let's do an ask a femanon, love and relationship edition
Let's do an ask a femanon, love and relationship edition
If your advice were worth a shit, you wouldn't be here. You'd be too busy being married and cooking or raising children.
Fuck off. Useless cumdumpster.
b-but I've only ever been with one (my current) man and we're still together so
Then get out of here and make him a fucking sandwich or something.
This worked out just fine.
If you could go on a date to one place, where would you go
Hey look -- It's Edgy McEdgerson.
what traits are you attracted by?
do you dislike certain races? asking cause i'm a minority
what makes a conversation boring for you?
Anyone smell roast beef?
Hows ur day been
Why the first response isn't tits or gtfo is beyond me, but tits or gtfo.
it would be an oceanarium cause I like looking at cute fish
attracted by patience, sense of responsibility, eloquence, gentle dominance, a certain dose of mystery;
I do have a preference for white race, likely cause I'm white but I do see a black/Asian man here and there and think 'oh he's attractive', e.g. that guy who plays Marcel in The Originals.
conversation quickly becomes boring if I'm smarter than him, there's nothing new he can teach me
sorry, I have a boyfriend
Do you like girls? Any stories of experiences?
thanks for the response.
do you think a man should be smarter than you? what i really mean is, would you be bored by equality? i understand that dominance is more appealing for men than it is for women so i see the sense in it. but guys like smart girls too, traditionally it has been the man's job to be the 'bored' one in the conversation which seems a bit unfair.
can you tell me about your boyfriend? what do you like about him, and do you have any complaints about him? even just small things
then gtfo
hmmm, good question. I think we have to be equally smart in order to compliment each other, and a lively discussion on different matters is a type of convo that energizes me.
I like a lot of things about him, mainly how he's understanding, patient, empathetic, intelligent, a great listener, has more life experience than me (8yrs), gives great advice, dry humor, has nice hair, deep voice, is tall and so on.
what I dislike is that sometimes he's oblivious to behavior that hurts me, like when I put in a bunch of effort to spend time together when our schedules end up clashing for weeks, and he never does it himself, he just believes everything is okay as it is, a very laid back boy
How obese are you?
Do you tell people about the darky, chunky bits that come out when you get your period?
I'm not obese, but I am overweight, with BMI of 27
How come women usually don’t have hobbies and enjoy gossiping so much?
How come women lie for attention wayyyyyy more than men do?
Do you like women generally? Do you have more female or male friends?
honestly a lot of my straight guy friends gossip as well, so idk how gender specific gossip is. I do have hobbies, such as impulsively ordering expensive makeup from the internet late at night
I've never lied for attention myself, so I don't know. I rarely lie cause dealing with guilty consciousness is a bitch
women are alright. I have four close friends, and it's 2:2... I've known the two girls for longer so I'd say I'm closer to them
Different femanon here. Also welcome to being asked questions.
And to be polite a question for OP.
What's your opinion on Polyamory? If your boyfriend mentioned interest in it but genuinely wanted your full permission first would that affect how you think of him?
Where's the proof this is a femanon?
oh hey fellow femanon.
my bf did say that he was in love with two girls at once before he met me, but hopefully I'll be the only light of his life going forward. I don't think I could handle polyamory because I'm both not into women sexually and possessive af. Can't imagine him suggesting mfm either, nor would I be into that.
user this is a laid back thread made out of boredom. you'll just have to believe or not
can i act however impulsive immature and irresponsible i want if im tall and funny enough? im very tall and funny
This qualifies you to give relationship advice? How fuckin old are you?
depends on what you want. you can likely be attractive to a lot of women, but it's gonna end up being a demise to relationships
lol the only qualifications needed for ask femanon threads is that you're a femanon; where I'm breaching this rule is that I'm not willing to post proof, so stop yelling at me okay; also, 24
too lazy
What turns you on?
How important is having a good sense of humor?
Would a big age gap affect a relationship?
how do i get laid i usually go on trap threads i would like to date a trap but a woman is okay i weigh 312 i am also schizo what am i doing wrong? i started working out and nothing is working should i go to therapy again?
Is there ultimately a point to relationships? I don’t get the point anymore. What do you value in a relationship that you can’t just get from a friendship?
I'm not implying gender is relevant, I'm asking if you think having one relationship in 24 years qualifies you to give advice on the subject?