I think my girlfriend is cheating on my. What should I do Sup Forums pic related.
I think my girlfriend is cheating on my. What should I do Sup Forums pic related
Leave her grandma ass
dump nudes here, the only right choice
Cut off you're wiener.
I’d rather rough fuck her.
I have a few more I could post. But more than likely her shits getting posted on/b/. I’ll even do you guys a favor and post her face.
Dump tiddies pix for great justice
just do it
She started doing weird shit. She’s not affectionate and always on her phone. I think she’s got a guy on the side.
I bet hes black and a soundcloud rapper
sounds like a dead giveaway for cheating.
I think he’s ginger actually
Well anyways it sucks.
barge in while she's on her phone, fuck her and say you want to nap, then take her phone when she's asleep. other than that idk
you can attempt user messaging her and trying to see what you can get via insta or whatever she uses, but that's kind of a long con
She untagged me in Facebook posted then changed her password. I know it doesbt sound like much but have been together for 4+ years and live together
if u know her phone password, go snooping. or do some silly shit, see her texting, ask her for help putting up a poster on the wall, tell her u forgot something and for her to hold it there -> go snoop. situation isn't relevant, but get her tied up without notice, be it take a bath with you, and leave first, whatever.
either way, dump some nudes. is she an exhibitionist, cause you could tell her you like her being slutty and get her to speak up how far she's gone irl while dating you during sex.
post some pussy too
She is fucking ugly
I definitely know somethings up. She Denys it tho. Good advice on the phone. I’m sure that would be a dead give away.
ass and cunt. her face too, let's see her.
she know you post her online?
Why do you think that? Just wondering.
Greasy hair, nasty mouth and tits touching the ground
She doesn’t know.
Ugly, but tight.
Confirm suspicions, then leave.
No bullshit. No talking it out. Erase yourself from her life completely. Ignore calls, change number, burn everything she owns in your possession.
If you see her at the store or some other public location, either completely ignore her or if she confronts you pretend like you dont even know who she is.
Stay positive throughout process. And remember, fuck bitches.
seems nice tight, got more?
She’s Asian why do you expect? Even tho she’s cheating on me I still care about her.
But I’m so pissed I wanna see her raped.
then you don't give a fuck sharing her? lol
can go the tricky route, get her wet and talking fantasy shit, ask which guy she'd fuck if given a free pass, she'll say the ginger most likely, ask if she thinks he'd do it and why. she might give you details on what they're up to.
do you care she's fucking around, or just want to know what's up?
Thanks man. This shit sucks. I know she’s lying.
I wanna know. If she’s into fucking other people.... well I guess we could make it happen? ... I’m just soooo fucking confused
That doesn't look like white meat. I think OP is fibbing.
She’s Filipino
Looks lighter in other photos but OK.
In that case dump her immediately.
Filipino women, at least real ones, not ones born and bred in America, are better people. If a Filipina cheats on you, it's over anyway. She's not playing games. Filipinos are usually much more about loyalty than American bitches. If you have some tainted/spoiled one, toss her out, much better Filipinas out there.
This guy is right. Ultimately things like "getting revenge" or "changing her" are long painful paths of failure. A clean break is the best thing to do psychologically. Because even if you're acting and thinking logically, your emotions are going to try to betray you.
Good to know. Thanks man.
women are shit, but men are also territorial and paranoid, so who knows. if she doesn't work/drive, set up a camera in your bedroom to keep an eye out.
but talking it out while fucking might loosen her lips.
but you're a scumbag who tosses her body around, so keep it in perspective you're not a saint. figure out what you want first, anyway. good luck user.
Yeah you’re fucking right.
Fuuuuuck this sucks. We live together. I wanted to buy a house with her.
I know I’m not... she wouldn’t bring him here. The neighbors would know. It all started when she started hanging out with “coworkers”
yeah but if you're up her ass suspicious she's fucking other people, it's not a confident or attractive quality, so you could fuck yourself from being insecure.
and if you leave her alone/don't give her attention, she's bound to fuck around. so, involve yourself more in her life.
my sincere opinion would be, your trust is fucked anyway, idk if she's a ho or not, but that should all be in your control-- keep fucking her, and scout for a new bitch.
Your absolute right.
The fact that you already don't trust her means you should break up already. Whether or not she's cheating.
now post more!
Start examine her every day, and if it one day looks like this, you know. Semen will stay in her pussy for days after sex, and if you dont pay extra attention, it just feels like she really wet.
does it not turn you on thinking about her getting fucked? just jerk off to the idea once and see how you feel about it
And dont forget to examine her ass hole
Damn, these are good!
I have an idea. Be a man, confront her on every suspicious thing she has done and demand to see her facebook and phone. If she doesnt let you dor any reason, say bye bitch?
Confront her, ask to see FB and phone. if says no, say bye. Time is all you have in life. Quit wasting it on an unloyal bitch.
This is retarded advice, people use condoms
I have and I liked it a lot. I’d love to see her get Sedna couple dudes.
Filipino whores dont, they crave for cum. Sooner or later her lover will have to fill her up
condoms, you ddon't even wat tehe sex to feel good?