The boomer generation of men raised a spoiled brat generation of women and alienated and abandoned their sons...

the boomer generation of men raised a spoiled brat generation of women and alienated and abandoned their sons. The irony is that their daughters are going to abandon them in their old age, and their sons sure as fuck aren't going to take care of them after having been alienated by them their whole lives. Boomer men are going to rot old and alone, many of them will probably commit suicide. Boomer women will probably end up as insane incoherent trashbag women even the ones living inside the retirement homes, and they'll enjoy being treated badly by all the nurses and caretakers. All things considered, boomers ruined everyone's future, and they ruined their own future, and the last years of their life is gonna be total hell. And they deserve it, all of it. Baby boomers are very evil people.

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Lol wut boomers children are Gen Xers and they are doing fine. Even early millennials aren't fucked. It doesn't really start breaking down to lunatic idiots until you hit millennials in the 25-32 range and early gen z down to about highschool. Late gen z is moving right. Jesus memes aren't real info. TLDR boomers childrem are gen x and they are perfectly capable of helping their parents. Its Gen X that are fucked when they retire

its all god in 10-15 years all the boomers will be gone and we can start fixing things.

>boomers childrem are gen x and they are perfectly capable of helping their parents
The older gen x are doing fine. The later are not. Half of gen x are hoping beyond hope that their boomer parents leave them the real estate they can't afford to get for themselves.

i think you have your dates mixed up. Therefore we're talking about two different age groups.

exactly. But my point is boomers are going to suffer a slow demise, all that bad shit they did to everyone else is gonna come back on them ten-fold. Did you know that many, maybe up to 30% of upper middle class white boomer men fucked their own daughters?

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I don't care about boomers or boomer children. as far as I am concerned gen x and millennials are just as worthless.

i dont disagree, GenX is slightly better and millennials, they are probably even worse but who raised them? Oh, the boomers. Wait, that's the point I made in my OP. I guess you didn't bother reading it through? Boomers raised spoiled brat daughters and abandoned their sons.

Boomer men will be abandoned by both their daughters and sons in old age. We will feel almost no guilt either.

Hey guys, im 38 years old soon 39.
What is my generation?

on the younger side of GenX


haha boomer asshole, you're gonna get treated like shit in the retirement home, this is what you get for destroying America

This is more bullshit to distract from how the powerful keep the rest of us down. Vote in your self-interest, not according to a prejudice against people who are different than you--whether they are a different age, color, gender. We are all in this together, like it or not.

fuck off, who do you think sold America out to the rich and powerful? The boomers.

ok zoomer

Boomer: a scapegoat term used by kikes to divert attention and blame from themselves.

The only boomers that raised wiggers also listened to Beastie Boys


I mean, you are exactly wrong, but boomers really did fuck up the world. They set themselves up for the rest of their lives at the expense of their children, which is really fucking greedy.

The generational war thing is nothing new. Boomers did it with their parents, and their parents with the parents before them etc. etc.

It’s going to be interesting to see how gen z’ers and millennials turn out as old folks. I feel like it will be overall better than how boomers were.

are you proposing that all the worlds problems can be tracked back to the boomers?

isn't there a more kosher explanation?

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>They set themselves up for the rest of their lives at the expense of their children

except by doing so, they guaranteed that they would end up alone. By betraying their own children, they guaranteed that they would end up alone.

>It’s going to be interesting to see how gen z’ers and millennials turn out as old folks

by that time, a race war or balkalization of america will have happened, so we won't have to worry about being abused by niggers

The boomers imported tens of millions of low-wage immigrants to replace their children's generation in the workforce. Those same immigrants will be the ones taking "care" of them in the retirement home.


You're GenX, but young enough to be able to identify as Millenial.

boomers? bankers and jews?

we are all complicit in the fiat currency, fixed game that corrodes morality and makes people into whores.

so if you identify boomers as the problem, what solutions do you propose?

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You're delusional if you believe that meme.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

uh, boomers are the biggest supporters of the jews. The boomer's whole lives have been about sucking Israel's dick.

Jews only have so much power in America because boomers ALLOWED them to.

Man you guys are hilarious. How about stop being lazy assholes 37 millenial six figure income. Millennial friends my age all high five into six figure income. My gen x parents doing fine homes paid off plenty of savings for retirement and no sign that any of their gen x friends are so poor they'll work until they die. However the shit eaters 5-10 years younger do nothing but complain about being poor and that they don't get enough hours. Offer them hours and they always say no. Shifted a bunch out and replaced them with teenagers and productivity went way up. Memes aren't real the internet is sure as fuck not real. Go the fuck outside or go get a degree actually no since you're all useless babies go take something simple and 8 months long like pharmacy assistant. And when you look at your first pay you can finally say hey I don't feel like a loser

congrats faggot. You're a programmer, making 120,000 dollars a year, which is pretty good actually.

