Do I pass Sup Forums?

Do I pass Sup Forums?

3 years on HRT

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No. Because you're shaped like a fucking rectangle.

Join the 40%

I mean, if I saw you in public I'd probably accept that you were an ugly chick and pay zero attention to figuring out that you might be a dude.

I don't get it?

I hope you never pass up the chance to kill yourself you worthless tranny faggot.

You look cute to me, I would date you

Would you still fuck me though?

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no i dont fuck men

Of course anyone would, you're smoking hot

40% of transgenders commit suicide. Gain weight/fat

My dad glazed my face with cum

Huh I wonder what that statistic would look like if the Sup Forums took the same surveys

Just another photo of my ass. I've just been sort of depressed lately and feel like I'm just too ugly.

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You should pass...away

Write the date on your palm

No way, I think you're doing fine and those tits are awesome, more and more people are down with trans relationships, plus you totally pass, some cis chick look less feminine than that

Significantly lower than 40%

Post more

You are very pretty


Another of picture of me during transistion

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Can I just fuck you right now

I'm not gay and I dont like traps, but you have amazing tits. So you definitely have that going for you :D

Oh wow
Skype please

Snap or discord?

Who ate all my cum? A mystery

damn, you are hot. I wish i had a bae like you.

Damn girl you have a nice cock.

Fuck you have an attractive face

At a quick glance, and after you choosing this photo from hundreds that looked awful, maybe a little. But in real life, any heterosexual male will weed you out as a tranny in seconds. You cant fake being a real women. Dont feel bad though, plenty of guys still in the closet that think traps aren't gay and would totally fuck you.

Another transition

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Nice tits. More please

Most trannys are always questionable at best. Very few "pass" in the sense no one would ever expect a cock between their legs.

You are questionable, which is the best you can hope for with that jawline and figure.

Post more you're hot

Cute, also nice curly hair

Got a full on boob shot? Front and side? They are coming along well.

Please die. Thanks!

You pass as a guy.

Do you have a big cock or are you short?
Have any siblings? Relationship with family?
What made you want to do this?

Your tattoo literally says I am a women in Chinese. Trying a bit hard there faggot

Yeah I got it when I was bit younger. A bit cringy I know

Cum detective, hot on the trail

Surprisingly successful, somehow. Also thick penis.

Pro tip: don't chop off the dick and replace it with a gaping horrific wound that some mentally ill people think is a vagina.

I don't plan to. Don't really even have the money to consider something like that.

gain some fat

I think you're attractive.

When you finally kill yourself can do you do it on capital hill, my dick would get hard as I cackle seeing your lifeless body hanging from a statue with a sign around your neck "I did it for Sup Forums"

Good, you have a pleasant face and actual boobs so no more surgery. God speed, acceptable user.



they're going 16-0 aren't they
this is LITERALLY the GREATEST defense in history

they're going 16-0 aren't they
this is LITERALLY the GREATEST defense in history

they're going 16-0 aren't they
this is LITERALLY the GREATEST defense in history

their poor little buttfumbling buttholes are gonna get a gigantic BBC (big brady cock) rammed up their buttfumbling buttholes so goddamn hard they will fucking be destroyed

>their poor little buttfumbling buttholes are gonna get a gigantic BBC (big brady cock) rammed up their buttfumbling buttholes so goddamn hard they will fucking be destroyed

their poor little buttfumbling buttholes are gonna get a gigantic BBC (big brady cock) rammed up their buttfumbling buttholes so goddamn hard they will fucking be destroyed









Why do you care? Are you happy now that you are living as a woman? Are you any happier than you were? Have you had your downstairs done? Are you going to? Can you make a goddamn living and support yourself? Looks like you have enough to eat and clothes to wear, and you obviously have access to what looks like a first-word living space or office. Most people on the planet live like animals.

Not even close. I swear it's like "cargo cult" gender with you people. We're all just supposed to pretend that you're whatever gender you're pretending to be, even though you don't look remotely like it. And then when you factor in the mutilated genitals that are like some kind of mockery of real ones (PROTIP: If you have to spend the rest of you life cramming a dialator in your snatch so the thing your body correctly interprets as a wound doesn't close up, IT'S NOT A REAL VAGINA)...just Jesus dude. Jesus. Just kids playing make believe.

