finally a good superhero/villain movie. no retarded action just pure acting.
Any non-cam releases yet? Can't find the time to cinema
pretty average movie, that the dumb masses have decided is "deep" and are going nuts for
A good movie with a good actor. Not a movie to watch more than once, but it was a good adventure.
As soon as something matches your ideology you think it’s brilliant, it’s the power of bias, it lowers your iq 20 points
How about another joke, Murray?
Says the sheep that clearly didn't understand the film.
Says the sheep that clearly didn't understand the film.
That scene was fucking brilliantly executed start to finish.
Man, it was awesome.
You’d have to be retarded to think otherwise.
Still haven't watched. Don't want to walk in theater alone to a psycho movie.
It wasn't THAT deep. It was however a great take on Joker's origin. The movie was a descent into madness - and he had a massive head start.
Kinda disappointed they didn't end with them introducing his new therapist, Harley Quinn. Didn't need anything fancy, just introduce the fact she is going to be his next therapist.
Psychosis, what people decide is good or bad, normal and crazy.... it's all subjective. Just like humor. So go have a laugh, then run over an orphan and have another!
An amazing performance by JP.
For all the bullshit about some political undertones in the movie (alt-right, incel), he really only goes after those who personally wronged him. In this sense it's a Rorschach test for the audience when the project their own fears upon the story.
It's completely inconsistent with Heath Ledger's Joker who was some kind of master mind who out maneuvered Batman, the gov't, and the mafia. JP's Joker is such a pathetic individual that he couldn't do more than pull a trigger. Same character, different story universes.
>Kinda disappointed they didn't end with them introducing his new therapist, Harley Quinn
honestly, I'm happy about that. I feel like they didn't go enough into comic territory to make that work as anything other than "reference, please clap". In fact, the parts where they alluded to other parts of Batman lore were what hurt the movie the most for me, because it tries to be such a "real" character analysis, but at the same time reminds me that this happens in a universe where a guy will run around punching people dressed as a bat. Might have also been made a bigger problem due to localization I think.
Visuals and Phoenix' acting were pretty great though.
In general I'm more of the opinion, that the Joker doesn't really need a backstory, he's not really as dependent on it as other Batman villains. Now if they were to do a Scarecrow or Mr Freeze movie, I'd be all about that.
Maybe Two-Face or Manbat as well.
I think it was less he was pathetic and more this is how he got his start. He only just came to terms with his nature. Given time I think he could very well evolve into a similar Joker as Heath Ledger or Jack Nicholson's jokers. He wasn't really all that stupid, he was crazy and trying desperately to meet other people's expectations making him into a emotional and mental train wreck.
At the end of the movie, he's far more confident and going through a sort of awkward teenage phase of his psychosis accepting it but not really used to it yet. The final scene, he seems to have fully embraced it and has no reservations about it anymore.
It was really good but the black girl subplot being his own mental delusion didnt go anywhere in the end.
Also there wasnt good scenes portraying how the rich despise the normal folks of Gotham so Joker killing 3 drunk wealthy bois and the town starting a full blown revolution because of it felt kind of a stretch.
It is one of the best comic movies and definitely beats any Marvel Masturbengers or whatever retarded reused teenager plot they pull out of their ass.
Hopefully well see a more grim take on other DC comics backstories.
Normally I fully agree with the "we're plugging references for fan service" being bad, but Harley and Joker go together so well its hard to seperate them for me. When he is 100% fully "The Joker" it's like she is the final piece of his twisted world.
Batman and comic book fanfare references in general though does kind of kill the "hes a real person" aspect, i always found most of DCU to be a bit absurd (not that marvel is any better). Harley specifically however, I always felt was pretty much a natural extension and wouldn't mind if they made a squeal focused on Harley (as long as they do it in the same style rather than go goofy over the top comic book to show her rise and fall into Joker's insanity)
filled with contrivances, which ultimately destroys it's aim of showing a realistic devolution of an ill man into a killer.
It's a biography written by someone who can only write stories, everything that happens, every illness Joker displays is just to move the plot forward (the worst offender of this is his hallucination of the black woman), instead of giving a realistic picture. Which financially is clearly to its advantage, but in the end is to the detriment of the movie.
Tldr: They tried to make a realistic depiction of a supervillain, but forgot to leave out the super
Great cinematography, great acting overall. I think the dialogue and some of the themes in it were far too overt to be anything other than the writers trying to force their ideology down your throat. All in all worth seeing to come to your own conclusions.
It wasn't massively deep and it was not surprising. But the film never tried to be so, anyway.It is pure character development - the rest is just noise, just like the character considered it.
I have long history with mental illnesses so this movie hit me hard.
you know, I think in a sequel I would actually like to see Harley, maybe even Hugo Strange. That could work very well.
But I also feel the ending of this movie destroyed a lot of potential for a good sequel, with Joker essentially being victorious as an anti-hero. That was a weird turn anyway...
