Why is everyone always insulting me when i post her? :(

why is everyone always insulting me when i post her? :(

Attached: sweet hyena -o.jpg (950x832, 361K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you suck

I'm not insulting you. I'm despising you.

Try to not be a pedozoofag maybe?

Fuck off.

Ignore the haters user. She's a cutie, you do what makes you happy :3

It's not about you, it's about the whole furry ideal. That your autism slowly slips into normalhood and yet again, we have to accomodate to another shitty fetish publicly.

Attached: Sexy_Sitting_by_TitanaCrotu.jpg (757x900, 105K)

hiiiiii :(

Because you are a nigger who wants to fuck a hyena.

>man has sexual attractions to a cartoon dog
you must be white

thats not nice..
okay :(
nope, not a pedo, pedophilia is strictly humans.
why is fucking Jasiri wrong, i'd like for you to give me one reason.
not a faggot, i'm attracted to females.

not true. I am the one and only lamp in the shadow of the rest of the anonymous. although it is quiet and has a small light, know that it supports you

see, thats what i'm talking about, please stop it
thanks :), i will!
why is it autism though, just because i want to fuck a hyena girl

hello michael jackson hyena
hi :'(


>implying you wouldn't tap Jasiri's tight vajeen
hyenas aren't related to dogs.

boohooohooooooooo :'(

:), thanks friend

Attached: smile -o.jpg (557x443, 21K)

stop you'll actually make me cry :((((((((

Don't worry, Jasiri. I'm here for you boo.

Attached: Lion Guard Kion.png (676x727, 356K)

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boo hoo kion pls hold me :((((((((((((((((

Attached: kion and jasiri 2 -o.jpg (1024x1024, 75K)

No I wouldn’t. I don’t want to fuck an animal and contract hyena aids. You need help.

It's as creepy cringy as brony stuff.

>implying you wouldn't risk hyena aids for a chance of that juicy yeen pink
you are messed up dude

I’ve only ever been full of Sneed

There there, it'll be okay. Don't listen to what the others have to say, you're beautiful.

Attached: Kion x Jasiri.png (630x524, 239K)

Because that was the response you are shooting for.
You thrive off negative attention to solidify your position amoung the social outcasts. You think that your gimmick makes you unique but your little reject buddies all have their quirky pretend fetishes and items of flare on their skin/hair/body which in reality makes it your uniform, so others can recognize that you scream for attention too but deny it when suggested.
Unfortunately when you think back on the methods you adapted to be accepted as a kid when you're older you will be overcome with cringe and try to block out any memory.
And of course if you are older already then your entire ruse is born of either a mental illness or a life of rejection.
Either way it's sad when you consider what your children will think about you if you do ever end up mating.

Also, you're not really attracted to her sexually because if you were you'd be asking what's wrong with you instead of us. You would be embarrassed beyond belief and suicidal.


okie :>

Attached: jasiri and kion2 -o.jpg (472x626, 198K)

I went to jack off and this thread still exists

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Attached: The-imaginary-okapi_(356).png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

i didn't insult ya :(
i just haven't watched lion king
mean peen lean

this is not my end goal, if you were listening in class you would've known that.

that yeen girl is thick as fuck, anyone not wanting to fuck her is a closeted homophobe.


oh, you heard him jasiri

Attached: kion doggying jasiri -o.jpg (1400x917, 189K)

you should my dude, lion king 1 and 2 are dank af
but shes not from there, shes from the lion guard, a spinoff to these, you still wanna watch the movies before you watch the show

Rock 'n' Roll
fuck you troll
whack a mole
cum in the hole

sounds like a lot of fucking menagerie
fuck menagerie

>menage in french means sex
>menagerie in english means animals kept in cages

You shut them up thank you

was this a reference to her pseudopeen song?
its not that bad, you're missing out

no he didn't, i'm still here

Attached: jasiri and kion fanart -o.jpg (1024x745, 84K)

>be me, 1932. single and handsome as fuck
>date lots of women, get rejected
>hurts af but no one notices and everyone just keep cheering me on
>keep playing along out of fear anyone would notice
>exes notice hurt, laugh at me
>goes on for years

joke is on them because I simply decided to burn down all they own and their family and got away with it


yeah man

nicky menagerie

Poop on a bitch

Still hurts though

life is pain

Not as much as them

corn starch
good ol' corn starch

Because you’re a fucking faggot op

no i'm not

Still here too. Wherever she goes, I go. We're a pack. Since the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one.