LOL "cargo cult gender". Yup. Like a bunch of natives on an island building a plane out of sticks and putting coconut halves on their heads like headphones and waggling sticks around to pretend to guide in the planes, this is the same thing. "I'm going to go through the skimmest of physical changes, talk in a high voice, etc., and we'll all pretend I'm a real woman." No we fucking well won't. You have mental problems.

We should treat trannies with respect. Just the same way that when someone identifies as Napoleon, we let them become Napoleon, if someone identifies as a different gender we should...oh, wait. We don't do that. Yeah, fuck you. Off to the loony bin witcha.

This is why we don't pay you to think.

So you got a dick but you want to pretend to be a chick? Hmmmm, yes, interdasting. This is very normal.

>I'd fuck me
>I'd fuck me so hard

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No plenty of women have penises. Oh no they don't. That's literally the definition of a woman: it doesn't have a dick.

No. You look like a dude with tits. Why would you do this? You're relatively tall, decent features (for a guy), broad shoulders, strong chin. You're a good looking dude.....why the fuck you wanna jack up your body with hormones that are against its very nature, grow tits, and still need to do something with that pretty large penis of yours? I mean, if you're gay, go fuck some dudes. You'd have lots of takers. If you want to fuck women, let some Chad help you out. You could have whatever you want as the GUY that you clearly are. Tacking on tits and dressing like a girl is just mental illness, and now you'll have nothing but suicide in your future. It makes me genuinely sad

Trans are sick little monkeys.

I'd put my wiener in there.

Exactly. Children who expect life to be easy and comfortable.
Meanwhile, OP ignores these questions that get to the real issue for all of us: Are you happy? What do you base your happiness on? Are you grateful for all the things you have?

Scroll down and take a look at this guy's dick. I'd trade dicks with him.

Fuck yes it’s rediculous that trans chicks are like unicorns and nowhere to be found

yes and i'd love to fuck you

Soo...he was behind that..!?

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All right then. Post more pictures like this first one. I need to decide.

To continue, this pic really gets me:

Look at those strong masculine hands. Thick knuckles and everything, no matter how many hormones you take. For fuck's sake, get some therapy. I seem to recall a study indicating that the same treatments for those people who want to gouge their eyes out (because "I identify as blind") or cut their legs off (because "I identify as disabled") are also effective for those suffering your condition. Please seek help, rather than affirmation for you mental illness. I mean all this sincerely.

That jaw. Lmao.

Same here, that's why I mentioned that 'pretty large penis'. Couldn't bear to say that it's superior to my own and he wants to turn it inside out?!? There's no shame in having mental illness just as there is no shame in being born with some physical disease. I just hope this guy gets help and fulfills a bright future.

Love it. Keep them cumming


yeah you're pretty cute

I would move from south africa to be with you. Well, for your looks, at least. Not because you have a dick and look like a girl, ooooh noooo.

Wish you were uncut, but beggars can't be choosers

"Medications that have been used successfully to treat body dysmorphic disorder are the SSRI class of antidepressant medications, including citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), fluvoxamine CR (Luvox CR), paroxetine (Paxil), paroxetine CR (Paxil CR), and sertraline"

Please, seek help, OP. Any of these drugs, plus proper therapy, would be cheaper and more rewarding than your HRT. PLEASE, be a success story, and embrace the man that you are. I wish I could hug you.

absolutely. you have kik?

>transitioning with a dick like that

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>fulfills a bright future
Pretty big assumption there, user. Not everyone has one of those.

Understood, and I know odds are stacked against this guy even worse than the rest of us. I'm just trying to be positive and hoping for the best for this young man, before it's too late..

Nice manclaw, MISTER.

nice dubs

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If you're happy with yourself and your body then that's all that matters. If you want more validation i find you very sexy and wouldnt hesitate to fuck you. More ass and asshole pics possible?

>feel like I'm just too ugly
You're a decent looking guy. You're an ugly butch "girl."

Need some hips implant

The both of you might as well have AIDS. I slightly apologize for my pessimism.

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why is it the ugly ones that feel like they need their own thread?

Nah, I'm an old fucker and have dodged AIDS and other STDs for all of my years. I'd truly love the opportunity to mentor this confused young man, and set him on the path of righteousness. (Which is embracing who you are and crushing tons of puss, imo)

Woah...please more of that fat long dick please