>every illness Joker displays is just to move the plot forward (the worst offender of this is his hallucination of the black woman
It's a shame they didn't do more with that. Ended up being nothing more than "he's fully delusional" like...yeah, we figured that out already. It was big enough in the movie to mean something, but not big enough to actually be compelling to the overall piece. Could have axed that entire sub plot and lost nothing which couldn't have been stream-lined in other more direct ways.
>Also there wasnt good scenes portraying how the rich despise the normal folks of Gotham so Joker killing 3 drunk wealthy bois and the town starting a full blown revolution because of it felt kind of a stretch.
just going with
>there's garbage everywhere
>Wayne called everyone clowns
as the sole motivation for citywide riots and people celebrating a murderer felt really lacking. There was a lot more build up needed.
It is a masterpiece, dont let the left destroy its potential.
yeah, it was clearly intended as the point in the movie for the audience to gasp and for the last idiot to figure out that this character has psychological problems. It was just so heavy and obvious (and there were a few similary un-subtle points), which really hurt the movie for me.
Such a shame, because everything else was done really well
In a way I think him being a successful anti-hero could work really well to have an underlying anti-vigilante thing where as the squeal progresses, he goes from anti-hero to meaningless (to the rest of the world) mayhem and violence where his status as some symbol of resistance goes to his head and he becomes judge jury and executioner of anyone who slights him, his trigger becoming increasingly sensitive as the film goes.
The trick of course is to keep him from becoming a full mindless murder machine since The Joker has never been completely thoughtless to his acts. It just seems that way to the outside due to the seeming irrational randomness of his whims.
is the left against it? It could easily be interpreted in a favourable way towards them.
It kinda threw me off I'll admit, but not because I didn't know he was bat shit, but because I thought maybe he found some one who accepted him despite his eccentric nature (she hadn't seen him be full on crazy at any point until the reveal after all, although the rather calm reaction to being followed made me confused).
Mostly I just figured she was "yet another stresser" when things didn't work out (or she got hurt and died due to the hospital refusing treatment on grounds of lacking insurance or some bs thing further pushing the "rich vs poor" narrative) to send him farther over the edge. Her being a full blown delusion like that I didn't really see until her reaction of him randomly being in her apartment.
To that end, it was fairly well done. I just wish they did more with it.
>It kinda threw me off I'll admit, but not because I didn't know he was bat shit, but because I thought maybe he found some one who accepted him despite his eccentric nature
oh, I can definitely see that, it could have been easily real, which made it feel so shyamalan-y to. A twist for the sake of having a twist, with no regard to if there could have been a better way to handle it and no follow-up
This is exactly why they call it “toxic”
Agreed, it was a massive let down when after the scene in her living room (presumably he kills her?) no hint or mention of her. The conclusion of that subplot felt rushed to tie up loose ends so they could move on to the final parts rather than find a way to make it meaningful to the whole vs just another random victim ultimately.
It's like they where going some place with it, then wrote themselves into a corner so just tied it off hastily rather than give it a proper end point.
aLl I hAvE ArE NeGaTivE tHOuGhTs!
He was a mental patient who was ridiculized and constantly abused.
His father almost killed him if it wasnt for the police and he found out he wasnt even related to his mother and that secret was hidden for decades.
Why would you think someone like him can't say that?
I agree about the undertones. Hundreds of thousands of people probably walked into the theater like "I can't wait to make this movie about my political obsession right now."
I was just making a dumb reference to the film by responding to the guy that only posted "thoughts?"
I didn't dislike the line :( Sorry if it came off that way.
all of my friends and coworkers love anything capeshit, so I was reluctant to go along with a group of coworkers on the film's opening night. Glad I went. It was good for what it was. Happy there weren't a bunch of random fight scenes and other horseshit to fill time. They need to do a sequel, an origin story for Batman along the lines of this universe that is believable.
This movie caters to anyone who wasn't popular growing up
pretty funny really
Says the sheep who believes the film is more layered than it really is
Pretty well done, it adds a lot of depth to the joker's character. I really liked the ending, it was pretty cool.
It does however have layers. It's like an onion, it has ogres.
I fucking loved this seen so much
>Not a movie to watch more than once
This is probably the best way to put it. I can't think of any foreseeable situation where I'm gonna think, "Hey, Joker (2019) would be really fun to watch right now"
>I don't want people to think I'm the psycho
They will just think you are a political fag at this point.
Well yeah drama movies seldom are rewatchable material.
I just did a quick “scan” of this thread and has no one seriously compared this film to taxi driver yet? It’s the same damn film, but instead of a taxi driver he’s a clown
Not because it's a drama, more so because of its heavy tones and it's obviously meant to make you feel a certain way
not exactly a good background movie
Well its not something you have to say its common sense.
Almost every reviewer that gave this movie a thumbs up says that if you liked it you should watch Taxi Driver as well.
On the other hand i don't care if the general subplot is the same as other movies, in anime people swallow the same damn plot with the same damn cliches/tropes, with the same damn characters with the same damn endings every month.
So a movie sharing the subplot with another movie doesnt seem too insulting.
God i hate anime fans so much.
>he said, as the Mountain Dew dribbled down his chin
Shit movie for shit capefags hoping to get to see Joker kill and destroy shit like an autistic Michael Bay film.
