Are psychedelics really that "mind opening"...

Are psychedelics really that "mind opening" , "personality changing" and "enlightening" or is this just typical junkie overhype talk?

What are arguments for and against using these drugs?

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there's no valid arguments for or against psychedelics. Do whatever the fuck you want just don't go into it with any expectations

Try it and see for yourself, it's a pretty subjective experience for most psychedelics

Past big time LSD user and mushroom grower/user. My first experience on lsd was amazing, people say that hallucinate and see things but I have to agree with the inventor of lsd here, reality isn’t replaced it’s simply altered. Things wiggle and wave, you see fractals in trees and colors are more vibrant. But if you take lsd for the visuals then you're retarded. It fucks with all senses, and changes your thought process. It's just an alternate state of mind and the first few times is refreshing and amazing. Don't listen to what anyone tells you though. These chemicals are just chemicals and have clear patterns when you do them repeatedly. After my first experience doing LSD I've never gotten that magic back. Mushrooms is a similar boat. The worst tome I had I was on an led analogue called 1p-lsd and I was so delusional it was awful, it wasn't psychedelic at all. I'm not sad that I don't do them, I had a good time and the low addictiveness of these things are a real thing too. You can stop and not feel any withdrawal. There is a dark side to LSD and all psychedelics and people who defend them religiously are fiends.

N't do it OP not worth the risk,I know various people that are now mentally Ill after going on "trips"

It's what you want it to be. I've dropped acid at night clubs and bars and parties and had a great time. I've also purposely tripped alone to gain that "mind opening" whatever. Also, I've been blind sided with a trip that is crazy "enlightening" even on a really low dose, or taken a high dose and just had fun and laughed.

As for you're second question, same as the first poster.

Not OP but personally I’d be too afraid of a bad trip. I have anxiety and I feel like it could steer me into that path and I’d go into a panic attack.

When I did shrooms my idea of the world became clear. I felt that way the whole time but never really thought about it. It was 10/10 would recommend. You just feel sick the whole time, just don't take a ton the whole time. Because once you start tripping you're tripping for like 5 hours.

I have pretty severe anxiety and I've been able to trip successfully several times. I just make sure to only take them when I'm ready to dedicate an entire day to them. Maybe once a year. I do it alone or with my girlfriend and I haven't had a panic attack yet. I can definitely feel if I dropped acid at a party or ate some mushrooms and walked around in public I would have a very bad time. I dont understand how people can do it with strangers but that's how the majority uses them. So to each their own but just remember your along for the ride and by that time tomorrow you'll be sober again.


Thanks for this

Maybe if you're 14. Everyone should try LSD and DMT at least once though. People that sperg out about it are fuckin drama queens being dramatic.

different user but pretty much, it definitely helps to trip with people you're comfortable with in a place you're familiar with. whoever you're with can help talk you out of a bad experience

Trip sitter a must?

no psychedelics are a trick that just makes you dumber. every time I meet some one who says they felt enlightened after tripping out on some drug or another they always look like a retard drooling on themselves in reality.

can't say if it's a must or not, but our friend who was tripping with us had done it many times before. it did help that he was around tho even if he was also under the influence

If you really want to open your mind and get enlighten try philosophy instead

Psychedelics are a good way to see the world from a different perspective but they're also super fun. If you want to have a "mind opening" experience do them in really pleasant surroundings and have an idea what you would like to think about before going in and they can help you immensely. I have had a few "ahuh" moments on psychedelics and it has definitely changed the way I see the world. But you can also just do them with some mates and have a fun time and they're entertaining for sure!

idk, people piss me off. Especially if they're trying to control what I'm doing. Trip buddy ok, fucking designated personal police officer, not my cup o tea.

Same user here. I’d just want someone to be there if I start to go sideways. I’ve tried a dissociative before and had a friend just passed out on the couch and was left basically by myself tripping out badly until it wore off.

If things go sideways a trip sitter isn't going to help you, I don't mean this in a negative way but its like a security blanket doesn't do shit but it makes you feel better.

having someone there definitely helps, don't think you'll have to worry about anyone passing out if you're all on shrooms or something

I’ve tried DXM in the past (it’s the only drug available in my country).

Out of the 6 or 7 trips I did, one was really mind opening and changed my view on life and got me out of depression and I got shit done.

Unfortunately, that effect only lasted for two weeks then I went back to my miserable, unproductive self. The last time I did it it was a very bad trip that I stopped.

I’ve heard good things about lsd and ketamine, hoping I’d try them someday.

OP here.
That's exactly what I worry the most. That the drug brings me in a state of high consciousness and productivity that I will miss after the trip and that I will develope some kind of psychological addictiveness due to me feeling like I can't function or think clearly without it anymore

all the answers are inside you, just take time and listen, what psychs do is impair you to a point you have to listen, get to know yourself, and master that self

I don't think you will miss it OP, it's not addictive, I do feel like it changed the way I see the world long term even if it wasn't super profound or life changing.

You should look up microdosing if you haven’t already, they say it’s really beneficial without having to trip, it’s the way to go.

I haven’t tried it though since I don’t have access to proper psychedelics, but I’ll definitely do it when I get the chance.