Attached: Kion x Jasiri (322).jpg (1192x670, 52K)

mom told me to buy peas and carrots and other vegetables from the market
it's kinda dark tho.
dark, like wood

Good luck out there user

Attached: dark in the woods.jpg (1260x500, 52K)

hey JasiriAnon, come talk to us at the group

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shit user, that sounds scary, good luck!

Attached: janja and jasiri -o.png (1200x1300, 1.24M)

Go back to Deviantart/Tumblr with your faggoty shit.

Attached: Listen here you little shit.png (326x217, 102K)

ain't no reptilians. they hyenas

I'm here too

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never been there to start with
i know they are

Attached: oh really -o.png (420x480, 143K)

thats sweet, thank you user for your kind words

Attached: jasiri smile -o.jpg (885x570, 30K)

What time is it for you people

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I masturbate to a children's cartoon featuring very young animal characters. Why do people dislike me?

time for Jasiri!
>very young
you don't know their age, and its fine, since they mature faster than humans.

because you're not a bbc


Beccuse you are a homosexuell jew who also happens to be a nigger


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shakey wave

shit man, for a second i thought you were doxxing me, it almost described me 100%

I think it was a bit funny for a moment to feel that I have a heart in this sad as fuck world.

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you do user, don't be so hard on yourself

Attached: jasiridog2.jpg (1200x1600, 191K)

tomorrow is a day too. Look at the darkness and the darkness will look at you. in a positive sense, because in the dark it is the light that will lead you.

huh? Do not worry about me. I have been so for many years.

not me first and not me last

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>Sticky dicks,the soap opera
Today's the episode which Emmanuel jumps in the toilet seat to save his brother who was drowning

Time to go

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See you soon

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because it's not funny, waste of time etc.

Sup Forums enjoys people who have something more than repetitively posting nothing.

Because you're a trolling faggot. You're just as annoying if not more than these other faggots who post faggot threads. I truly and honestly, and I mean this, hope you die painfully.

I saw it. are you planning to go to sleep today? I will gladly take a look at you

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U are a fuking degenerate who likes the idea of fucking animals u backwards failure not even worthy of being called a nigger fag loving pice of shit deep down in your parents hearts they wish they never had your useless leeching homunculus that calls its self a human

Because you're a spamming cocksucking faggot and you should hang yourself

No one likes your threads. But you keep posting them sitting atop your bump throne of triggered spazzoids saging better threads off the board. Everyone hates you for it, but you don't stop doing it. Ergo, everyone will continue to hate you. But you already knew that you clever little bed wetter

Oh well kys m8. By the way you aren't my first victim that I suicide over the Internet

user, what the fuck are you doing with your life.?
What the shit have you achieved in doing this!?
This year I've started to get /fit/, read /lit/ & finally got a job trial after almost 3 years of being NEET.
Can you say the same.? What the fuck have you achieved you filthy Hyena spamming degenerate.
I see you post this shit almost everyday on Sup Forums, to what do you achieve in doing this.
You're a subhuman schizo faggot mongoloid, do something else, you can be better than this.

Attached: Hyena.jpg (1200x800, 278K)

Because you're intentionally trying to get insulted. You like the notoriety and recognition that posting this shit every day gets you, it makes you feel like you're someone, that you're unique, you stand out, but that's a false belief.

In reality you're a sad socially awkward autist with a disgusting fetish in a sea of sad autists with disgusting fetishes. You're exactly the same as the rest of us. There is nothing special or cute about you. You're a loser who spends his time spamming garbage children's cartoons on a garbage imageboard.

The one positive about your worthless contribution to this board is that you don't fill it up with porn and gore. Your threads may be shitty saccarine trash, but at least it's not porn.

And that's the sum total of your impact in life. "At least it's not porn". They should write that over your gravestone after you inevitably die of diabetes complications.

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Based user, fellow previously-awkward meathead here. OP you’re a fucking autist. Take this guy’s advice and do something with your life. I recommend MUAY THAI. I don’t care if you’re a fatass or skinny guy. Just jump straight in the deep end.