Loli thread

loli thread

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but im not gay

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I want to have sex with Mari.

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I’m not a pedophile, I just like prepubescent girls.

are people who say they don't find lolis attractive lying? I honestly don't know how anyone would not like lolis

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It seems so obvious and natural to find them attractive because they’re so beautiful, I don’t understand how any man could not like them

society wants us to believe that girls can only start being sexually attractive once they reach certain age

What would a anti-loli justice warrior would say in a thread like this

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Something something take a seat

i am the exact same way

What do you love the most about lolis?
(Cunnypilled anons are welcome)

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Something about degenerate and disgusting?

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>but she is 300 years old

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Uhm, 598 actually

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599 in January

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can you like lolis and not be pedophile? maybe it's the wrong word idk
like I love lolis but I don't really have any kind of desire to fug them irl, it's just a fantasy

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I love how soft they are when you rub them and how I can pick them up very easily ;)

I like to keep it to 2D, the only time I wanted to fugg a rl loli is just a middle school crush I still remember but other than that nah

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Sexual fantasies of prepubescents is pedophilia even if the fantasies are not acted on

baby fat and first hair

Their kind and joyous personalities :)

maybe, not defending anything

but how would that would that work with those who like hardcore bondage and bdsm? like choking and hitting, etc. does that mean that they're secretly psychos?

I saw (((legal))) loli irl pictures I found appealing but since then ive been trying to avoid them like plague
I dont want to go that route, no thank you

They're basically a tiny human with very little mental fortitude and agency of their own. It's the ultimate combination of aesthetics and control wrapped up in a little package.

> (((legal)))


some guy posted Instagram links here a while ago

no one cares about that shit
post lolis

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> (((parentheses)))


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Girls, non-nudes in sexy positions.
I.e. legs spread, bent over looking backwards, open mouths

something about the fantasy of being like a 15 yr old boy and fucking my 8 year old sister is just so hot to me

>but how would that would that work with those who like hardcore bondage and bdsm? like choking and hitting, etc. does that mean that they're secretly psychos?
It’s called sadism

>can you like lolis and not be pedophile
>can you like videogames and not be a psychopath
>can you like horror movies and not be a serial killer
>can you like porn and not be a rapist

like junior idols?

Pedophilia is the actual sexual interest in children, the associated illegal behavior is called child molestation. Not all people who are sexually attracted to children are child molesters, but they are all pedophiles

Yeah such as

need help finding a loli doujin i read while back, it was about an island that rich/powerful men would go to and would wear masks and be treated as literal gods but were forbidden to talk about the outside world. lots of smex ensues. it was pretty long too. plz anons.

Some are just rapists, and interested in the act and not as much the target. They are the kind of people who would fuck a poodle if they found one at an opportune moment.

Feeling no remorse when you kill someone is called psychopathy. Not being able to separate reality from fiction is called mental illness

Actually failure to distinguish between reality and fantasy is called schizophrenia

same, but its my gf around that age. best of both worlds.

It's still a mental illness regardless

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All I hope for is that one day society accepts and understands that pedophilia does not automatically equate to rapist or threat to kids.
I wish that there wouldn't be such stigma and those who want to talk about it or need help could get it without risking of ending their lives.
That's all. I don't think this is unreasonable wish.

no, that's unreasonable.

Cuteness, often bundles of joy, mini wholesome packages of purity you can love and often have that feeling reciprocated

Yeah you can, im like that

Cheers for that

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Pedos are always a risk to kids. It’s just that risk can be very small.


It could happen sooner than anyone thinks.

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If someone made a song about the loli posters what should be about?

I'm asking you anons mainly becouse you are lolicons of culture

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Hot, but nobody who writes this kind of stuff gets it right.
>porn dialog + obviously just narrating porn
>has no idea how siblings actually act

Scoring specific feelings of predatory behavior is something I have not thought about. I'll think about it.

Newperson here but:
>not posting loli
>continuously talk about pedoshit no one cares about
>loliposting stops
Why do pedoposters always do this, at least contribute to the thread with loli instead of shitting it up. Every time something pedo related comes up, loliposting stops
You actually sound like an FBI doubleagent looking to bait someone especially with the blatant shilling of your ideology and the lack of effort to contribute

There's always the dark web if you want CP so bad

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All loliposters end up as pedoposters one way or another unless you've literally ceased growing as a human.

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Then we should treat them. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely against abuse of any kind, reducing age consent and all that stuff.
All I'm saying is if we as society are capable of helping those who hear voices in their heads, then we should be capable of helping pedos too.

Not to be mean but
I mean I'd highly appreciate if you do so. It's just that i see this same pedoposting shit over and over again, not only on Sup Forums but on different western groups and sites as well, they contribute nothing but to circlejerk and shift the topic to 3DPD shit instead of lolis

Only happens on English groups, non-English groups are respectful and only stick to loli.
I think this may be one of the reasons why companies want to eradicate western lolicons

well there are ALOT of risks when you go on the dark web so...

For me the fantasy is ownership, the power-trip is more important than the sex.

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Loliposting is fucking boring, it’s just an outdated and inefficient way to collect porn. Pedoposting is much more interesting

Forgot pic

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Nobody wants to help, they only want to punish

>the dark web

man that's just depressing. the picture I mean.

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Literally just use Tor or a VPN or some shit and never give away personal info
How hard could that be
There are popular discussion groups there for likeminded people like you, so you're better off there

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>There are popular discussion groups there for likeminded people like you
Loli threads on Sup Forums for example

>There are popular discussion groups
Name me 5.

Yeah but if pedos only want to circlejerk and contribute nothing loli, basically off topic shit, then might as well just do that on pedo sites. It just feels like blatant faggotry to me

You can literally find plenty of videos on Youtube regarding that, I don't deal with pedoshit so there's nothing from me

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compromised. fitting, given whatever id hypothetically be posting on would be technically and socially compromised lol
sure lemme just run my traffic through someone else's computer like an idiot

I meant more Sup Forums culture based
But not gonna lie, that's a classic

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It's probably to do with the fact that siblings don't normally bang? How are you meant to know how that's supposed to play out?

Your a pedo too, sweatie

not him, but post proof that it's compromised

>popular discussion groups there for likeminded people like you
sure, but i bet those places are super slow and nobody will reply withing 3 minutes like here.

Just use an incognito tab it'll be fine.

So who are the ones that are actually posting pictures? Or I'm just the only one?

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>avoid them like plague
Ha , lucky you dipped out early. Can't say the same for myself

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All of you who like children haven't yet grown up or have never been with a woman, you're in a phase so get over it

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>the power-trip is more important than the sex.
Same. The fact you could do it and get away with it.

Not, like, hurting or anything. Just, I want it, and we can do it the easy way or the hard way. That kind.

I'm just lurking

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Not really, I've seen thousands on underaged peeps in my life, I've only been attracted to people roughly my age / within 5 years difference. Not everyone who likes loli is a pedo, just as much as the people who play video games arent psychopaths. I can confirm this with the friends and the private groups that i've had before

The main attraction for loli for me isnt the fact that they're children, but the fact that they're small and flatchested, and aesthetically squishy

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>you're in a phase
I fucking hope so. But all the experts keep saying that it’s a life-long condition