She's so cute

She's so cute

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Agreed. She's showed a lot of smarts for someone so new to the political process. She's made some mistakes just as anyone does but she has potential.
I'm tired of ignorant fucks here on Sup Forums posting memes suggesting she's all about "free stuff". She's pushed some ideas trying to get the electorate to look in a different direction than the current one where all of the income and advantages go to the white minority.

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Name one fucking sustainable thing she has proposed?

Me fucking your mother nightly. get pwn'd cuck.

My point exactly you fucking waste of air.

she's not a socialist. she's a social democrat


She literally calls herself a democratic socialist

Same policies, same outcome, same thing

You do realize she is a man. You basically want to fuck a beaner with long hair.

If she said she was a socialist, she wouldn't get any recognition. So she is a socialist disguised as a demo.

Same bait thread every day. Does it get tiring?

God forbid we use any bit of reasoning

Why did you post an image of random non consecutive posts?

ITT: Socialists are stupid because it's unsustainable!

>too stupid to see that capitalism is unsustainable

All of the supposed "achievement" of capitalism only exist because we're on the meth-high of fossil fuels. It's like spending borrowed money to live high on the hog, then bragging about what a financial wizard you are.

What else do you spam 16 hours a day? It can't be just AOC. What other infamous spam are you responsible for?

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Nigger nose

They were all consecutive, each one tagged the one before it

Okay, name one thing that socialism will lower the debt on that capitalism started.

What else do you spam 16 hours a day? It can't be just AOC. What other infamous spam are you responsible for?

She'd be way cuter if she didn't have horse teeth.


Are you trolling us ? Maybe she is pretty , but surely she IS NOT smart .

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Borrowed money(capitalism) VS stolen money ( socialism)
Socialism is still worse dip shit

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I hope she runs for president one day

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I hope you hang yourself after the 2020 elections

But none of those help with being a politician, other than maybe the Committee thing. The only thing a politician has to be good at is bringing matters to the floor and having them pass. Its the lobbyists and experts job to make the politician aware of what their constituents need. Politicians dont need to be renaissance geniuses that have prior experience of everything. That is what advisors are for.


You can thank democrats for the outrageous spending

How, when the deficit has always shrunk under democrat rule?

Shrunk? With all these social programs and taxes?
And your you implying the Trump economy isnt the best we have seen since before democrats started allowing the federal reserve to print money they cant back up with assets

Like government paid healthcare and college is gonna reduce the deficit. Less government will reduce it, not government control.
Lurk more and learn smething

Her and Ilhan Omar, fuck. I would do so many things to them both

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lol because you actually believe that picture is real

>what constituents need

lmfao imagine thinking lobbyists are acting in our best interest. they're in it to make money for their bosses retard.

It's on the internet, so it has to be

mudblood != cute

She's part muggle? Now I really hate her

I'll try not to

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We're all rooting for you buddy

You are aware that not all lobbyists work for corporations, right?


Almost as if there's a pattern... Really makes you think.

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She wants to help you

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And people like AOC will fix this? Hahaha

Well, she's got a headstart simply by being a democrat.

Its almost as if educating your populace tends to pay itself back in the long run.

They believed that Trump would get Mexico to pay for a border wall and that he could bring back manufacturing jobs to the USA, so why wouldnt they believe a poorly done shoop?

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Haha sure because putting a nation further into debt is good. Public schools are already doing so good right?
The college degree will be the same as a high school diploma, useless.

I take it you have no education after high school?

I do actually. I'm a history teacher for the 10th grade. Please tell me more about how you know how to solve our education system.

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that's a funny way to spell retarded

what the fuck am i have a stroke what is this

i got aids from this, foot fags should die

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Why are people attracted to her? Shes not good looking. Maybe its the guys with weak personalities who just like her strength. Even though she is a moron, you gotta admit she has guts.

As a history teacher you are likely well aware of the economy of the US shifting from agriculture to manufacturing and now increasingly to services. We cannot compete with the asian manpower and employment costs, so we need to offer something they cannot, and that is quality. Uneducated people do not provide that. We need more analysts, programmers, design engineers. These are all university level educated people who are currently deterred by the ridiculously high cost of higher education and social stratification. By increasing the availability and quality of education, we can increase our talent pool and bring about more businesses. Neglecting those currently lacking the means to obtain an education in a useful field only means more socialism in the long run as they become unable to support themselves economically because they are unskilled and unemployable. I much prefer free education to food stamps. This is a "give a man a fish fish or teach him how to fish" -problem. Currently the fishing rods are available to too few.

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Kek. No. It's just redistributing taxes to social programs like healthcare instead of politicians pockets and a bloated defense budget.

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she sure could eat an apple through a wire fence

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James Wood is your voice of choice? Jesus H. Christ.

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the only people attracted to her are cucks, subs, and feminine men who don't know they are gay.

i've never met a "successful" male who was attracted to her, its all jobless, homeless, and dudes working at starbucks.

people who make less than 40k a year are obviously gonna want to bonus of having a strong woman who will give them free shit in charge. meanwhile, the rest of us who learned the hard way to work for what we have, stayed at one job and made a career out of it and earn enough to raise a family, know that she's a fucking retard.

Achieved more than AOC tbh Jesus fuckin cuntsausage...

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Shifting jobs is much more lucrative than staying at one place. At least try to learn the game you have set out to play before belittling others.

At least when it comes to diddling kids.

can anyone translate this please? i don't speak California public schools

>Asian manpower
,oh you mean slavery

sounds like murica needs to go in and create some freedom!

Who thinks was him

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I am not an educator so I cannot say how we can make people finish their degrees and not drop out, but I am fairly sure that the programs being underfunded is one thing. Large seminars and overworked lecturers/professors are not efficient. That, and full time study while working a job that does not bring enough food for the table. Eating noodles for several years is not very attractive. The increases in the cost of living has fucked the economically disprivileged pretty bad. I had friends drop out because they had to choose between studying and eating.

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Who’s going to pay for all these Democrats ideas this time? I can’t afford any of this so I will not be voting for this girl whoever she is. That’s a girl from the Bronx? What the fuck happened to the Bronx this is embarrassing


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Last time I changed firms my salary increased 20%. Doing this every couple of years has boosted my income well ahead of any peers staying at one job.

I would be willing to work on programs that better assist college students in funding meals and housing. But as for free schooling in general, I am against it.

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>changed firms

so you have a career. as a lawyer. obviously you can't read. nowhere did i say stay with the same employer, i said changing jobs around instead of making a career...

how did you become a lawyer when you can't read?

feefees and opinion of course

>trumptards take the highroad and use rational arguments
>"the only people attracted to her are cucks, subs, and feminine men who don't know they are gay."

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She's cute

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