What is the best thing about Sup Forums?
What is the best thing about Sup Forums?
my friends
4char is many fun
my dubs
lamentations of feminine penises
This guy's dubs
Our dubs
you're my dubby dub snoogums
memes :DDDD
Sharing feels with my fellow sad and lonely anons
being able to call everybody a niggerfaggot and nobody gets mad
My trips
Knowing that I could go back to IRC or other chans, but that the motherland is still alive and kicking.
you're mom
There's nothing good about Sup Forums.
We simply can't leave.
Don't bother sending help, they'll be trapped too.
People get to release their built-up anger at anonymous strangers all over the world, and others get to laugh at their anger
Being able to communicate with people all over the world and calling them cuckolds
>What is the best thing about Sup Forums?
Bantz and shitposting are highly encouraged, if not mandatory
Try that in a safe space and see where that gets you, cis scum
the dark humor
and without sounding like anonymous is legunn, the users are generally outcasts and it feels good to belong
> our dubs
> canada
Explaining big gulps to russians.
Not much to choose from, it's an inherently shit place.
I just like the occasional economic/(proper) political discussions that turn up on rare occasions. I don't enjoy seeing news from lesser media outlets, but I appreciate being exposed to things I otherwise would not be.
The friendly and welcoming users. : )
This. Only place I can tell a joke without having to re-write it in my head a dozen times to make it "clean", at which point the moment's passed and the joke would flop anyways.
you OP
This guy. I like this guy.
Also Trips dubs checkd
When government closed all tv down, i learned that my army bombed my parliament from Sup Forums.
best times with best friends