My girlfriend told me shes fucked 40 different guys.
Ive had sex with 2 girls.
shes not very good with the sex. not saying im a porn star but i always have to finish myself. that means this dumb bitch can do something 40 times and still be mediocre at it.
When she told me my first thought was "You had sex with 40 dudes and your still no good in bed?!"
It's not that she is unskilled, she is unmotivated and jaded.
t. banged roasties in my youth
Eli Reed
Feels bad my gf has been with 7 or 8 and those numbers kill me inside I've been with 2...
Lincoln Lopez
Guys that shes attracted to, she fucks the shit out of. You, shes just tolerating. When she masturbates, shes not thinking about you. When you're fucking her, shes not thinking about you. If shes not already fucking other guys on the side, she's definitely got plans to. Sorry.
Charles Reyes
You sound like a faggot. Your girl is lying, her number is probably double or more what she told you. Who cares? Sex for girls is different. Her getting fucked isn't that big of a deal
Jackson Reyes
She's lying you dumb faggot
Oliver Price
she's probably an insecure bitch who thinks letting guys stick their dicks in her is going to make her more likable and she doesn't enjoy sex. I'd say she's not fucking for pleasure but as a tool. People are lost in todays world. all the pop culture is telling them to be something they're not and in the process lose their true identity
Jose Rodriguez
you're the faggot who keeps putting that t. in all your posts. I don't like you
Andrew Martinez
>My girlfriend told me shes fucked 40 different guys.
she's intimidated by mens sexual prowess (or at least how its portrayed in popular media) and probably by you in particular, therefore she's lying about the number of men she's had sex with to either impress you or make you feel as intimidated/insecure as she does. She has, at the very least, doubled that number and likely hasn't had sex with 1 or 2 people, both of them probably inexperienced themselves and obviously took no initiative to tell her what was good
tl;dr A lot of girls who talk about how much sex they've had actually haven't.
Camden Garcia
>t. newest of fags
Isaac Miller
>40 >gf
She’s most likely fucking sone Chaz on the side while your dumbass is at work or w/e you do
>had this happen recently
Hoes never change
Jaxon Collins
This. Why are you even dating OP? Just have sex for fun until you’re older.
Connor Morgan
get a load of this faggot
Brody Martin
angry incel squad out in force this morning
dude she hasnt fucked more than one or 2 guys tops.
Leo Morris
Same situation.
Jordan Bailey
>she's probably an insecure bitch who thinks letting guys stick their dicks in her is going to make her more likable This is true. All women love attention and a lot fuck and lie to men that their dick is great and dude makes her cum, ect. The go to lies women tell some guys. All women fuck for attention. A lot use sex as a control device to manipulate men, believe it or not, all women use sex for their needs.
Sebastian Brooks
“My girlfriend”? 40 guys....She’s everyone’s gf.
Gabriel Scott
Dude, is this screenshot from the banned Simpsons episode where Springfield is turned into a concentration camp. If so, I just wanted you to know that you can't post that, not even on Sup Forums.
Isaac Lee
Women are useless lying cunts. She’s not into you. I guarantee she’s still fucking some Chad with a horse cock. All women are the same.
Hudson Sullivan
Don't you have to go to school or something?
Chase Parker
But the point is... how many dicks she suck?
Thomas Peterson
You have no clue how easy it is for women to get laid. Nor will you ever see the look in a woman's eyes when she truly wants to fuck you.
Sebastian Johnson
It isn't a rpg don't get more ripped every time you start going to the new gym.i
Leo Morales
man that makes u gay
Mason Richardson
I've been with 200+ girls. Some girls are just naturally skilled. The best blowjob I ever got was probably from a girl that was molested and groomed to love sucking dick.
Lincoln Hughes
Just her living model. Do you finance her live? Do Not believe 40 good Sex scene. Do you want to live this way? Change!
James Baker
You’ve been with two women.
Maybe you’re the one who isn’t very good?
Eli Clark
Dylan Morales
learning a skill and gaining muscle are two very different things retard if you arent retarded learning a skill shouldnt take you more than 40 times of repetition
Andrew James
Gay here, been with over 50. Anyone with less than a handful of lays have been boring as fuck in bed. Get experienced ffs.
Alexander Harris
OP most girls suck in bed, most girls need to be taught how to fuck, 40 men just pumped into her, you get the remains congrat.
Hope you actually like her as a person or else your relationship is going to be bitter
Levi Adams
>My girlfriend told me shes fucked 40 different guys Women who have been with 40 guys (and btw - the real number is likely way higher) are NOT girlfriend material. They are pure fuckmeat. And never forget to wear a condom, 'cause it's very likely she's got an STI.
James Perry
Parker Lopez
When a guy tells you how many girls he's fucked, the real number is usually half.
When a girl tells you how many guys she fucked, the real number is usually double.
40 one night stands doesn't mean she'd get any better. It's not like they'd tell her what she's doing wrong/right. Pump and dump.
Isaiah Sanders
>shes fucked 40 different guys ...meaning that guys come to her effortlessly. This means she never had to try to please one and had a string of dudes that wouldn't know her from a hole in the wall if blindfolded.
Asher Gomez
you wanna abuse your girl? abuse her. shit
Alexander Hill
how loose is her ham sandwich at this point
Jason Cruz
Incel squad
Ian Torres
My girlfriend was a sorority girl at her college time and used to get wasted and passed around at fraternity parties. Probably she's fucked more than 200 guys. She was fucked by 20 man in a big orgy ony night and did several gang bangs with seven-nine guys. She is a good girl now, sex is really good and she is really nice and lovely, but I don't know if I want to marry her. I'm so conflicted about her.
Jackson Collins
>shes a good girl now you're just telling yourself that while you typed this she was probably getting fucked
Juan Foster
242 dicks she sucked that she doesn't count as sex.