Didn't even have Harley Quinn for some T&A so we'd have SOMETHING worth a fuck to stay awake for. Fucking almost fell asleep 15 minutes in.
I did not care for it. It insists upon itself.
My thoughts are: It's fucking impossible to find a good torrent of this movie so I haven't seen it yet, but I'd like to.
oh fuck off
Yes, wisecrack has.
Check out their review on youtube it's pretty good.
>but it was a depiction of someone's descent into madness!
Sure it was a cool plot, though not executed as well. The subplots were oddly fragmented, every shitty event that happened to Arthur just seemed too random and perfect to keep the story going
Soo...he was behind that..!?
Post yfw a bunch of idiots dress up as Joker for Halloween thinking they're all individuals and stuff
Personally I preferred Logan for a descent into darkness
>The subplots were oddly fragmented, every shitty event that happened to Arthur just seemed too random and perfect to keep the story going
my thoughts exactly. It felt oddly staged and scripted, which really doesn't work for this kind of movie
jfc youre so fucking pathetic. what was so brilliant about it? nothing. you were just impressed that someone got "unexpectedly" got killed. you're a fucking child.
I see that the Phoenix Oscar campaign is stronger than ever.
Shitty script, shitty characters, repetitive scenes, the pacing is fucking atrocious.
But I guess the campaign itself it's working, getting all of you incels to talk about the equivalent of a "we live in a society" in feature length.
it was good but I hated how they used flashbacks to make it so obvious that he was dreaming the event happened with that girl. then again, I can't blame them for doing that because 99% of people are dumb as shit so the movie wanted to ensure the dumb majority understands what's going on.
would I watch it again? maybe. well would I watch dark knight series again? nah man I just watch heath ledger's joker on youtube from time to time and it's enough
man fuck you i looked it up
I didn't realize they were doing the unreliable narrator thing until they revealed it. are you accusing me of being stupid? because I am not.
>I hated how they used flashbacks to make it so obvious that he was dreaming the event happened with that girl
oh right, I completely forgot about that. Yeah, those were utterly pointless and ruined the flow of that part of the movie
Does a decent pirated version exist?
Not because im broke ( but i am) but because i have noone to go to the cinema with
I go to the movies alone all the time. I am going to a movie alone tonight (the lighthouse). why can't you go to a movie alone dumbfuck?
I think that user's trying to say you should realize it during the conversation between Joker and the black woman inside her apartement. But then, after the fact that it wasn't real was pretty clearly demonstrated, they for some reason felt the need to show every scene you just watched with Joker and the woman again, but this time contrast it with just Joker alone in the scene. If you needed those flashbacks to understand the narrator was unreliable I woud call you stupid too. Realizing it during the conversation seems normal
>But then, after the fact that it wasn't real was pretty clearly demonstrated, they for some reason felt the need to show every scene you just watched with Joker and the woman again
they just did that to heighten the impact of the revelation that his whole relationship with her was fictional. it didn't bother me.
you may be smart but wouldn't it be better this way? you didn't understand that in the first time you were watching, so you were curious and some time later you watch it again and now you understand. so now the movie gave you something new. it's really good when you notice new things in a movie when you watch it multiple times so that'd be good and we wouldn't have that silly flashback crap
Because im not a sad fuck, if none of my friends wanna go i for sure aint fuckin goin either
Hot garbage/10
Can i watch it anywhere in dvd quality?
yeah I was trying to say it was enough to deliver the unreliable narrator thing with the "your name is arthur, right?" line. my point was though "since 99% of the world is dumb right now, they didn't wanna risk it" rather than "you are absolutely in that 99% if you didn't understand it without the flashbacks"
don't wanna make my fellow anons upset
Movie was a piece of garbage.phoenix was in his element.river would be proud.Quack!!!!
you're now saying I am "sad" because I don't need to make sitting in a dark room in which you are expected to not talk a social event? you pay to watch a movie then you want to instead part attention to the people you arrived with and bother the other movie goers? you are faggot and I hope you get rekt. I will go to my movie tonight and enjoy it ALONE and not be distracted by faggots such as you. and if I ever were to encounter you in a theater talking and disturbing the audience I would wait outside for you and kick your ass.
It's a tumor
I have to say. Watching it in the shittiest quality possible actually adds to it.
What is it?
lol fag
Probably one of the better movies of the year, definitely speaks on societal issues in a very dramatic way, 8/10.
You need true garbage quality, infested with super rats to truly enjoy it though.
The post-credit cut scene with young bruce wayne mourning his parents was kino
>dude, bro, dude that joker movie amazing bro
>nah bro, you gotta like, pay twice to fully get it
Fuck off shills
Go back to Sup Forums with your shitty meme
Fuck off nigger, I saw it at home on one of those sandnigger or Russian sites
You still invested 6 hours of your life into pure shit
>6 hours
How long do you think the movie was? Also, only a no-life loser talks about life or hours being wasted as if your entire life isn't a waste
Saw it last night with GF, was pretty good, would see again, 9/10
We already your mother doesn't love you and you hate yourself user, no need to broadcast it