A new High School in Southern California needs a name, let's pick one for our spic students, Sup Forums...

A new High School in Southern California needs a name, let's pick one for our spic students, Sup Forums, city is 70% foreigners mostly Mexicans, get in here, poll link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeW771cIEXiowkbScj1Rt8Wu1WIfNoHzZrqfeqU7Rppd4g2Pw/viewform

Attached: Screenshot_2019-10-27-14-14-23.png (720x989, 714K)

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Piss Palace

what's the name Sup Forumsro

i wrote Hitler High

Coomer High


Did Beaner High

Build that wall high

Bean Town

schoolie mc schoolface

You can submit whatever name you think of or post name here and we'll add it on our ends I guess, not sure how we could vote on a single made up name

Also, the city of Oxnard is located in Ventura County, CA and has a large number of strawberry fields, also company HAAS was founded there it's relocating to Nevada atm.


Cesar Chávez High School


dude I dont know, just want to support tbh

Coxnard High


Thanks, I wanted to troll so I entered Spic High School

Hitler did nothing wrong High School

City of the 30 year old grandmas High School

Taco makers union

We have a winner

Hitler did nothing wrong High School

OP here, you can only submit the form once per ip so I just reported the poll as spam

Submitted Fuhrer's Glory High School

Attached: 2b16d1a5e9d50fd9f3cf8acfa8d513ada3dcbe3c4e54edc8c4b80622ea821171.jpg (329x344, 25K)

Kek good one

Epstein memorial high

MK Ultra High School

Sandusky High

The Adolf Hitler School of Friendship and Tolerance

Raep High School

The Nardatorium.

Liberal Twatwaffle School of Communism