Let's say he survived the fight at the end and fucked. Then what happens? Do they hide their relationship until he gets thrown into pedo jail? Does she grow up and break up with him having met a hot teen chad? I can't see anything good come out of this.
Let's say he survived the fight at the end and fucked. Then what happens...
Basically run and hide and keep low. If that old hotel manager didn't call the FBI, then who will? As long as they're cleaning for Tony, nothing bad will happen.
>Let's say..
The point is, he didn't. That's not the film. He was never going to survive.
>Then what happens?
A UFO abducts him on the way home. Or Bigfoot kills him in a bush. Or he walks into a wormhole.
It's like saying what if Neo took the blue pill? He didn't, otherwise there's no story.
lay low until she cheats on him with chad
the point of the film is their love for each other
>Then what happens?
receding as fuck
can't read write
what happens when he gets too old?
why would she even?
did he groom/manipulate her?
>the point of the film is their love for each other
What I meant was, what happened happened. That's the film. There's no point saying "what if he survived", he didn't.
Do you think Jean Reno wore a chastity cage during filming? I can't think of any other way to avoid a boner around prime Hershlag, especially when she's doing shit like that.
delete this
its sad how much better an actress loli portman was than current Portman.
They're at the age where acting is completely intuitive. They're not falling back on years of coaching. Either you got it or you don't. Most kids don't. This is why Dakota Fanning used to be so good but now she's just awkward.
She still does this face in every movie though
Haven't even seen her in anything since Push, looks like she did a bunch of voice acting though. Worth something, I guess.
I do that face during her movies, too.
>I do that face during her movies, too.
Why are you so sad, user?
Keeping dreaming, faggot.
She's without any redeeming characteristics now. Not attractive, not talented/skilled, not anything. She's a placeholder for a better actress that could have existed.
>Not attractive, not talented/skilled, not anything.
How rude.
she's probably the only human worthy of being dicked on a daily basis in every way possible
fertility goddess
>Let's say he survived the fight at the end and fucked.
How did you even think of this? Why having survived would he then have sex with her when he was dodging her advances the entire movie? What the fuck is wrong with you?
When is this from?
She wasn't that good in Leon.
Child actors have a different, lower, set of standards. She was better than most.
>that's not my baby
>tfw besson filmed an alternate ending that was showed at the california screening of the movie where mathilda kills tony for ratting out leon's location to stansfield
>tfw it'll never get released
Much better ending.
How do you know she didn't rape you when you were sleeping, huh?
Given their bond, they would have fucked when she hit 14, and would have stayed together for life.
that ending would be worse, Leon dies so that Mathilda can be free, her killing tony would drag her back into the life that Leon did not want for her.
You have cuckold fantasies user? Do you need proteins?
Women are mean and selfish. I just extrapolate.
review on amazon from someone who was at the screening
Not him but he does in the original script
Don't trust him. Some user convinced me there is an international cut where Matilda has a gun barrel put into her mouth.
Fucking waste of 50gb
What if he were a golf club and she a fruit fly?
Never thought about that huh pleb
That's something to consider, mang.
Fight at the end? U mean the exploding grenade? Hard to survive that
he fakes the grenade with duds and then kicks the shit out of gary oldman
wat happen to his mony
i ain't clickin that shit
But the point is: they are friends.
Or like a father and daughter.
They support each other - Leon is like a child who will never grow up and Mathilda is a person who only grows older, but mentally a grown-up.
Also Leon told her that she had that love back home.
He'd never touch Mathilda.
This movie is not about romance, user.
This, its the 80s-90s last of us, just replace the gruff american with a gruff European who kills alot...same thing really.
what is it with stories of grown men and little girls?
this meme is pretty recurrent and constant but grown men and little boys doesnt really happen, or grown women and little boys.
>banned me for saying you're gonna get v&
can't handle the bantz huh?
Just for that
Have fun deleting the room
>what is it with stories of grown men and little girls?
Men like it, women like it. Just look at the amount of closet pedos on this site, women are just the same but with closet daddy-issues.
>I can't think of any other way to avoid a boner around prime Hershlag, especially when she's doing shit like that.
if you are a pedo, indeed, you can't