I'm crying, I havent done shit for last 2 weeks. I just layed in my bed and worked. I havent ate anything for 5 days...

I'm crying, I havent done shit for last 2 weeks. I just layed in my bed and worked. I havent ate anything for 5 days. I got no fun at anything anymore.
An hero on stream?

Attached: shutterstock_75574162-2-752x501.jpg (752x501, 58K)

you should post a thread on Sup Forums begging for attention only to be called a pathetic faggot

You pathetic fucking faggot

Whatever no stream then. Bye.

Nah, record it then post it

your too pussy anyway

eat some food. and go do something you enjoy doing. nobody can give you happiness or fulfillment thats something you gota do on by one self.

don't do this itll kill you

2 weeks? Nigga this has been my life for the last six years. Find a way to create your own happiness. I started solo backpacking for two months every year, and all of a sudden life had a meaning.

if you're going to end yourself, be useful and kill politicians first.

doesn't matter what side they're on, do both,

>solo backpacking
how to look like a lost mentally challenged person


When did b become home to emo attention whoring faggots?

Welcome to adult life, it seemingly never ends. How old are you?

An hero is for pussies, life is hard work but that's what makes it a worthwhile endeavour. You just need to find something that makes it worth all the hard work. Find something that makes the hard times worth fighting through. Find something you're passionate about, set goals and work towards them.

It gets easier. Everyday it gets a little easier, but you've gotta do it every day.

Best of luck to you user.

do you know how many heroin girls you could knock up with that kind of attitude? Go make heroinbabies.

What good does simply killing one politician seemingly by random achieve? Genuinely curious

Since about 2008, you must be new here

Whoever told u life had meaning lied to you

Yeah same boat. Idk where you live but I'd buy ya a beer. I have no friends and my marriage is an absolute train wreck, if my wife leaves me I'm fucked because I gave up everything to be with her and now she is slowly leaving

>because I gave up everything to be with her
Holy fuck, are you me? I was in the same situation when my gf left me... Now I have nobody.

Go to church,
No seriously having people been emphatic to you is nice, also giving and working to help others gives you a sense of self worth and purpose.

God's loves you user I love you too brother.

>2 weeks

I've done absolute NOTHING for over 13 years and im 23.
I dont blame you for your decisions, but 2 weeks man? atleast tell me what you tried to do about it

This. I haven't laughed/smiled in about 8 years but what's the big deal ? You don't need to be happy to earn money. As for food yeah that's the worst, try shits that you really like, even if it's cereal at 11am

If you cry it means you still feel something, if you still feel something there's still hope