPPPFPFPFPFPPFPF* *sniff* Is that, French cheese? Who knew they served such exquisite cuisine *BRRRRFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAARRRPPPPP* And yet you remain such a small guy *BRRRAAAAAPAPPPFPPFFPFPFP*