Tranny hate thread? Tranny hate thread

Tranny hate thread? Tranny hate thread.

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What did they ever do to you? They won't suck your dick? Be cool man

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They have contorl over 40% of the threads in Sup Forums
It's hard to find a post without a trap, transexual or tranny picture.

They're political radicals and SJWs. They hide behind their mental illness and use it as an excuse to be completely unbearable as people. Have you ever actually met one? Have a 30 minute conversation without trying to drive a fork through your eye. Fuck those people man.

trap thread? trap thread.

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Plus, feedback loop.

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>It's hard to find a post without a trap, transexual or tranny picture.

Point proven.

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So? That's their thing.

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I'm glad we could come together and both post fap material

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We have Sup Forumsand yet we find liberal hate threads here
we have like five different porn boards for all different kinds of porn and we still get loads of porn here.
Sup Forums is a place for everything even if there are other places for it and that's not going to change any time soon.
Just hide the threads/posts and move on if you really hate it so much instead of making a thread for bigotry.

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This is too obviously fake.

logically explaining a persecution complex to someone who has one is not going to do anything.

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When did Sup Forums get filled with faggots? Honestly, is there an ongoing reddit raid I'm unaware of?

>reddit boogeymen

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And no one truly gives a shit.

when you got here, faggot.

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Cry about it on redddit before you kill yourself

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you have terminal autism

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that homeless guy was Slavoj Zizek for sure

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Looks like we triggered a lib, boys

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You will never be a woman user. Just accept it. Join the 41%.

>actual seething

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I get posting porn but trans porn is gay porn and literally EVERY website with pornography i browse has a separate section, tag search and search option for any kinda of gay porn.
The only place i ever see trans porn along the other porn is nhentai and in that place you can give a look at the tags and if there is a "yaoi","futanari" or "only males" you can skip it without losing much of your braincells.
In here i just look at guys with tits all the time and hiding them doesnt work since they create threads all the time and there is a tranny picture to start the thread on the first place.

>broadcasting political agendas on Sup Forums

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Do trans people think Mrs. Doubtfire is transphobic?

sounds like your problem is that Sup Forums is gay and you're still in denial. The proposed solution is to fuck off.

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Why do you care what other people think?

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And, you will never be Hitler, user. Just accept it. Join the 6 million.

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Literally unable to escape my thread

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... Because what the fuck else is there to do?

>"my" thread
doesn't have your name on it

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>posters 10

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you must be a sad, lonely man.

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Well i didn't know that Sup Forums was gay no one told me that, it wasnt on the sign in contract anyways!

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>posters still 10

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Lmao wanting nutjobs who mutilate their own bodies to fuck off makes me Hitler? Now I know you're from reddit. Too bad you can't gather your tranny friends and downvote me.

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>posters still 10
Huge amount of samefagging. Libs are scared of this

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For wondering what the general opinion of a movie was and wanting to discuss it?

Suck my nuts retard. Neck yourself.

discordniggers killed Sup Forums

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when did tumblr transfer to this board

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Wrong board if you’re trying to avoid faggots, it’s always been this way over a decade

i want to see pictures, gifs, webms, anything that involves trannies getting destroyed.

i want to see pictures, gifs, webms, anything that involves trannies getting destroyed.

moar , what the fuck is this?

A Democrats 8th birthday

i'm not really sure what i'm looking at