Celeb Thread

Celeb Thread

>>Romantic Lesbians Edition

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You just know.

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I don't even know who they are. so no, I don't "just know".

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but what has been achieved, what has really changed?

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They are British history / science TV presenters. And you just know.

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Are they in Lesbians with each other?

Not officially (if they were I wouldn't have said "you just know").

Mrs.Biggs would never!

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all sorts of things

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I'd bury my nose into scar's buttcrack, sniffing top quality colombian dust, sharing it with kei. Once we are done, me and K, would beg scar for her piss

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The Colombian dust is all yours...ScarJo's piss and asscrack, however, would love to share


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It's pure and innocent only ofc

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My kingdom for more Rowan Blanchard hairy pits pics please. I am addicted.

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Do that, user

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So, Millie is gay and the whole Drake thing was a front?

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Ugly pair

Millie was with Jacob Satorious

good lord she has nice feets

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>Kiki Feet

should I find the pen to write them all down?

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mmmm Both are very good~

Wew. Fuck.

Shitest celeb thread ever

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Maddie is nice but dat pale Kenzie...

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>Jacob Satorious
Fucking who?


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I really hope so

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Newsflash, lezbos are boring?

They even stop fucking each other after few months dating, boring man hating asexuals

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i lost

Perfectest ass

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i am not horny.
left and right, it's all the same
women are different
black women are better than white women

Need more pits

Shut up bd

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I swear

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ALL girls are a little bi. Some more then others. They all love dick. Even lesbians. Thus dildos.

shut up homo

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shaddap morsey

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fags are people with opinions


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Everyone is pan.

Dunno about all. Most, probably.

Pic not really related, and no one here is likely to know anything about Scottish folk music, but still.

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hello little girl. do you want candy?
ducking g_d damn it

the bananaphone it is brrrrang?

damn grimes i'm hungry

nice muskrat you have there Bilbo

it is roughly 6:17am monday morning in japan right now
my name is duke zuur seeyah later

cowboy style. every body loves cowboy style. don't you know that?

darn. she is actually hot. darn.

pink bicycles

Stan loona

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assholes are not vaginas


close enough

To the user who asked what Ryry dresses herself this year
She is dressing up as ryan Newman the nascar driver

shut the fuck up erik

Stan oomba

You monster

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I believe you.

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>implying implications

BD has lost it

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Yes mistress~

BBC is always longer than whites

Then define "boy pussy"?

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what this mean

Ok good :)

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Do you ever fantasize about being killed?

she looks very wew today

9/11 was a hoax. the terrorists were double agents that were paid by the goverment.

Everyone knows its you

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Post green haired sluts

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the most perfectest of perfectedness of all ass

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Hottest lesbian.

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My orgasm thanks you.

sluts mean girls that swallow in the end
very old word. very wise women