Aiden Green
>She was fucked by 20 man in a big orgy And she enjoy it? Probably she was sore for a week.
Ayden Lewis
This is true. Women will never give the real number of dicks because she knows it will intimidate most men.
Oliver Jenkins
she knows how to fuck alright. she just doesn't feel like you're worth the effort. you're definitely getting cucked by tyrone
Zachary Collins
Lucas Evans
>I don't know if I want to marry her Total cumbucket. Not marriage material. >She is a good girl now Yeah, keep telling yourself that... Or, just don't walk away, run !!
William Diaz
>she knows how to fuck alright. she just doesn't feel like you're worth the effort. you're definitely getting cucked Unironically for OP this is more true then OP can handle.
Yeah, I think she is clean now, but I'm always thinking about it.
Yes and yes. Next days she was totally sore.
Ian Morales
You're no good in bed and she's going to find someone who is
Brody Martin
Good girls are down to be gangbanged. Prenup and wedlock.
Brandon Brooks
slutty femanon detected. you know the rules, tits or GTFO
Elijah Martinez
>I'm always thinking about it And you always will be too. Something like that never gets out of the head. If you can handle it, well, more power to ya I guess. If you have any doubt that you can handle it, dump the bitch quick and move on. You seem like a decent guy. And behavior like that from a chick should never be rewarded by her getting a decent guy,
Nicholas Hernandez
Ah the joys of having about 10 other things that I could be doing that I would enjoy more than sex. Hilarious to see their reaction when I shrug off sex and say I'd rather be doing "x."
James Green
Don't marry. No benefit, all kinds of drawbacks and risks. Do you really believe of the 200+ guys she fucked that you're her favorite? Everyone eventually gets nostalgic for their youth.
Ryder Price
there's a relationship with a future
Tyler Jones
It sounds to me like you need to find what brings her inner freak out. You know like spanking, role playing, hair pulling, biting, choking, a finger in the butt, rough sex, public sex, spontaneous sex, handcuff her and teasing her, rape play, incest play, just gotta find that switch man, she isn`t going to tell you by the sounds of it. If all else fails just get her doggie style, grab a handful of hair, pull her head back so she can`t get away and whisper in her ear her mom fucks better than she does, and hold user, i guarantee she is going to wake up and try to buck you off of her
Jace Barnes
Femanon here. I used to hard partying at college and I did a few (well, a lot) insane things like your girlfriend. But now I have a healthy relationship for five years. Never cheated on my boyfriend, the wild college days are gone. Probably same happens with your girlfriend.
Femanon here, maybe you just have a little dick and can not fill her up like she wants to be. I had a boy friend with a little dick and sex was hohumm, so i broke it off and found a guy with a big dick and it brought my freak out.
Easton Lee
Samefag here, I almost dislike him as much as the guy who always describes positive experiences by using the word “cash” as an adjective. That guy really ruffles my jimmies.
>insane things Was the wildest thing you ever make? I'm asking you not to fap, just for science.
Jayden Barnes
Whatever you say, roastie. What kind of man settles for a cumdumpster like you ?
Samuel Gomez
You’re right. It’s different for girls. It’s a much bigger deal.
Oliver Powell
I once slept with this Mexican girl who kept a list of every guy and ranked them. There were 55 guys.
Isaiah Lee
Carson Foster
I saw that recently by an old friend and it was the first time in a while and one of the very few times ever and it instantly gave me a hard on and chills and she didn’t even do anything. Its like her aura, vibe and subconscious was telepathically penetrating my third eye and it felt good man.
James Garcia
>nauseate Fixed it for you.
Jordan Cruz
most women are bad at sex
they dont have to work at getting it so they just lay there and do nothing
yet they wonder why they dont enjoy it or cum
Camden Mitchell
You are welcome. Good luck with her.
Engineer, more than $120,000 year.
You make me smile, so I tell you about that time when 12 fraternity guys get me drunk and ran a train on my pussy. Bareback sex, all they came inside. And then, they ran a train on my asshole and all they came inside again. And finally, they ran a train on my mouth and make me swallow every load. Then, I was double and tripe penetrated, they keep my fucking until guys can't get hard. It was really wild, I came so many times. Ah, the crazy old college days. I miss it sometimes.
Kayden Gray
>Femanon here. I used to be a little hotter when I was at college and guys used me as a sperm terminal. But now I have that tired, used-up look and couldn't find guys to cheat on my beta boyfriend with if I paid them.
This. Typical older user here. Went through the same cycle. By the time you reach my age, the partying life gets a little old. You want some stability.
Alexander Hill
practice makes permanent, it doesn't make perfect. she probably just laid there and took it because lots of guys are perfectly content to fuck a girl who just lays there and looks pretty.
Bentley Scott
You are welcome.
He told me he fucked a lot of girls.
Yes, nothing extreme, but I was roughly tied up and blindfolded several times. I remember once my tits were literally on-fire and red, my nipples got some brutal abuse. It was hot yet painful.
Yes, always happens. You are old, stable and boring.
Elijah Bennett
"A lot" is relative.
Austin Reed
Bad girl, you make me fap again lol
Nicholas Watson
ITT: user takes a ride on the town bicycle while pedestrians mock him.
Jose King
can we get heaven in this thread to spread some learning to this remedial
Kayden Gomez
>my tits were literally on-fire and red, my nipples got some brutal abuse. You know the rules, tits or GTFO.
Noah Brown
legit answer here user
Colton Reed
dam Femanon your hot as fuk You've found your beta Here i am baby Come to poppa
Hunter Perry
40 guys WHAT A HOE
William James
what is a good girl one that "puts out " then why bitch when youve got a live one shut up and bone her fukin pussys jebus