Why did he send a moth to talk to the Eagle?

Why did he send a moth to talk to the Eagle?
Do moths even make sounds at all?
How do you say "don't fucking eat me, the wizard sent me" in moth language?

>go get the Eagles
>Eagles asleep
>well you're just going to have to wake them the fuck up then, won't you?

What do giant eagles eat anyway?
Orcs don't taste very nice do they precious?

the moth turned into the eagle dum ass

Yeah, Gandalf ain't that smart is he? I think we have established this already.

Assuming the eagle doesn't eat or just outright ignore the tiny moth, there is the added problem that the moth speaks mothlish, and the eagle speaks eaglestani, how will they even communicate?

how fast can a moth fly?
Did they say how long it took the moth to find the Eagle in the book?

lol he sent the moth to radgast
radgast was bro-tier with all the fuzzy varmits
and iirc the king eagle owed radgast a favour for saving his chick (kid not missus)
if gandalf had asked king eagle would laughed and gone back to preening

Eagles don't eat moths dumbass

how do you know? they might eat a shitload of moths out in the wild for snacks etc.

how far did radagast live from isengard?

thats actually close .. It was Gwaihir, also known as Gwaihir the Windlord
but it was Gandalf the Grey saved him from a poisoned arrow.

Very Close

probably chill in fangorn with some ents, drinkin Ent-draughts, chewing shrooms

remember he had that wicked fast bunny sleigh too

Because eagles mainly eat fish or scavenge mammal kills. This is known.

what if there's no fish, they all swam off to a different pond, and there's not food to scavenge, but there is a moth who is trying to get the eagles attention? let's face it, that moth would get eaten

Radagast was sitting on the side of the Greenway with his horse near Bree when Gandalf found him on his way to the village. Radagast warned Gandalf that the Nazgûl were abroad, disguised as riders in black, and that they were seeking news of the Shire. He also gave him Saruman's invitation and agreed to help Gandalf by getting beasts and birds to send news to Orthanc. With that he rode away back towards Mirkwood.
By sending Gandalf to Orthanc, Radagast unwittingly had him captured. Saruman's message proved to be a trap for Gandalf who was imprisoned in Orthanc, but still he did not believe that Radagast was also a part of Saruman's plans. Indeed, it was thanks to Radagast that Gandalf was able to escape from the pinnacle of Orthanc upon the wings of Gwaihir.

it was a special ninja moth, trained by a frickin wizard!!

>Do moths even make sounds at all?
Don't think they do. Eagles can talk perfect english though, just like dragons.

They should make a Radagast movie

Fisher King vs. Lord of the Eagles

Who will rule the skies of the Wilderland?

CAST me a short tv series by HBO for these roles in the Darkening of Mirkwood The Series:

>King Dain
>King Bard
>King Thranduil
>Woodmen Main Lead
>Female Wood Elf love interest
>Beorning BIG GUY
>Dwarf of Erebor comic relief
>Secretly evil corrupt Merchant of Lake-Town Sauron's Spy guy
>Saruman's spy sleek guy checking the region for the ring
>Nazgul in Mirkwood

Oh and NO cgi orcs. everything is make up.

Why didn't the Valar just send an army to fuck Sauron's shit up?