She's right, you know

She's right, you know

why not nuke them? Do we care at this point?

and nuke anything sacred to the Islamic religion while we're at it

Other urls found in this thread:

>why not nuke them? Do we care at this point?

Oh, we care alright. The thing is (((they))) don't care in the slightest.

they deny these attacks are related to islam

all the official narratives

isis doesnt represent islam

isis is rogue bad guys

we are not at war with islam, just some rogue bad guys
etc etc
thats why

define "them", OP.

It's not like Japan where you can target specific cities in order to force them to surrender.

how do you nuke ISIS?


>hurr durr nuke the region full of valuable natural resources that are the lifelines of civilized society

don't they have various HQ and religious related shit we can destroy

There's no way it can be that hard, theyre just stupid barbaric animals after all

Eradicating ISIS in the middle east isn't going to stop a muslim or two in France from blowing up a cafe or driving a truck into a crowd of people.

Enough with calling the terrorist attacks well planned and sophisticated. It doesn't take much training to shoot unarmed tourists on a beach. It doesn't take much planning to simultaneously shoot up cafes and a concert hall. Giving them this credit contributes to the myth that ISIS is some super intelligent organization sending out orders to cells around the world. They're a bunch of goat fuckers in the desert with some millennials that know how to make movies.

there is no way to "nuke ISIS" coming out of the west Minesotta has dozens of ISIS recruits a year.
The only way to defeat ISIS is by cutting the head off the snake, surveillance of mosques so radical Imams cant preach their hatred, banning muslims so that the muslims in the US are ostracized and forced to integrate due to the inherent desire to belong.

>hurr durr it's not like those resources are protected by a few miles of dirt or anything


Nuke Mecca.


They'll be destroyed as soon as the CIA stops bankrolling them

Alright, who's turn is it to summon the Dovahkiin?

Subtle but good

Problem is, to truly kill ISIS you have to kill ISIS ideology. Otherwise ISIS 2.0 will just show up after a few years.
What we need to do is tell the Gulf States to fuck off, kick out/destroy their Salafi/Wahhabi institutions and funded mosques around the world, and promote modernist ideologies.

The KSA, and the other Gulf States, are a cancer in the Middle East. It's their exportation of Salafism/Wahhabism around the world (and the Western powers' promotion of it as a counter-ideology to the 'godless socialists/communists') that
has lead to the rise of modern Islamic terrorism and Jihadism. You don't see Shia muslims blowing themselves up in Paris or London, or Sufi muslims for that matter. Eradicating Salafism/Wahhabism is the real key to "defeating ISIS".


You can kill every isis member but as long as there are muslims in france there will always be a danger.

You see the thing is we just need to get rid of the muslims in our own countries.

The goal is not to get IS to surrender retard. Its a final solution to an age old problem.

>why not nuke them?
They're in your cities, idiot.

Is there anything worse than (((conservatives))) who propose conventional military action overseas as a response to demographic problems within their own borders?

How can you call for mourning? Will everyone be dragged to the streets where they have to look very sad into the cameras so twitter has something to talk about?

Simple, outlaw Islam. Children found practicing get reeducated. Adults get reeducated and monitored strictly.
If they are caught practicing Islam again they are to be executed.

>killing brown people is bad
I don't think you understand. Killing taliban was only hard because our soldiers were fighting gorilla style combatants and had to follow rules of engagement. If we actually indiscriminately killed brown people the war would be over in days you stupid libtard.

Just nuke saudi arabia, all shit comes from there.
Oops US and SA are allies, you can't.

ISIS believe that the whole 'spiritual journey to Mecca' is idolatry/blasphemy. So if you destroyed Mecca, they'd actually be grateful to you.

It would be like nuking the Vatican to get at the Westboro Baptists.

>why not nuke them?
Where would you aim, moron?

Because that worked so great when the Romans tried it with Christians, right? Oh wait.

Joking aside, the problem isn't Islam itself (which, my goodness, has massive problems). But the modern issue of terrorism, jihadism etc is very clearly the result of the rise of Salafism/Wahhabism.
If Salafism/Wahhabism wasn't a thing in the Islamic world, we wouldn't have massive instability and global terrorism. Which also means less rapefugees in Europe.