Of course boomers flooded America with indians and chinks because they can pay them less than white millennials, so the boomers have made it very hard to get a job.

These boomers are gonna get abused by the same non-white immigrants they voted to import to replace their children's generation.

This is what is meant by "greed blinds you" (to future consequences).

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This is so cringey.

>senior citizens are way my life sucks!!! Waaaahhhhhh!!!!

Waaa waaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa
It’s nice to have someone to blame eh?

The fact that anyone born after Gen X is labeled a millennial pisses me off. I’m 32 and when Boomers call me a millennial, I tell them that I’m not some spoiled brat who hinges their existence on being lazy.

I tell them, that contrary to popular belief, Gen Y and Millenials should NOT Abe the same thing, and that I’m Gen Y, not some entitled millennial

Nope. Zoomers are brain dead retards who don’t understand how generations work. Boomers are in their 60s mostly and are retired or are going to be. Generation x is after them and then millennials after that, then zoomers.

Millenials are just turning 19 Yeah?

Born at the millenium

Zoomers will be the worst to come. Zero social skills and hyper feminine and sensitive.

>most powerful country on Earth

t. retarded millennial

How? Generation X is doing just fine. The only millennials who are doing poorly are the ones who got worthless degrees bc of their own stupidity. Zoomers are just gonna be perma virgins anyways. Shut the fuck up faggot and own up to your failures

You need to get out more into the world outside your bubble. The vast majority or people haven't recovered from the 2007 crash and we have another one coming around the bend. I have 6 figures saved for retirement and own my own business. I did all of the saving before 28. I haven't really been able to save for a decade. Health insurance is crazy expensive, housing is crazy expensive, electricity is expensive, decent pre k for my kid is expensive.

What more my customers main employees have been making right at minimum wage or slightly above for the entire 15 years I've been in business. My customers aren't putting capital back into the business and are kinda asset stripping now.

It's not all terrible but there are a huge portion of people in the US that would be bankrupted by a $1000 expense. I'm not particularly bullish about what's coming down the pipes in 2020. The stock market has been fine mainly from stock buy backs, but the fact is most people have no exposure to the DOW or S&P. My customers customers look largely like thier employees and they are living so hand to mouth that I'm afraid it will take bread out of my hand. I'm certainly not spending as much this holiday season.

so lets get this settled.
boomers are 50+ we can all agree
but as far as gen x, y, z
is it when you were born or when you grew up that determines generation
im born 98 grew up in early 2000s
am i millenial or zoomer?
i really dont get zoomer shit for the most part but its kinda cool

>support radical femenism and multiculturalism to the point where your sons will be unable to find wives and keep families

beta male virgin who can't keep up with alphas and is scared of talking to confident girls detected

imagine a timeline spanning back thousands of years

1. where do boomers sit on this timeline?
2. where do jews sit on this timeline?

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Baby boomers were born after WW2. Prime baby boomers were born 9 months after V day. 1945 to say 1955.

Thier kids were generation X. Born 1965 to about 1980.

Gen Y was a bit wishy washy but born 1980 to about 1995.

Then I thought the millenials came along born 1995 to about 2010... but I think the Americans fucked up the definitionsand invented random meaningless ones, as they are prone to doing.

I'm going to have to agree. A lot of these neckbeards think they should have a 10/10, but how many fast food workers do you see driving a Ferrari? I do think there is someone for everyone, but part of this degenerate culture doesnt teach people to stay in their own lane.

You know, a lot of boomers protested the Vietnam war and started the push to get marijuana legalized. Most of them are just trying to live their lives and have no more power than you, so don't buy into a lot of age-ist prejudice.

Listen up, cunt. Instead of placing blame, how about you do something about it?

Boomers were born 1946-1964. That's been well established for a long time. It was a literal baby boom. After that, no one seems to agree but here's it generally:
1965-1981: Gen-X
1982-1996: Gen-Y (Millenial)
1997-????: Gen-Z (Zoomer)

>support radical feminism and multiculturalism
sorry user, you're the boomer and probably a nazi

The only correct answer so far

>The irony is that their daughters are going to abandon them in their old age, and their sons sure as fuck aren't going to take care of them after having been alienated by them their whole lives. Boomer men are going to rot old and alone,

That's already happening.

>Baby boomers are very evil people.

They're not evil, so much as ignorant. They trusted the government and industry to be honest, fair and responsible.

A lot still do, at least all of the old people I have talked to. Explains the anti regulation and at the same time an avid trust in government (conservative) institutions.

I'd blame the Gen Xers for radical feminism and maybe multiculturalism, no?

In theory, women should have children between 17 and 27, and men between 21 and 35. In practice, many Boomer women started having children at age 30. That's why the children of Boomers are Milennials.

The very definition of GenX is "the children of the baby boomers"

Outliers don't rewrite the definition