My mama die

My mama die

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F dude, i know that feel

sorry OP

Damn brother... I'm sorry for your loss

Rest in peace, OP's mom :(

it'll be okay

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Another washed up cunt hits the dust.

Don't stress it OP. She prob didn't give a shit about you anyway and you will forget about her in a few months.

Sending love from Dublin

Brutal but sadly true on many occasions.

here for you fren!

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Me too buddy. I lost my mom a couple years ago when I was 16. It was pretty hard but going through it made me realize just how much the people around me cared about me. My teachers, friends, and family were all willing to help in whatever way possible.

When it happened, it sucked, but it does get better. You'll be okay buddy. Your mom would want you to move on and be strong enough to live your life.
Also here's a cute picture to hopefully cheer you up a bit.

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I'm sorry for your loss user, but life goes on and everything will be fine for ya user :)

This is why you shouldn’t believe in immunity animals

forgot to reply to one of those “reply or your mother dies in her sleep” threads

stay positive dood

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Sorry for your loss, hope you can get through this. Also check

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Sorry to hear op, I hope the arrangements go smoothly, and you have a speedy emotional recovery.


Hope she gets well soon op

Holy shit the real rip

Next time reply to the post. Stupid nigger.

Lol rip lol

F. Sorry for your loss OP

She prob suckling Big Black Cock in heaven you faggor

Cuck thread general

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im with you dont give up and please dont die sorry for your mom i bet she was a wonderful person just like u

So edgy and cool and doesn't afraid of anything

it's your fault for not replying to that post


Get laid incels

You should have replied to that thread, user

*Bites the dust retard

Condolences user. I would be devastated, hope you're doing well


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No, hits the dust. You fucking brainlet

just don't forget about her

Thanks everyone for these words, I wanna a sandwich

Wow edgy boy pls stop being so kewl

join her

It's not being edgy, you fucking brainlet. It's reality. Nobody gives a shit about you but yourself, not even your parents. just as much as you don't really give a shit about them.

People only care about you if they want something from you or to virtue signal

Like all you faggots posting Rip. None of you give a shit about her and are prob now jacking off to cuckolding interracial BBC porn

And yet here you are, still in the thread you apparently don't care about, with nothing to do but seek attention

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rip mama
sry dude

Get laid incel