I lost a drunk bet, so paying up. Just ignore

I lost a drunk bet, so paying up. Just ignore

Attached: 20191027_025050.jpg (720x457, 191K)

what bet?

I hope the bet included you killing yourself


Can you lose again please? Nice ass and figure.


A bet on the World Series game... and no it wasn't to kill myself sorry to disappoint lol

What were the parameters exactly

is that you or a partner or what

Yes, I would like to know the details as well.

Op has abandoned thread like a faggot

That's me wow do I seem that much like a guy? Not going into details so I don't screw myself lol, but with the Nats losing I have to post myself naked on this specific board

Show us you're a real woman

Well thats a pretty half ass naked shot there, wheres the front

Sounds like you have to post more? Lets see you facing the camera, ass up in the air

Dubs demand it


Attached: 20191027_031949.jpg (595x998, 255K)


Theres still no front, show us your chest. let us see your pussy or dick

I like the AiW tattoo you've started, bet it'll look great coloured in

Just thought I’d let you know I’m going to fap to these

Most people in this thread probably already are

Love that pixie haircut, and being all shy. Pay your bet and turn around to the camera and lets see you aren't a dude

Any frontal? You can hide your face if you don't want recognised

You got a nice face and body

Really everyone?? Think I am a guy wtf

Attached: 20191027_032911.jpg (714x536, 169K)

.... nice

Tits and lips pics we normal quite popular it u have any off them sorta pics

What would've happened if you won the bet?

Oh shit, legit

Yep, that looks like a pussy alright. Ok ma'am, you can go

We just want to see the front of you.
Pussy and Tits in one photo

Do that, and timestamp it

I wouldn't take it personally it's just easier to assume everyone has a dick on this site.

Not just this site, the internet in general

Attached: 1515862922175.jpg (576x418, 56K)

Lets see a better front shot like others are requesting, pay your bet. Dont show your full face if you are worried about that


pretty sure the bet was naked front side not back ;)

What would you have won with this bet?


Attached: 20191027_033732.jpg (610x739, 223K)

....open legs


Timestamp and try again

We don’t deserve you

Dem hips tho, damn gurl

i have a boner

Love it when we actually get a woman instead of some tr*nnie of crossdressing faggot.
Thanks for the thread OP and nice ass, would smash/10

Attached: dancin.gif (300x300, 931K)

spread and timestamp your thighs

retarded tattoos. kill yourself.

Best thread in a while. Started lame and got amazing. OP please post more

I'd love to fill you full of cum

Spread legs and lift arms straight above head so we can see those pits . DO IT and do it now! master says so.

9/10 would cuddle

Check 'em

Any more??

I'm sure I will regret these, but I always pay my bets

Attached: 20191027_035301.jpg (628x928, 264K)

One with a finger in your pussy?
Regrets are for faganons

Damn, I bet you're tasty

Holy shit yes

Can you tell us what you taste like?

Can some internet hero zoom in and enhance that pussy and post the pic?

Now master wants one last thing. spread your pussy lips and show off the most sacred parts of you i want your legs in the air for this.

smooth end of hairbrush in pussy - I demand this!

I can do this, I am not inserting objects or doing anything too crazy, not part of the bet

Attached: 20191027_040036.jpg (601x710, 222K)

Thanks OP, I came

Lol is this an actual thing? I want to see someone even do this request before I post more lmao

Sit up and do a closeup of tits?

It's doable to an extent, nowhere near as much as the shit you see on CSI n stuff

dont insert not the bet. master just want a spread eagle with a time stamp on your thigh you have 5 minutes to respond or bet will be lost. Master has spoken. (ps dont cover your stomach or anything ;) )

Nigga, just move your head closer to the screen

nice body OP
got me hard

Someone do this so we get more wins! OP I agree with others show tits sitting up

standing full body shot?

Don't let this greatness end

based Bartleby reference

You sure seem to lose a lot of drunk bets...

Do you know OP? Plz share

There was another thread like this maybe a week ago. I didn't check it out but this whole thread might be b8

op you still there?

OP requested someone actually do a zoom and enhance shot of her pussy before sharing more, but idk

Someone do that, i want moar and i know fuckall about "enhancing photos"

OP, show your tits to at least prove you are still here?

Lol Im still here, boom. But this is it unless I see someone pay my bet now about this zoom and enhance pic lmao, I want to see what that is about

Attached: 20191027_043201.jpg (609x482, 163K)

OP has abandoned from being too chicken to finish the bet

timestamp or get a finger in your ass, these are probably a cuck posting his girl



Someone fucking enhance her pussy or whatever holy fuck
We want more

How do you retards not know this shit was posted a week ago, you morons will fall for anything

Nice sock puppetry on OPs part if true

I wasn't browsing a week ago. Is this true? I have photoshop open and everything.

because the time on the file name. some cuck is taking the photos

No reverse image search results, poses as requested, tattoos match in each shot. Why can't we have something nice, u guys ruin everything

Bump, don't let this shit die

Must stay alive

The fun over?

Oh my god

Cute lips

>Open mouth tongue out as if waiting to catch my load with toes visible.
Please be real