Can't we just glass the entire middle east until nothing is left standing? I mean would we lose anything of value?

What is this suggesting?

Don't leave until the problem is completely gone?
The problem will never completely go away and it's futile to do anything about it?

We should round up all the muzzies nazi style and purge the lot of them of force them into slave labor. Slavery gets shit done.

You'd lose your family

I pray every day for this to happen.

>Wiping out all of the Middle East
>Wiping out a part of human history that we could preserve that has no relation to the current culture that inhabits the region

It's suggesting "Don't fight a low-intensity conflict using conventional methods"

If we wanted to win in Afghanistan, we would have taken help from the South Africans. They know how to fight against a guerrilla.

You glass the fucking desert with no survivors.

I thought they'd be destroyed by flags on Facebook profile pictures and hashtags on Twitter?

So does ISIS.

Nukes aren't meant for man.

Why would anyone spend millions of dollars funding IS to just spend millions more nuking them?

That makes zero sense...

stop ruining canada's reputation

obviously the nip knows what nukes are meant for

Eh. We have plenty of cultures. Almost too many of them to be honest.

We'll make do with what's left.

I know that, but it's like

why don't we wipe out the ENTIRE problem

The earth isn't that big. Let's just get rid of this problem from existence absolutely.

War on Terror for 15 years. Terror is worse than ever. You know what we need? A War on Terror!

The moment you squash one of these roaches, another will pop up. Come read this post again in 20 years. It will still be true for whatever mudslime terror group is leading the way the. The only thing that will change things is to turn Islamists into atheists. That will not happen for 50-100 years IF we are lucky.

The only thing we can do is shut them in their pig pen until they evolve.

The big bad Frankenstein turned on his creator.
Who knew? It only happened before again and again with Al-Qaeda and Saddam and the Taliban, so nobody really thought it was going to happen with ISIS too.
So yeah, no, it's totally not your fault. So nuke and their people too, by all means!

But hey, I got a splendid idea! Since Russia's on the rise again, why don't we create a new radical islamist armed group to combat their interests in the middle east? We're totally gonna show them this time!

Nah, fαm. In all seriousness, kill yourselves.

Why is it a KLM plane?

why don't they inter or concentrate all Muslims onto camps? then either deprogram them or gas them?

I dunno.

Like a reverse MK Ultra sort of deal?

you fucking dicksucker lol

killing all brown people would actually fix the problem

a more realistic solution is to ban the bullshit that is Islam. demolish the mosques and round up any who continue to practice.

sure it'll be forced underground but with time you will strangle the life out of it.

Hitler could've actually completed the extermination of the Jews in Germany and Europe bar 100'000 or so abroad if he had enough time.

you just need the willpower. the means already exist.

but we won't get the necessary willpower with this pathetic apologist atmosphere and also whilst rich Arabs fund mosques and such. fucking Saudis in their air conned palaces exporting this trash whilst claiming they are a part of the umma as the common man in the dust. fucking bollocks mate. bunch of rich cunts laughing at Muslims and the West simultaneously

>caring about the native population
"""moderate""" muslims do not exist
just turn the middle east into a glowing fucking crater

MK Ultra is sophisticated. Islam is just shitty caveman retard religion.

glass is worth more then sand

You simply glass the middle east, and for good measure you glass north africa too.

Job done.

The guy was clearly having epileptic seizures

>mfw Trump nukes the Middle East and makes this a reality.

what about planting small pox in all the major mosques and blowing up the temple of the mount and their dumb box? maybe their faith will be destroyed if Allah betrayed them so.

He was also weak af spiritually lol some random witch was able to rek him.










Frankenstein IS the creator, you disgusting uneducated subhuman. Pay your fucking debts

Because that trick worked soooo well last time someone tried it...

better start learning to shout!


>random witch
he got confessing to the J-man and there couldnt be any of the mentioned in the boook

>how do you nuke ISIS?
nuke all of saudi arabia and syria, and then whatever's left of isis after killing their leaders and funders will shit themselves to death.

and then turn the entire desert into a huge series of solar panels. it's not like that sand is doing anything anyway.

how many jewish revolts have you seen since?

what are they meant for?

