Ask a mexican anything Sup Forums

Ask a mexican anything Sup Forums

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Why do your people steal more than niggers and Asians?

do you like beans?

why do you steal our jobs?

Why can’t you people just come to the us legally? It’s ruining this country

Why don't you go live in your country? This question is also a statement. Go back to your country

Can I get 4 guawck and no seboyos...and get I can some of those little limes too?

I myself dont steal,But then again theres alot of cholos who just cross the border get the goods and sell it back im mexico

have you ever eaten cactus and if so hows it taste/what would you cook with it?

Why didnt you immigrate legally?

Why did you have to move from Mexico to America?

Want salsa with that?

Do you sleep a lot

Hows the water?

One minute im going to get a glass of water now and pour it on the ground.

Do your cops in mexico land wear sombreros?

I heard mexicoans are one of the most obese races of people on the planet. Hows that make you feel? I also heard that mexicanese people are Coca-Cola's number one customers. Do you like coke?

why are mexican women so hot (at least the higher socio-economic class ones)?

no, they start out hot and fertile looking.

Then they get fat..then they look like the typical mexicanese hag

up until what age would you say they are still fuckable?

until the age that they get fat.

can happen anytime, like a hand grenade. then it explodes and your stuck with Consuela

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yeah cactus is actually really good just tack the spines out and all of the middle and just eat the skin

i didnt my grandparents did

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i use bottle water m8


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id say 18-30 is still fuckable after that is where it drops off

calm down 2 is enough

>Yellas in that picture look pretty brown to me.

i have a family business so i didnt steal any jobs


no shit i like beans theres pinto pinto con chorizo and papa and so many types of beans

are mexicanese people just sacks of flesh filled with beans?

Are all hoerses in mexico land actually pinata?

Is this true that every 10th mexican wants to be a cartel member or is involved in a cartel directly or indirectly ?

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I use tap water because i dont have dirty bean juice for water