You pleb. It's not about killing the enemy. It's about controlling them. Dead slaves are not profitable. Now fuck off with your stupid questions.

They aren't a problem in Iraq and Syria

The Muslims in your countries are the problem

Are you an idiot neocon?
All it takes to defeat ISISs threat is to not allow Muslims in our countries

collecting rare K

what do we even need Africa or the Middle East? I bet you could still gather their resources like oil if it was a nuclear wasteland

>lol if you nuke them you'll get billions of refugees XDDD

that's why you nuke them all at once so they can't flee

the world would be a better place

Greatest country

Don't have to nuke the region. Just send in the boys who are itching to kill radicals. There is a whole lot of them.

Can't go on a revolt if you're already on top.

I don't know man. The middle east is the cradle of civilization, we can't just do that.


the only kind of war that matters

>unrelenting force

pls no

I don't mean it in the 'if we attack them we'll be just like them' sense. I mean it in the 'destroying Mecca is one of their official goals' sense .

>why not nuke them?
Because secretly supporting those ISIS terrorists instead of killing them generates countless jobs in the CIA and NSA. Terrorists are the playthings of secret agencies. And when they lose control over them, like they did with Al Qaida, they just found new organizations somewhere else.

>hurr durr I don't know about us oil reserves and how long they would sustain my country

Except your own commanders would revolt, the world would turn against you, and you'd be voted out of office.

Israel can get away with it because they are torturing Palestinians, but even that is heavily criticised.

I think you're stuck in the Medieval Ages, my friend.

Not worth the white lives. I would urge them to not go and pilot drones instead unless they can kill at least 1000 personally to make it worth it.

No they won't. Thankfully your commander in chief isn't that stupid. It's an ideology. You can't destroy that with weapons.

Who gives a shit? Outlaw it anyway.

Not all drunk drivers kill people but it is illegal to drive under the influence because the vast majority are a danger to others. Not all muslims are bad, but there are enough of them to create a stereotype and that proves their is something fundamentally wrong. Face it, islamic ideals are not compatible with the west. If they want sharia law and live in an islamic paradise surrounded by like-minded individuals, then why don't they just fuck off home? We don't want them.

>inbred 85 IQ violent mudskins
>becoming atheists

Time to wake up, unless you find a way to massively genetically enhance them it will never happen.

How to deal with ISIS in 3 steps:

>Officially recognize them as a country.
>Let them officially establish borders, taxes, and citizenry.
>Officially declare war on their asses.

If a nuke this big happened we would be erased from the map dinosaur style.
In fact it is even bigger than Chicxulub so the earth would probably go back in "lava everywhere" state.

If you really want to clean the middle east you just take possession of the big water spots and kill everybody approaching them, water is the most critical ressource in this place.

we should just move everyone who self identifies as religious to the same region and then just nuke that area, problems solved

Stop sending them weapons you retarded burger

>Use unrelenting force on Saddam
>Destroy Iraq
>Make it a safe heaven for terrorists

>Use unrelenting force on Gaddafi
>Destroy Libya
>Make it a safe heaven for terrorists AND make it the start of the immigrants coming into Europe

>Use unrelenting force on Assad
>Damage Syria significantly
>Fund ((((moderate)))) rebels
>Create new conflicts and give birth to ISIS
>Cause even more immigrants to come into Europe

I find it baffling how stupid people like Laura are.

>War on Terror
We allied with the one who attacked the western civilization agaisnt people who didn't.
Wtf did Lybians, Syrians and Iraqi had to do with 9/11?

You do know that france is #4 arms dealer in world right?

Humanity grew up, we don't need our baby toys.

Nuclear fallout is a hell of a drug, Cypriot.

Just keep nuking until there's no life left dumbfuck

bomb the desalination plants and then the pipelines from the ports to the cities, then bomb the sewage treatment plants. and just for good measure, bomb the roads that go between them then bomb the roads and rails into the country

theyd be totally fucked

ISIS could be easily destroyed if only USA would stop financing them and sending them supplies and weapons..